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[GM]Mouse Menu System

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Level 90
Hey, I didn't know the best place to post this, so I thought I'd do it here.

I have made a basic menu system using the mouse. I haven't completely finished it, but it is complete enough that it works. I thought that I'd share it for use to someone.

Edit: Since having the main script, which was easy enough to edit, I have decided to upload the whole .gmk for all of you, thanks to Arrow-1. It is available to download in the link posted in big bold words below.


By the way, if you click on the Load Game button it will switch to the other room I provided. To get back from that room just Right Click. The game doesn't close by pressing escape or by clicking the X (Well, I can't anyway.) because of how I set it in the settings, so you'll have to click on the Quit button or just do Ctrl+Alt+Del, or whatever other method you want.

The snd_testding sound is mainly for my own personal testing (hence the name testding).

I hope this is helpful to someone.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 01:48:16 AM by modern algebra »

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
This is far from workable. You refer to at least two instances and one variable that are not created or initialized. It has no sprites to function with, and a number of other things are missing pieces. You need to included an editable file with this, you can't just post one part of the puzzle.

Level 90
I only refer to two globals that can be created anywhere, and said the rest would have to be changed. Ah well, I thought I said some things would have to be changed, but I guess I could upload a copy of my game with some things stripped. I was just being lazy. I'll update my main post.

I was thinking about uploading it originally, but I didn't want to take the time to remove all of my stuff that was already in there for my main game. Well, since just posting one script isn't enough, you changed my mind to upload it after removing lots of stuff.

I would also like to reiterate that the script is not 100% done for my own uses, but it does work fine. You may have to tweak the values of the "boxes" a bit, since they seem to be a little smaller than anticipated, but still work. I guess I was lazy when it came to that too.

Woo, look at me, I'm such a lazy person.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2007, 06:52:54 PM by purifier »

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
...Why do you keep calling yourself lazy? I only posted that because the original content of your post did not work as a single unit.