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Memories (Demo included 0.92b)

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Level 87
Musician & Artist
What i'm doing now : I have a job now so it will slow down awhile now...also i've just joined a band so that is also talking up alot of my time. I'm still at it when i gets time. I will finish this game

*The game isn't fully tested yet that is why it is at version 0.92b*
**I don't have anyone testing my game right now so there may be the scattered spelling error or crash, if you come across anything please post it here and i will fix it**
***Fixed several crashes***


Blizzard (Scripts)
The_Inq (World Map)
Modern Algebra (Good forum support)
Irock (Good forum support)
Nouman (Good forum support)

Memories Story:
I've got the plot set up for a war between a dominating empire and several cities. You will be playing a girl solider defending a city but ultimately it gets destroyed. The adventure is set up on an island called Creed and it will move around to other continents.

Along the way you will join a resistance and undercover why this empire became as aggressive as it did. Meeting up with new friends that will aid you on this adventure.

What makes this game different from the rest is that all the characters have different weapon animations totaling 60+ animations. Almost all the enemies will have there own attack animation. Also, all the magic animations will be different (100+). I’m adding summons that will be spectacular. Some of the characters will get skills unique to them that will also have its own animations.

This game is going to use the animation creating process of RPGmakerxp like it’s never been used before as I think of different ways to use it. If you try the demo you will see what I mean.


Skills : I just finished the first animation for the Lancer. (LV5 Kain's Foot)

Weapon animations: All done, unless I decide to create some super weapons.

Magic spells: I have about 10 done so far, but I create these super fast so I’m making them as I need them.

Summons: I’ve got a bunch of animations done for a few of these but it’s not put in the game yet.

Icons: I’ve got 300 Icons done for nearly everything I will need. I made these all myself in paint except the ones that come with Blizzards scripts for Magic animations.

Since I have most of the weapons and stuff done now which took forever, im going to be going forward pretty fast now, up on till I starts my JOB at the call center. It will then slow down a little but it will be finished.

Music: All the music will be original recorded here by me. Except the sound effects unless I need a sound effect, then I will have to create it. (This is going to make the game huge as it will be in 128kbs mp3. I don’t want any shitty 96kbs.) I’m expecting the game to come in at a whooping 300mb when I’m done.)

Download Below (v0.92)

Well here are some pictures to look at. The intro is completely done and you can play the demo up to where you need to go to the next island named Tidus.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2007, 04:40:07 AM by Treign »
Dorman. T Reign

Pure Awesome.
Level 87
Narrowing Fabrications of an Elusive Mind

Level 88
Haven't gotten to try the demo yet, but I will. And from what I have seen...

Pure Awesome.
Level 87
Narrowing Fabrications of an Elusive Mind
The beginning is way too hard >.> Like a bajillion guys to fight

Level 87
Musician & Artist
HAhA i no...i got that all adjusted now. I haven't got time to update the file yet. I'm going to finsh all the music i'm recording here first. Bajailion HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH. I went back to randwom encounters at around 50 steps. I do have a few guys left. But not even 1/20th. Ill let you know when i get it updated.

Dorman. T Reign

Level 87
Musician & Artist
updated 0.916b

*new song "eden - creed"
*no more bajillion monsters
*Spelling check
« Last Edit: May 20, 2007, 04:28:57 AM by Treign »
Dorman. T Reign

Level 88
KH = Ownage!
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! This game has the same title as one of my old games lol!

Kingdom Hearts (1) Current Position:
The End Of The World (like OmGz!)

Level 91
Queen Princess
2013 Most Missed Member2012 Most Missed Member;o hee hee <3For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki
The file's so big the download stops at 30&  :(
:taco: :taco: :taco:

Communication begins with understanding
Level 89
Project of the Month winner for October 2007
The mapping looks good, and the story sounds nice.

I will try this later.

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
I can test if you like. I forgot to mention in your previous topic that I really liked the battle graphics. The face animations are cool. One thing I will mention is that the enemies might be too big. When your person goes to attack she looks like she's only half the size of the enemies. Other than that, it's very good

Level 87
Musician & Artist
Modern Alberga....

I would love for you to test it. And i will take your advice and make the enemies smaller. I love advice, as long as its not to complicated. So please go ahead and give it a go.

Dorman. T Reign

Level 87
Musician & Artist
The file's so big the download stops at 30&  :(

I just tested the downlaod....it works fine!
Dorman. T Reign

Level 87
Musician & Artist
updated v0.92

Fixed some crashes - General Aries fight
                                - Chest's in motar airship

Depixilated Attack animations

Added Lancer's first skill - Kain's Foot

Fixed some spelling
« Last Edit: May 21, 2007, 02:26:49 AM by Treign »
Dorman. T Reign

Level 89
2012 Best RPG Maker User (Story)Project of the Month winner for July 2008Project of the Month winner for May 20072011 Best RPG Maker User (Story)2011 Project of the Year2011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
Looking good; the dramy battle scenes at the beginning are well done. Although it crashed for me after that (not the actual game file's fault; happened to me before and it has something to do with RAM). Definitely great potential.  :)

The only suggestion I have right now is to spike up the text part of the intro a bit; I know that it's tempting to make sure the player knows the background and what's going on, but there should be things you can do to ease the repetitiveness of text after text. Oh and there are a few spelling errors here and there but that's easy to fix.