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Final Fantasy Tactics System-Would you use it?

Started by Shinami, May 10, 2007, 02:10:44 AM

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.

Would you use a Final Fantasy Tactics System in your project?

Nah. Don't waste your time.
17 (65.4%)
Yea, sounds cool.
6 (23.1%)
2 (7.7%)
Nah. Don't waste your time.
0 (0%)
Lame! Nuff said...
1 (3.8%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: May 17, 2007, 02:10:44 AM


Yup, you should continue make it!
Others exist but still... Weird.
You should make a new one, which easy to configure.
Symphony of Alderra : Memoirs of Life

Storyline : 200% (Overimaginatives)
Scripting : 100% (At last...)
Eventing  : 100%
Mapping   : 0.125%


:taco: :taco: :taco:


Nope. I don't have the knowledge to do something like that.

modern algebra

isometric wouln't be useful anyway, because you'd need to find or build isometric tilesets.

It's better to do it in a regular way. Good luck Shinami


Original way makes it look like a grid-battle system. There are a lot of those. Besides, you could always rip graphics or make your own, it's not that hard by using this equation;

1 Map = 1 Tileset.
:taco: :taco: :taco:


If you do, do the isometric script, could you make two versions? One without/ one with?

Quote from: Ferenn on May 21, 2007, 11:37:11 AM
Original way makes it look like a grid-battle system. There are a lot of those. Besides, you could always rip graphics or make your own, it's not that hard by using this equation;

1 Map = 1 Tileset.

Really? Do you have a link to any of these grid-battle systems? I'm interested.
Can you dig it?


I meant a system like this is a grid-battle system. There are no isometric tactical battle scripts, and there probably never will. I still admire everyone who script. Gotta give 'em a hand. If u want a grid battle system, go get ZTBS from .

Why is the first option in the poll 'Nah. Don't waste your time'? It didn't say that when I voted...?
:taco: :taco: :taco:


As I said before, I only have ideas on how to make this work. I have little to no idea how Game_Map and Scene_Map work. On top of that, it'll be my first attempt at utilizing events AND scripts together to make something work. Ironically, I'm weak at events. Before I begin work on this though, I'm going to finish a card system request.


Quote from: Ferenn on May 21, 2007, 07:12:30 PM
I meant a system like this is a grid-battle system. There are no isometric tactical battle scripts, and there probably never will. I still admire everyone who script. Gotta give 'em a hand. If u want a grid battle system, go get ZTBS from .

Why is the first option in the poll 'Nah. Don't waste your time'? It didn't say that when I voted...? isn't working at all for me. Is it down? ;_;
Can you dig it?


Yeah, I think so. They have some server problems and such. Money problems, I don't know, but they've been down for a while.