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Gotta go for a month

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I love Firerain
Level 97
I had my final exam of comp on Monday that is 20th
I have Sanskrit on 22.
We have normal school till and on wednesday.
On 28th my new exam is starting, Of hindi and it'll be followed and all till 13th march of Sst in which there are 13 chapters.
I keep studying that's why these days i come rarely.
So, i may come rarely till wednesday, but then there are 99.9% charges that i wont come till the 13th.
So wish me luck and bye for maybe a few days/ a month or so.
Arlen is hot.

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Good luck! You

I love Firerain
Level 97
Thx Ramiro, i know i;m good.
Yeah, I'm good.
Arlen is hot.