Threads of Fate
5 pages of posts and yet nobody has listed Threads of Fate? You gotta be joking! Every gamer I talk to has never heard of this game DESPITE the fact that it was done by Squaresoft! I mean WTF! Common! As many people that follow around Square, you mean to tell me that almost the entire fan base missed the release of one of their games? The character's, music, and story are awesome! How often do you get to play as a selfish, tomboy princess wanting to take over the world or a quiet, pure hearted boy who can transform into the monsters that he's defeated? If I'm not mistaken, the game is out of print(not made anymore) but it's on PS1 if you want to try finding it at a Game Crazy, GameStop, or where ever. If you find a copy of it, BUY IT! It seems to be a rare find.
Final Fantasy 8
God, I hated the junction system! You could never use any good magic unless you wanted your stats to go down because you always had your good magic junctioned to your stats! Although I recall junctioning Death to my weapons whenever possible, which owned.
; Why do I feel it's under-rated? Because everyone hates on it because of the junction system. The story was great and seeing Rinoa and Squall together was kind of cute. The dancing scene is a perfect example of that.