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Rise of Shinzon : A Demon's Tale

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Level 90
A Demon's Tale

Many heroes die trying to slay a demon, until the one that finally succeeds.
This is their story through the eyes of the demon.

An evil demon from Hell seeks power to gain power. In Hell he is a mere demon. A minion of the emperor of Hell. As a demon he is already immortal, but to gain the power he wants, he must bargain with the emperor of Hell. The emperor of Hell is tired of ruling a dead realm with ghouls, zombies and demons. He wants to invade Earth and Hell has a portal directly to the planet, but Hell cannot invade with brainless zombies.

Seeking power and an escape from Hell, the demon makes a ploy to his master. If the demon is granted access to a human form, the demon will travel to Earth and steal the souls of mighty warriors for the army of dead that Hell is assembling. The souls will be stolen from the warriors and channeled into soulless empty bodies that await them in Hell. Once the demon has channeled enough souls where Hell has a compliant army, the invasion will begin!

The demon however serves many masters. Known only to the demon is a second master that he serves. The emperor of an alternate world. That second emperor also seeks to conquer Earth and integrate it into the worlds that he has already conquered. He has the mightiest army anyone will ever see, and has used it to conquer many other worlds. There is just one problem. While he has a grand army, there is no portal to Earth. The second emperor has promised that if the demon open a portal from Earth to the alternate world, the demon would become the ruler of Earth.

On Earth the demon is known as a human sorcerer. He makes powerful allies and powerful foes. Craving power, the demon allies with the Chinese emperor after gaining the favor of the emperor and after killing the general of the Chinese army. The people of Earth know that the demon in a human form is evil and incredibly powerful with magic a strength that is not humanly possible! The Chinese Emperor only knows that he will use the human sorcerer to obliterate his enemies! He is a more powerful ally and a foe that could easily decimate his army.

There are dream sequences where the demon is yanked back into Hell to speak with Hell's emperor. While in Hell, the ruler of the alternate world has a messenger there to aide the demon and give him more instructions. In his human form, the ghouls, and zombies treat him as a human. They seek to eat his flesh! Hell's emperor and other demons are the only ones that recognize him for the demon he truly is underneath of his human skin.

To make things more interesting, in Hell, the demons envy the demon for his human form and ability to walk on Earth's soil. Hell's emperor can easily replace the demon if he fails or dies as a human. While a demon is immortal, his human form can die and he will be sucked back to Hell! Meanwhile, if the demon betrays the second emperor, the servants / messengers will be waiting to snatch the demon and lock him in a box for all of eternity. Demons are immortal, but they will grow mad with nothing to do trapped in a box.

Keeping things interesting. There are demon slayers, angels, the gods of Earth want to know what the demon is up to and what Hell's emperor is plotting. There are several factions that want the human sorcerer dead for killing faction members.

The game spans generations, at the destruction of the Chinese Empire by rogue invaders. The empress smuggles away her only child to be raised by someone that knows the truth about the human sorcerer. That man trains the child into a great warrior that knows the demon in human form caused the fall of his father's empire.

The twist is that you play as the demon / human sorcerer. You are the evil, cold one. This is not a game where you save the world and do justice. This is where you bring about an invasion through your stealing souls and opening a portal to let in an awaiting army. It will also lead to your rise to the top of your own evil empire.

Characters :
story: Shinzon is a demon with two masters. In order to serve his first master, he has made a bargain with the other to escape the dead realm that he called home. In return for being granted access into the land of the living, he must channel the souls of living warriors to amass an unstoppable army that will invade Earth (land of the living). On Earth, Shinzon will use his great power to conquer that realm. All while avoiding the gods, his masters, and the enemies he will make along the way.

alliance: evil and will align himself with anyone that can make his power grow!
age: eternal
gender: genderless as a demon (male as a human)
race: demon that is given a human form
class: demon sorceror
preferred weapons: his demon claws
skills: control of fire / he is given the ability to channel souls
purpose: playable character / villain
character importance: A+

story: After being banished to Hell, he overthrew Lucifer to become the Emperor of Hell, or as it is also known, the land of the dead. With the simple want of his will, he is able to change anything organic. Malcius has grown mal content with rule over a dead and ugly realm, his only goal is to conquer Earth, the realm of the living. To conquer Earth he will need to amass an obedient fighting force, but in the land of the dead, corruption reigns supreme. No one can be trusted, unless Malcius controls their soul.

alliance: evil / himself
age: ageless
gender: male
race: a god
class: necromancer
preferred weapons: his staff
skills: necromancy / the ability to change the form of others
purpose: Shinzon's master that will keep Shinzon from deviation
character importance: A

story: Created by a gathering of random souls into a single body, Tekano is many in one. While Tekano only exists in the realm of the dead, he serves as a messenger between realms and worlds. With the power to absorb souls that enter the land of the dead, that is how Tekano receives messages from his master and passes the commands onto Shinzon.

alliance: his mysterious master
age: milenia
gender: male
race: unknown
class: nomad
preferred weapons: battle axes
skills: telepathy / soul absorption
purpose: messenger to Shinzon from his master
character importance: C

story: Satarou has enjoyed a good generation as the greatest warrior in the world. He has also commanded the Chinese army on behalf of the empire over that generation. With his time drawing near to step aside to a new warrior, he becomes narrow minded and hateful to his replacement. Perhaps it is because he knows the evil that his replacement will bring to the world of the living.

alliance: good / commander of the Chinese army
age: older
gender: male
race: Chinese human
class: warrior
preferred weapons: swords
skills: sword techniques
purpose: antagonist of Shinzon / commander of the Chinese empire
character importance: A

story: He always has charm on his side. Either a hopeless romantic or player, he will not only seek to defeat anyone in his way, but he will also seek the heart of Song. Max Vastly begins as a sidekick, but as time progresses he will become a leader when the woman he loves falls into danger.

alliance: good / Majesty’s Secret Service
age: prime of his life
gender: male
race: English Human
class: secret agent
preferred weapons: guns
skills: charm
purpose: comedy
character importance: A
story: A French freelancer finds her way to the Chinese empire undercover as a singer. However, her greater purpose becomes the motivation of Max Vastly, which will later create an intensity in him that will not be pleasant for Shinzon. As for her true purpose in the Chinese Empire, that has yet to be seen.

alliance: good
age: prime of her life
gender: female
race: French Human
class: singer
preferred weapons: songs
skills: charm
purpose: beauty / the purpose of Max Vastly / a greater unknown purpose to Shinzon
character importance: C+
story: Always a warrior, Chill has taken a vow to become the greatest in the world, all while competing against his nemesis Konda. While he is a solitary warrior, he will find that his path will follow others that are just as good of heart as he is. Chill’s journey becomes a twisted one and will find that his fighting skills will be the only thing that can save him and those around him from their horrible fate.

alliance: good / Cyromancers
age: prime of his life
gender: male
race: Chinese Human
class: Cyromancer
preferred weapons: Ice
skills: Ice magic
purpose: bringer of good / keeps the plot moving
character importance: A

story: A stealthily ninja that is always looking to use his tricks to get the upper hand, Konda makes a ploy for Shinzon’s magic of fire. He constantly seeks knowledge that will benefit his clan of ninjas, but when threats turn into the intensity of fighting, his clan pays the price. They are punished by Ra for breaking the rules, but when they have broken one rule, why not break all of them?

alliance: evil
age: prime of his life
gender: male
race: Japanese Human
class: Ninja
preferred weapons: katana and blades
skills: Shadowy Stealth
purpose: pushes the pace of the plot / makes for some interesting action
character importance: A
story:  The defender of Earth knows all and sees all. That is she sees it all on Earth. The land of the dead is another story though, so Ra makes it her duty to find out what Shinzon’s master is plotting and why a demon would walk Earth in a human form. It is a verbal game of chess between Ra and Shinzon. As a god, Ra also enforces karma to those that break the rules.

alliance: good
age: ageless
gender: female
race: a god
class: protector
preferred weapons: staffs
skills: holy magic
purpose: antagonist of Shinzon
character importance:  B-
story: Serenity is a lesser demon that roams the land of the dead. When Shinzon comes across her, Serenity knows that he holds power that Serenity wants. Whether Shinzon wants her to or not, Serenity follows him, and aides him on his travels through the dead realm.

alliance: evil
age: millennia
gender: genderless as a demon
race: demon
class: demon
preferred weapons: her claws
skills: lesser fire magic
purpose: a follower of Shinzon
character importance: C
story: Once she was the bringer of death as an arch angel, but now she has seen the light! She now serves a heavenly master and hunts demons to rid the land of dead of their evil. Angela appears quickly to become a thorn in Shinzon’s side, because even when an angel is slain, they will reassemble themselves in time then continue the hunt.

