Bio loves me. XD Oh yeah, I forgot about some more people (Sorry for making another post)
biohazard - I thought he was cool, then he "spearheaded" the whole "GTFO n00bs!" thing and then I was, like,
and then he's cool now. His post made me happy about him.
Djang - You not fat! Djang's cool (sometimes a bit... uhhh....) but I don't know what she thinks of me as (acquaintance, friend, nobody, etc.).
Silverline - Great admin. A damn good one, at that. Nice themes, nice work, and involved in the community. YAY!
arl - Almost forgot about this handsome man. XD I liked him for a long time (er, not in a gay way) because he made me laff. Then the whole arltree experience was pretty cool.
Arrow - Makes me laff (I think...)
Zeriab - My good ole' buddy, Ma****. Note that the censor is on something else other than "Martian."
Anyways, he cool. He good at RMXP (not sure about the 200X) in pretty much everything
and he's just nice. Has his funny moments, too.
I almost went on my opinions on them and such. Not more of a hurting or healing.
EDIT: ACK! Forgot about Tsuno! Uhh.... Put same as Zeriab except minus the martian stuff.
EDIT EDIT: HALO! He awesome.