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Near death experiences

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( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
2014 Avast Ye Merry Pirate!2013 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award2012 Avast Ye Merry Pirate AwardFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Most Unsung Member2011 Avast Ye Merry Pirate2010 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award
So have any of you had, been involved in, or caused a near death experience?

I created a near-death experience once back at school. It was P.E., and we were using Javelins.

Nothing bad happened in the actual lesson, just at the end when we were all clearing up. I was carrying my javelin back to the school building from the playing field. As I started to go up the (fairly steep) embankment from the playing field up to where the school building was, my javelin touched the ground and got stuck in it. If my friendbehind me had been walking maybe an inch or two to the left, it would have gone through his neck.

I also nearly killed myself in primary school. You know how you have theme projects and stuff, well we were doing World War II. Some kid had actually brought a grenade in that their grandfather had owned. I of course didn't know this. I was saw infront of the shelf it was on, and thought it would be funny for the people around me if it was to "accidentally" fall on my head. I'd seen it before you see, and had decided it HAD to be made out of plastic, going from how it looked.

The teacher finished speaking to us early though so I never got to. The next day whilst bored, I went over and picked it up, and to my surpirse found out it was solid lead. =o
« Last Edit: May 25, 2007, 10:00:31 AM by Roph »
bringing sexy back

I love Firerain
Level 97

We were gone to a mountain place called Kufri, we though along with the beautiful sceneries, we'd get to see snow.
Well we didn;t. But the last day, as we were ready to drive back home, it started snowing. BADLY. Extremely heavy. People advised us not to drive down, or our car may slide (and when a car slides on a mountain side road it's not a good thing you know) but little snow cleared of. So we drove, but the car was all...uncomfortable. As in- we were scared.
We all got down and told the driver that we'd meet him at the bottom of the hill(about a 1km walk down, but we still can slide @_@) As we left the car and the driver started, the car slid dowwnn at the corner. Luckily it stopped, due to very less weight.
If i was in then :O for the forums.
Arlen is hot.

Resident Cloud
Level 91
few months ago:

found an old plasma ball in cubboard thought "oo cool" couldnt find the right electic adapter so did a few quick calculations and thought one i had would work.

plugged it in and super scary massive plasma before BOOM circuitary beneath the ball set on fire and the seal on the ball broke. Fire + toxic gass :(. i left a window open all night with it resing on windowsill and fire doused with a glass of water i didnt finished earlier :p

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
Fell off a slide in grade school.

Got away with a broken arm.

That's the best I can do.


Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
My car accident was pretty bad. I wrote about it in "All About Holkeye." Here's a copy:

In January 2003, around 2 am, when I was driving home from an ex-girlfriend's house, I swerved towards the shoulder of the road and hit an icy patch. I tried to turn my wheels into the slide, but when I did, the road got dry again, and I was jerked to the left. At this point, I was going roughly 60 mph, and heading for the median. The median on this stretch of road, fortunately, wasn't a wall but a shallow trench of grass separating the two sides of highway traffic. I slammed down into the trench, and snow flew up and covered my windshield. My car didn't stop though, and I blindly slid across two lanes of oncoming traffic backwards. When I stopped, I immediately got out of my car and looked to see the damage. I was surprised to find that my back tires were dangling on the edge of a small precipice, and if I would've gone any farther, my car would've been in that ditch. While I was standing there, a car pulled up and the woman who got out asked if I was alright. I told her I was fine, and she asked if I needed anything. I said no, I just needed to get home. (I was pretty out of it at this point.) My girlfriend's house was over an hour away from my parents house, so I called my friend Voll and told him what happened. He said he would come pick me up, and I have never forgotten that. The woman that had stopped said that she thought I was the cops, coming back to pull her over for speeding. This didn't make any sense to me, and I asked her what she meant. She told me that when I had come across the oncoming lanes, she was going over 100 mph, and she had missed hitting my car by inches. I didn't know any of this because my windshield was covered in snow from the median. Eventually, the police came, and a tow truck took my car to a garage. The police were very nice, and were able to bear with me in my dreamy state. Voll came to pick me up, and sometime the next week I got my car back. It was never the same after this though, and I eventually got rid of it.