alliance: good
age: millennia
gender: female
race: angel
class: demon slayer
preferred weapons: holy swords
skills: holy magic
purpose: rid the land of dead of demons like Shinzon
character importance: D

story: While Toodles are various, they are a great deal of help on the go. Toodles have taken a vow to help anyone and everyone that needs their help. They can be found in various places, always ready to save your game or fully restore your health, but they do it for a price of course.

alliance: good
age: various
gender: genderless
race: angel
class: angel
preferred weapons: horns
skills: holy magic
purpose: save / heal on the go
character importance: C

story: Ry Mon Su has long been a trainer of the monks of light (MOLs). He understands that the world will soon come into peril and he has taken it upon himself to train warriors to defend it against an impending invasion. As an instructor he has taken a vow to never fight, but instead he is an ambassador that tries to bring good will instead of hostilities. There are many secrets that Ry Mon Su hides from everyone around him; including his knowledge that Shinzon is a demon underneath of his skin.

alliance: good / the monks of light
age: centuries
gender: male
race: assumed human
class: instructor
preferred weapons: walking stick
skills: ability to drink
purpose: instructor of the monks / antagonist of Shinzon
character importance: B-

story: The king of the Chinese Empire has enjoyed a generation of good fortune and he will do anything to keep it that way. However, there are barbarians and outsiders that have plagued his kingdom. His forces are being twiddled away by the outside forces that seek to destroy his grand empire, and King Zu Zain will do anything to save his people and because of this, he is eager to make a bargain with the powerful Shinzon.

alliance: good / Chinese empire
age: later in his life
gender: male
race: Chinese human
class: king
preferred weapons: scepters
skills: governing
purpose: leader of his people / a neutral factor between good and evil
character importance: A

story: She is the life around all of the death that is brought to the Chinese empire. While her story revolves around a greater tale, Queen Zain is pregnant with a warrior that will rise up against Shinzon and the madness that he will to their world.

alliance: good / Chinese empire
age: early in her life
gender: female
race: Chinese human
class: queen
preferred weapons: scepters
skills: governing
purpose: leader of her people / bringer of good
character importance: C

story: Ronan the Ronin is a man that has lead to the Japanese army falling apart. When Ronan decided to shun his master and seek a freelance employment, his former allies saw the riches he had amassed and they left their master too. Ronan is now a wanted man and a bounty has been placed on his life that one will collect.

alliance: neutral
age: prime of his life
gender: male
race: Japanese Human
class: Samurai
preferred weapons: Samurai Sword
skills: Sword techniques
purpose: foe
character importance: C+
story: He has gained fame in Japan as an honored warrior, but his fate does not find the fortune and glory he expects. When he is sent into a tournament to kill a rogue samurai named Ronan, he will instead end up working side by side with him in a fate worse than death.

alliance: good
age: prime of his life
gender: male
race: Japanese Human
class: Samurai
preferred weapons: Naginata
skills: Spear techniques
purpose: foe
character importance: C+
story: The founder of the Monks of Light is in the twig light of his incredible life. He has dedicated his life to the preservation of good, and his greatest moment will be known as the mastermind that brought a warrior that will destroy an evil invasion. With his age and ailments, he may not life to see the invasion though.

alliance: good
age: elderly
gender: male
race: Chinese human
class: master of monks
preferred weapons: his fists
skills: psychic
purpose: informative
character importance: D

Features :
 - An epic story full of memorable characters
 - Cut scenes, lots of them
 - Continuous action, very little wandering around, but there are broad spaces you can search
 - Unique and Very Diverse Puzzles

Screen shots :
There are tons of screen shots, but I will post a few every so often, otherwise it becomes overwhelming.

It is a rough place with ash storms, rocky terrain and kobold guards around the spire.

In a realm of ghouls, zombies, oni, demons and mysterious wizards. There are few that can aide you. Angels provide aide.

But then the majority of angels will try to become demon slayers at the cost of your head! There is a portal to the realm of the living!

In the realm of the living, you must display your magical might in front of an audience of many.

There are few so gullible as to trust Shinzon. The king's commander is an adamant professional, antagonist and reluctant guide that will lead you through the castle.

The introduction of the game's cast of characters will be done at a banquet.

There is both daytime and nighttime, clear weather, and rain.

The library is a hot place for information from books, scholars and wise men. At night it still has activity from someone that knows what lies beneath of Shinzon's human appearance.

