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Knights of the Fallen

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Rep: +0/-0Level 87
The Plot :
You are a young man named Damian, You are a noble and great warrior in the realm of Adrental. One day while out chopping wood, you were jumped by a gang of Theif's. The last thing you remember is seeing a club comming at your head......

Two years pass by and you finally wake up from your coma. You look around and realize your in the Grand Chapel in the town of Varrock. As you talk to the Deacon, he tells you how the Great Demon Grakan is trying to take over the realm from King Zarlaanx. You are the only one that can defeat the great demon and the realms only hope to surviv----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

right now the game has a demo verison 1.0 out - but I will soon be updating with verison 1.1.
this will be  an ongoing game. 

all info here risinglight.freeforums.org

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
Verison 1.1 will be comming out later tonight 5/26 -

all welcome to come play and be sure to join the forums to discuss

Level 88
A pirate's life for me
Holy blazes, a great warrior slapped by a thief with a club laying 2 years in a coma... Must've been a hard club, lol.

But interesting idea. I'd like to see more.

The new generation will go to the distance... Will the distance between us smallen?

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
verison 1.2 is out now :) more gameplay - quests / items !

Communication begins with understanding
Level 89
Project of the Month winner for October 2007
Any screens?

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
Version 2.0 is out -- theres over 30+ hours of gameplay now -

everything you need is on the site


check it out, you won't be disappointed

Level 88
i still dont get it?

a great great warrior so great he is the only one who can defeat the demon what? and while chopping out wood he got attack by low life thieves who seems to be using a club instead of daggers (sarcastic critism hmmmm a thief using a club holy smoke those thieves sure are poor to be using club instead of daggers and other sort of sharpweapons hmmm maybe its a magical club blessed with magical powers to be able to knockout a great warrior to coma for 2 whole F@&*()%& years who can save the world and note is the only one who is strong enough and skillful enough to defeat the demon guy)

dont mind me so any screen shots and special features?

Resource Maker
Level 91
The place names ae pretty cool... the plot could do with some work... I kind have to agree being knocked out and in a coma for two years is kind of excesive... I mean who looked after him for two whole years ?...

They would have had to see to him wetting him self, shitting himself, feeding him, bathing him etc... He would have lost loads of body weight and would be in no fit state for battle for some time...

I think a better polt (If you want him out of the picture for two years):-

Damian a young warrior fairly good with a sword was training against a pratice dummy (Scrare crow in the tile set)... There was a flash of light and before him stood a shadowy figure the figure muttered your fate will not hinder my masters and zapped Damian with a strange spell that incased him in an energy dome.  Many mages and wizards got called out to see Damian but could not break the spell... It took two years before the spell failed... Normally in these conditions a spell does not fail unless the creature or caster has been killed, but a high level creature or caster would not fall too easy... Damian once recovered asked his farther about his roots in a hope to work out why the caster mentioned his fate... It turns out Damians Farthers Farther was a great warrior and helped defeat a might opresser of a previous era... Damian gets handed his Grandfarthers Sword and sets out to repeat history cutting down all evil that comes before him...  Damian also finds out he had an older brother who went out to stop evil but never returned, Damian hopes it was his brother who broke the spell and killed the shadowy creature that cast the spell on him.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2007, 04:28:45 PM by landofshadows »

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Level 88
Damian hmmm so how's the progress of this game?

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
thanx for the tips land .. i revised the plot a little, can check it out on the site

and as far as the game goes, its doing awesome.. just need a bigger player base .. at 31 now

v2.3 will be comming out soon, you can set sail and explore the vast seas for new land .. ive added mining and smelting skills, for later use to create weapons and armor.. will be working on more skills down the road.  theres about 50+ hours of gameplay now as the game is very in depth .. come check it out already if you haven't :)

join the forums and leave me some feedback etc please .. as this is my 1st project i would love to get feedback about how the game looks / suggestions / bugs etc :)

thanx as always

Level 88
wow 50 hours  :tpg:

OMG ::)

i cant even make a decent story to start of my game lol

Level 87
My suggestion is that he wasn't chopping wood but the thieves were attempting to steal from him. Have him being stabbed by one of their daggers, a poisoned or atleast magical dagger[maybe it is a dagger created from the great demon]. This would better explain his unconscious state and appeal more to the audiance.

Also I don't suggest going straight into the demon plot right away, after getting owned by a gang of thieves going after a great demon who is bent on world destruction isn't entirely too realistic. You are better off having the hero go in search of the thieves, and while he is doing that the plot of the great demon is slowly developed. It's my belief that characters when players can identify with characters, or they are more appealing, more realistic that players enjoy the game more. Also if you have 50 hours of gameplay you might not want to jump straight into the demon destroying the world.

Level 88
still being defeated by a bunch of thieve's sounds kinda............... errrr nvm sleeeping time  ;8

Level 87
Hey Steiner lost to a bunch of thieves ...three times. XD

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
I have decided that this game will not be ongoing as there wasn't much intrest in it.. I have a new project lined up after I finish this one that will be 10x better.

right now Knights of the Fallen v2.8 is out .. 2.9 will be the last update with the game being 100% complete, and maybe v3.0 out to fix any major bugs

stay tuned for the furture project !


Xtreme Fantasy Gaming