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North American Metal vs. International Metal

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Level 89
Mystically Majestic
Well this is kind of from a north american few when I say vs. International. But I was wondering what everyones thoughts were on certain music genres including metal. I think that to many bands from america and canada sound to much alike. International on the other hand is very unique and surprisingly not so well know. I just find that there's more talent over there and that it's really something to get into like for example Soilwork, In Flames, and Children of Bodom are 3 pretty great bands that are usually mentioned within the same conversation, with Soil and Flames decending from Sweden and Children from Finland.

Just wondering what everyones opinion on this is. I'm sure I left alot out but just wanted to start it off so :O_o:

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Nec - Tactics Arena Online / MysticNec - Maple Story / [opiate] Mystic - Counter-Strike

Level 97
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I wouldn't say there's more talent over there. True, most bands that are great aren't from America, but they also don't have to go through the same crap with the record companies there, that bands here have to go through.

Death metal isn't really my type though. Soilwork and In Flames are about as far as I'll go. Aside from them, and a select other few, there isn't much talent involved other than playing as fast as you can. And, as a musician, I know that it doesn't take long (few years) to be able to play that fast, if you practice playing fast and push yourself.

But, on the other hand, I would listen to those death metal bands anyday over the likes of crap bands (Metallica, Linkin Park, etc.) and rap (which shouldn't be considered music at all. There is no musical quality to it, and is only considered music because of the dictionary definition. Stupid dictionary.  :roll: )

Well, that's enough for now. I'm sure my Metallica statement was alone to upset people.

Level 92
One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...
Quote from: HaloOfTheSun
I would listen to those death metal bands anyday over the likes of crap bands (Metallica, Linkin Park, etc.)

lol I listen to linkin park. XD I feel like an idiot now.
DEATH: Master of Time, your life is at it's end! