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Contemplation of Hypocracy

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pokeball GAXOfflineMale
Level 88
The Laughing Man
I have decided to write this to explain a very deep aspect of my life.  For hundreds of years, there has been hypocritical bloodshed, unneeded deaths in the name of something good, lies in the names of greater truths.  Every day, we here stories of people killing in the name of religion.  Whether it be the Crusades of earlier years, the Holocaust of the mid-1900s, or modern day suicide bombings, people are breaking their beliefs in the name of their belief.  A basic rule of all good world religions is that no one should ever kill another person.  A life has no price, it isn't something that should be taken from someone.

People repeatedly go against their beliefs thinking what they are doing is justified.  Killing in the name of faith, lying to themselves and everyone.

I am writing this because it explains an extremely important aspect of my life.  I hold those who stand for their beliefs, those who are truly in tune with who they really are, in the highest regard.  My friends Maureen and her family, Jackie and her family, my own family, and others.

Everyday, I hear and read about people dying, people killing, all because of differences.  In truth, most religions in the world are based upon basic concepts.  The major basic is to be good, and that if you truly are good, you'll be safe.

In the Crusades, many lost their lives in the name of God.  But, this is a contradiction.  Could they truly be doing what they did in the name of God if they were breaking God's word, if they were killing what God created?

In the Holocaust, millions were killed.  Those killed ranged from a large amount of the Jewish ethnicity, to Jehova's Witnesses, and even to Atheists.  This killing was in the name of cleansing, but how can a world that has killed be cleansed?

Today, many people kill others and themselves in the name of their god, namely Arabs doing this in the name of Allah, the diety of the Islamic faith.

Why do they do this?  Why do they commit these hypocritical acts?

If only people would focus on the common points of religions, maybe this world would become a better place, there would be no need for religious conflict.  People need to stop looking at what's different, and look at what's the same.

I hope that sometime in the future, people will think of this, they will look at the same, and not the different, that they will join together, regardless of belief, and be able to regard each other as if they were part of the same family.  I myself have many friends from many different religions.  I have been given the choice in my life to choose my own religion, that I can choose my own path.  Even though I'm still looking for religion, for a faith to follow, I still hold to myself that I have done many things in my life that many would look down upon.  I'm not the best person, but people cannot be perfect, everything mortal has its flaws.  I take pride in knowing this though, even though I'm not the best person I could have been, I know I've lived a good life, and I'll be safe, I'll be okay.  I've chosen to be a good person, even though I have done a few bad things, I've fallen in love, I've chosen to guard those I care about, and I've decided to tolerate the various differences my friends have, to no judge them by a tedious difference, to not put them down because they have a different way of life than me, I've chosen to be the person who accepts others for who they are, for how they were made, to respect those who stand up for what they believe in.

To end this writing, I would like to thank all of my friends who have stood by me.  Even through all the bad stuff I've done, you've never given up on me.  I would like to thank my parents, for without them, I wouldn't be here to say this.  I would like to thank my friend Jackie, who has helped me through good times and bad times.  And, I would like to thank my friend Maureen and her family for everything they've done for me in my life, I am glad I met all of you.  Finally, I would like to thank you for reading this, for taking time out of your day to read what I had to say.

To end, on a few notes, some ideas to think on.

"Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it." -Georges Santayana 1946
"...But, those who dwell too long in the past are blind to the future." -Myself

"To kill in the name of anything is wrong, for it is no more than blaming another for your own act of murder." -Myself

(The original of this can be found on my blog at blog.myspace.com/thefallenguardianangel, if you wish to spread this to others.)
Stand alone from mainstream society, be the different voice in a world where all speak the same.  Beat not to the rythm of the same drum, make your own rythm and follow it.  Individuality is the method by which we people live, the factor which keeps us from a hive mind, a singularity.  Instrumentality is not key, the key is accepting the difference of people and allowing their differences to flourish, not to suppress these differences and make everyone equal, for in pure equality, we lose what makes us who we are, our humanity.

Level 91
God of Dicks
I wonder who's life you place first. Yours, or that of others. And I wonder what you would do with the whole human race in your hands. Who do you sacrafice that others may live?

Death is just as important as life.

If murder is always dispicable, I wonder how you can justify being satisfied with your own life. Animals, human and otherwise, die that you may live in luxury and you don't even give it a second thought. To be human is to be covered in blood. Who are you to judge what others may have believed necessary for the human race, when you yourself cause so much unnecessary harm?

Hypocrisy indeed.

I love Firerain
Level 97
See, i haven't read most of the paragraph and will write as i read :O
Okay, for the first paragraph. Try to put yourself in the murderes position, someone murders because he killed their daughter say.
Now you have any friggin idea how angry you'd be if Gilgamesh, yes Gilgamesh, killed your daughter? It's not all that easy.
Also, if someone is like fucking relegious ,i mean, VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY relegious, and you say that his relegion sucks or something, then they're bound to get angry.