I thought about it sometime later, and there was more than one time during the whole thing that I could've just as easily been killed, and yet I came out with not a mark on my body. That night was the last time I ever thought twice about a seat belt, and I've worn one ever since. You just never know when it might come in handy.

I also had an "out-of-body experience one night. I'll write it in a different topic.

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
Fell off a slide in grade school.

Got away with a broken arm.

That's the best I can do.

I fell off a slide and landed on my back, got away with nothing but the wind knocked out of me.

Level 87
when i was like 8, i jumped out of my dads car after a guy stoped right in front of us....it was on a busy highway in california

i put my blanket over a light one day and fell asleep, soon later it caught on fire...or thats what my parents told me...
Laugh untill we cry,
Dance untill we die.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel

i put my blanket over a light one day and fell asleep, soon later it caught on fire...or thats what my parents told me...

Lol, I have done that before. It didn't blaze up or anything, but it burn a pretty gnarly hole in the blanket.

FURRY 4 LIFE. Here kitty kitty kitty....
Level 87
heh i'm a pyro guy (not maniac) i love fire and for that reason i know exactly how NOT to start one you see people like you are the ones who end up with burned down houses

also the whole anti forest fire thing thats going on these days is total bs if people knew how to control fires and what could light what up this wouldn't happen no matter how dry it was

as for near death well i have had 3 i suppose

#1 when i was a kid i fell off a slide and landed on a sharp and pointy rock if i had landed a few inches to the right it could have possibly caused me brain damage or death

#2 also when i was a kid. my dad had this thing he liked doing where he would dangle me over high places. i hated it but he thought it was funny and one day his hand slipped and he almost dropped me. he never dangled me over any high places again

#3 this one idk exactly how life threatening it was but here you go. i was really REALLY sick one day and i couldn't move from the couch but eventually nature called and i had no choice but to get up so i got up walked into the bathroom to do my buisness and in the middle of it i fell down and had a seisure my mom ran into the bathroom when she heard the loud crack as my head hit the bathtub and i woke up with her asking me if i knew who she was i of course had no amnesia but i promptly vomited in her face as a response she then drove me to the hospital where they kept me for 3 days examining me and doing their tests apperantly it was a really bad case of the flu and i had some kind of blood pressure seisure the doctors assured me it wouldn't happen again unless i got really sick again and my blood pressure did whatever the hell it did
"screaming out the mating call. i've become the lord of love"

caramelldansen forever!

Level 87
somone dangled me from a tall place, and DID drop me
Laugh untill we cry,
Dance untill we die.

FURRY 4 LIFE. Here kitty kitty kitty....
Level 87
no i mean he dangled me over the side of a small mountain that ended in a sheer cliff the kind of drop that reminds me of a really stupid joke which i shall tell you now

Sabre: whats better that 10 dead babys in a tree?

Madarin: idk what

Sabre: 1 dead baby in 10 trees!

*2 drum beats and a cymbol*

and by that i mean it would have left me in 10 trees at the least
"screaming out the mating call. i've become the lord of love"

caramelldansen forever!

Level 87
I once drank some milk that was 2 days past the expiration date. I lived though. I'm doing quite good now after 6 months of rehabilitation.

Communication begins with understanding
Level 89
Project of the Month winner for October 2007
6 years ago.

I were on my way to school, when the bus I was one chrashed. I sat near the front door, and the front door was totally crushed.

I didn't get hurt, but my guitarr was totally broken( Big hole in the side)

But the bus company bought me a new one, better one. A Fender classic guitar.

Level 91
Personal Text
I jumped off a 43 foot high bridge... yeah.

Level 89
I jumped off a 43 foot high bridge... yeah.

i done something like that before, but it was into water, it was deep in 1 spot, about an inch to the left the waster didnt even go pasrt my ankle, i dived in. Fun was had by all.

