Very nice.
okay, well here is my crappy ass opinion.
JUST an opinion.
But I want to help this game rock, so I'm tossing it out there.
It is easy to crash into walls.
If the gravitational pull wasn't sparking your interest, how about, hitting the wall bounces you back away from the wall, but at a random angle, and at a steep decrease in health. [Probably a bit of control loss too, for a few seconds]
The graphics appear a bit plain [not the ship, but the explosions].
I think you're going to improve this already, but the explosions and stuff are kinda... "flat"? Iunno, they just didn't make me happy.
The movement/shooting straight thing, kinda blows [in my opinion].
I usually hate the games where you have to face one direction constanly.
I do. I'd say some ability to tilt upwards or dowwards would be cool.
A bit more in control. [Mouse activity?]
Bu that's my personal taste.
ooh, and a suggestion, if you will, I thought it'd be a good idea, to have a weapon inventory.
Like the power ups are ammo, and you can toggle between the different special shots.
Therefor, you can laser the striaght guys, and quickly switch to something else for ground troops or whatever.
And the ammo for each one is seperate.
So you can stockpile.
But you'd have to be pretty evasive and/or a good shooter to do it.
but dude, I like it.
ESPECIALLY the laser!