When you take something important from someone, they get angry and lead to disasters. Un-needed to you, but very much needed for them.

Now killing in the name of faith, (not the above thing, that's sort of different) like sacrificing a goat lol, that's not exactly right. But it's their beleif since thousand years...so to break it will be tough.


Every relegion need not have similarities.
that's why they're different :O

Also, we have to get through the fact that relegions can't be together. No one's going to try fixing things, no one's going to listen. It's been tried many times before.

like yesterday~

Arlen is hot.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
This whole thread is just a piece of propaganda and a blatant advertisement for your blog. To steal a line from Randall,
"Peddle your wares somewhere else, burn-boy."

Level 91
God of Dicks
I observed that as well, but instead of just calling him a faggot and telling him to shut up I decided to up the ante.

Level 88
I have decided to write this to explain a very deep aspect of my life.  For hundreds of years, there has been hypocritical bloodshed, unneeded deaths in the name of something good, lies in the names of greater truths.  Every day, we here stories of people killing in the name of religion.  Whether it be the Crusades of earlier years
Also, the Crusades were justified (religiously) as holy wars as in they were fighting to promote the cause of God and that death of the infidel will be necessary in doing so. Also, you're coming off as quite arrogant and dictatorial of belief.

the Holocaust of the mid-1900s
That wasn't hypocritical, it was perfectly in line with Nazi ideology.

A life has no price, it isn't something that should be taken from someone.
Lives are pretty expendable, there'll always be a few people to replace those that died in the last suicide bombing in Mosul! But seriously, come fucking on, every life is priceless? Bullshit, I still don't understand the logic behind that.

People repeatedly go against their beliefs thinking what they are doing is justified.  Killing in the name of faith, lying to themselves and everyone.
See? Arrogant and stupid.

Everyday, I hear and read about people dying, people killing, all because of differences.  In truth, most religions in the world are based upon basic concepts.  The major basic is to be good, and that if you truly are good, you'll be safe.
Don't be so sure; and also you're definitely oversimplifying.

In the Crusades, many lost their lives in the name of God.  But, this is a contradiction.  Could they truly be doing what they did in the name of God if they were breaking God's word, if they were killing what God created?
It could be interpreted easily that God condoned the killing of the enemies of his people- note the ferocity of the Jewish attacks against their enemies in the Old Testament. They killed more than just soldiers, too- as I recall in some cases they didn't even leave the animals!

In the Holocaust, millions were killed.  Those killed ranged from a large amount of the Jewish ethnicity, to Jehova's Witnesses, and even to Atheists.  This killing was in the name of cleansing, but how can a world that has killed be cleansed?
Atheists weren't targeted by the Holocaust, although you're probably thinking of Communists. Also, to that last sentence- WTF! And learn some about Aryan ideology before saying stupid shit like that. Y'know, superior race and all.

Why do they do this?  Why do they commit these hypocritical acts?
Because they're people. And don't be so quick to call hypocrisy, either, as it would fit in many of their religious beliefs quite well!

If only people would focus on the common points of religions, maybe this world would become a better place, there would be no need for religious conflict.  People need to stop looking at what's different, and look at what's the same.

I hope that sometime in the future, people will think of this, they will look at the same, and not the different, that they will join together, regardless of belief, and be able to regard each other as if they were part of the same family.
I hope my mommy gets over her heroin addiction and that daddy will stop bringing these strange women home :(

{snip last two paragraphs}
To end, on a few notes, some ideas to think on.

"Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it." -Georges Santayana 1946
"...But, those who dwell too long in the past are blind to the future." -Myself

"To kill in the name of anything is wrong, for it is no more than blaming another for your own act of murder." -Myself

(The original of this can be found on my blog at blog.myspace.com/thefallenguardianangel, if you wish to spread this to others.)
Your writing sucks ass, are you 11?
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

pokeball GAXOfflineMale
Level 88
The Laughing Man
This is not a method of advertising my blog.  Honestly, I don't give a flying crap if you do or do not visit it.

I wrote this as a spur of the moment thing, so it's not 100% refined at the moment and I'll probably tweek a few things.

I'm open to criticism, I prepared myself for the worst.  And, I'm not 11, I'm 17.
Stand alone from mainstream society, be the different voice in a world where all speak the same.  Beat not to the rythm of the same drum, make your own rythm and follow it.  Individuality is the method by which we people live, the factor which keeps us from a hive mind, a singularity.  Instrumentality is not key, the key is accepting the difference of people and allowing their differences to flourish, not to suppress these differences and make everyone equal, for in pure equality, we lose what makes us who we are, our humanity.

Level 88
I take it you're just a bit slower in English then?
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.