I have caused a near death experience (sort of) when i was pissed off once, some racial issue at school had pissed me off majorly, so i went home, grabbed the largest knife i had in my draw (and my god is it fuckin big) and walked back to school with it, there were like 3 people left there (out of the like 100+ people who were there) now i can be a scary guy without a weapon, but when im walkin towards you with a knife about as long as my lower arm, wide AND sharp waving it in your face... You would cry, they did just that. Satisfied i walked home.

Level 91
God of Dicks
I went outside today.

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
myself: fell to the ground and a car going bout 40 was about {         } that close to my head

caused: knocked into a mate into another who fell in the road as a car going fast was a few feet away, the other dude pulled him back on the pavement.

Level 88
Hm... Near death experience...

When I was about 10 or so, me and my cousin had a 25-30 foot cliff behind his house. We climbed it and stuff and when we reached the top we decided to jump off of it. I jumped first, I landed on my back and was in serious pain. If I would have angled myself a little differently, I could of landed on my head.

Of course, my intelligent cousin jumped right after me and nearly broke his leg. :P My cousins are idiots.

Level 88
When I was 12, i was in the shower when it started pouring, thundering etc. My mom yelled at me to get out of the shower, but I had shampoo in my hair, so i took the time to wash it out, I got it, and IMMEDIATLEY ( im not even kidding) after I stepped out of the tub, a lightning bolt shot through my roof, struck the water pipe, broke a hole thru the ceiling and floor, and scared the crap out of everyone in the house. I sat down and stared at the pipe as I watched it go towards the shower.

Level 90
Well I have had a couple could have died cases.

Me my brother and two cousins liked to jump on the bed. One day however when we where jumping (hehe power rangers) my brother tripped me and I sliced my head open on the corner of this thing behind the bed. Well I was bleeding all over the place and what they do is cover me up like nothing happened HAHAHA. Actually that's pretty sad, but if my grandfather didn't come in the room (his room) to get his cigar I probably would have bled to death.

Another time (brother caused this one to) he unbuckled my seat belt once in a van (YMCA) and I was in the back seat. Ironically at that moment, we came to a sudden stop and I came from the back seat all the way into the dashboard.

And I and gotten knocked out by a water balloon once when I was 10 (NO JOKE, I actually had the wind knocked out of me and fainted)

Level 87
Just Helping.. And Getting Drunk :P
I have a couple too:

1st: I was making a circle from fireworks what whe call translated in english a witchcircle, and suddenly my dad said: Watch out!
So i tryed to run away, but the fire arrow my dad was firing off floated over my had and burnt some hair. It explode like 2 metres farther.

2st: I was just biking to home, adn was on a way on which the cras must stop for me. I cycled behind some white bus, and when i got behind from it, a car hit me on full speed. I broke my leg and my teeth, but i got $170.

3rd: When i wanted to close the door of a car, the neighbour who was in it already did it, and my hand got stuck. He wasnt old and
a bit grumpy, so he drove away because he didnt hear me saying ****************. Then after knocking the window and a few metres driving, he opened the door. My hand was nearly broken, but if he hadnt heard me...

And My Game Too When It Ever Finishes :P
Martynator and 24 Sneaky Snoopers are viewing this board.
Why don't they join then? :lol:

Level 87
i forgot to add, i stuck a key in a outlit somwhere outside my old house.
Laugh untill we cry,
Dance untill we die.

Level 88
I'm back :P
interesting topic ive read every single one!

well ive probably had a million near death experiences, not serious ones, not all death, but you know, when you catch yourself from tripping right infront of stairs, and someone pulls you back before you walk straight into a car.

but i have gone to the hospital twice. so ill tell those
when i was about 2 years old i stuck my left ring finger in the wheel of an exercising bike, as it was moving and it cut off the top of my finger. that finger is now the same height as my pinky! :P ->i blame my dad for being on the bike, and my mom for spending the money i got from them suing the bike company. like wtf it was 10 thousand dollars.

and not much later i guess a year or so later from that i was jumping on the couch and my mom says "dont jump or you'll fall and hurt yourself" and i did, sliced my forehead on the corner of a pointy table.
i have like this weird memory where my head was bleeding and i looked in the mirror. aah