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community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 102
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Wow Maia. This is one of the most original games I've seen. Playing on the side of evil will certainly make the game interesting. I really look forward to playing a demo, and I wish you the best of luck. ;)

Level 90
Wow Maia. This is one of the most original games I've seen. Playing on the side of evil will certainly make the game interesting. I really look forward to playing a demo, and I wish you the best of luck. ;)

Thanks so much! Its also one of the longest posts ever! There is a demo, but the demo has no dialog and no fights. I am writing the dialog as a screenplay (Like I did for Willa & Rott) that I will add last. With no dialog and no fights, the game is already 55 minutes long.
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 97
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Looks pretty good. One question though:  why is your skin blue?

Anyway, I will be looking forward to it when it is released.

Level 90
Everyone else that has blue skin is just because I adjusted the color. I will be editing the tilesets I am sure.

As for why Shinzon has it, he is unique and there is something off about him. His tileset is the tileset of the Monks of Light. At some point it is said that he took the guise / garb of the Monks of Light as an insult to the god Ra that they worship.

Not to babble too much, but in Maia 2K3 there was a character in chapter 3. A priest named Christopher that was really a demon in disguise :-)
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 88
Evil will Perish In a Flash of Crimson...
That looks pretty good would like to see a demo even without dialogue and battles

good luck with it

Crim xx

Level 90
I just so happen to already have one up. It is a month old when I sent it to the last person to test it. I think there were a few things wrong with it here and there. I will PM you a link.
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Communication begins with understanding
Level 89
Project of the Month winner for October 2007
Good story, and nice mapping. Good work.

Level 90

A neverending storm forms over China as Shinzon's power is revealed at a tournament.[/center]

Instead of an overworld map, there are lots of areas to explore and signs to guide the way.[/center]

Shop keepers sell in a style like Zelda.[/center]

Shinzon must look through this dungeon not for a prisoner, but for his next victim.[/center]

If you look closely, you can see where there is an ambush staged.[/center]

The first standoff will catch you by surprise, for ninjas can come from anywhere.[/center]

With Shinzon in human form, who is the demon next to him, and what threatens the two of them?[/center]
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Communication begins with understanding
Level 89
Project of the Month winner for October 2007
Again, nice screenshots. Good work.

Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
Looks decent, but you really should use an advanced message system instead of using SHOP KEEPER:

Level 88
what can i say i love the story ^_^ it has everything

but his right using a advance message with picture's would bring more life to the game

:D errrr this is off topic but why didnt you make a custom sprite walking thing? ???

Level 90
Can someone recommend a good custom message system? I have face photos for everyone! Great photos, I'm also doing custom battle characters too. I'm not exactly sure how good they look. I can do them very realistic, but that takes WAY too long or I can do them simple, but I can hear complaints of them now.

As for the screen shots, that is about 30 minutes into the game (without battles or dialog). They get better with the prison of Malcius and the temple of the Cyromancers.
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 88
I remember this story! I liked it. Although, I agree. You really need a Advanced message script. And, here are some things I though of at the look of those last screenshots :)

There could be a chase minigame. First you make some other demons mad then then they chase you! If you can survive without touching one of them, you get tickets. And you can use those tickets at a shop.
And normally, in TV shows demons/animals/monsters who change form to human or remotely human, begin to think and act as human.

Communication begins with understanding
Level 89
Project of the Month winner for October 2007
Can someone recommend a good custom message system? I have face photos for everyone! Great photos, I'm also doing custom battle characters too. I'm not exactly sure how good they look. I can do them very realistic, but that takes WAY too long or I can do them simple, but I can hear complaints of them now.

As for the screen shots, that is about 30 minutes into the game (without battles or dialog). They get better with the prison of Malcius and the temple of the Cyromancers.

You have Dubealex Advanced message system. You have Slipknots advanced message system. Check either on hbgames.org, or at creationasylum.net.

Level 90
I remember this story! I liked it. Although, I agree. You really need a Advanced message script. And, here are some things I though of at the look of those last screenshots :)

There could be a chase minigame. First you make some other demons mad then then they chase you! If you can survive without touching one of them, you get tickets. And you can use those tickets at a shop.
And normally, in TV shows demons/animals/monsters who change form to human or remotely human, begin to think and act as human.

There is a diverse array of gameplays. One of which is a guard / vision system. If a guard spots you, that's it.

Oh and everyone chases Shinzon at some point. He is hated after all.
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 88
or you could try ccoas universal msg. found in hbgames.org sorry big fan of ccoas script  :blizj:

Level 90
... I remember this game, it made a better movie than a game. Lots of great dialog.
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html