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[RMXP] Lifeforce.. again..

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Level 87
^^Will Kill You^^

It was just a normal day for Ryxi. Getting up, going to the castle to do community work, getting back, hang out with his friends, get in trouble again... over and over again. He was used to it. But when he got called to the castle this time, it wasn't for community service.

A beast from Teisheir had escaped and was terrorizing the north. The king, worried that it may come to his, called all the fighters to the castle, to organize a party to go and kill the beast. Ryxi was among them.

-Updated now and again-

Good guys:


Name: Ryxi
Race: Human
Weapons: Bow
Details: A mischivous boy, always getting himself into trouble. Lifelong enemy of Jeircha, Captain of the Guard.


Name: Eirin
Race: Human
Weapons: Daggers/Knives
Details: Ryxi's lifelong friend. Always getting themselves into deep trouble.


Name: Syan
Race: Elven
Weapons: None, Spellcaster
Details: A timid boy from the Elven village Teysa. Tried to summon the spirits of his parents and has never been the same since.


Name: Shakazu
Race: Elven
Weapons: Bow
Details: Sent from the Elven village Teysa to help Ryxi and co. against Athera. Both Ryxi and Eirin have a crush on her.



Name: Razchan
Race: Unknown
Weapons: Steel Claws
Details: Mysterious, met Ryxi outside the Yaseer port. Seems to want revenge of Athera, reasons unknown.

Unknown Warrior

Name: Unknown
Race: Traishin
Weapons: Fused Blade
Details: Helps Ryxi and co. along, but it is not known why. Is he evil? Good? Noone knows.



Name: Athera
Race: Unknown
Weapons: None
Details: Noone knows where the beast came from, or why it came. It destroys anything it comes across, nothing can stop it.


Name: Unknown
Race: Unknown
Weapons: None
Details: Seen along the way to Athera's domain, not much known about it, except it is extremely dangerous.

-Updated now and again-


Unlockable Skills Quests

--#1: Get the drunken Mage a Clearhead potion.
--#2: Not done as yet.

Main Quests:

--#1: Defeat Athera
--#2: Find out who the Unknown Warrior is, and if it's possible to trust him.
--#3: Rescue Jeirenne

-Updated now and again-


Title Screen: (Thanks to Jap0911)

Searching for the Elven Fountain:

Elven Fountain:

-Updated now and again-

"It started badly, it tailed off a little in the middle and the less said about the end the better — but apart from that it was excellent."

Communication begins with understanding
Level 89
Project of the Month winner for October 2007
The maps looks good. A little bit empty, but that's easy to fix.

Are you really going to use the RTP battlers for your game?

Pure Awesome.
Level 87
Narrowing Fabrications of an Elusive Mind
Looks decent so far..I will withold further judgement until a demo is out.

Level 87
^^Will Kill You^^


Can someone post some screens? I need some updated ones.
"It started badly, it tailed off a little in the middle and the less said about the end the better — but apart from that it was excellent."

Level 87
^^Will Kill You^^
"It started badly, it tailed off a little in the middle and the less said about the end the better — but apart from that it was excellent."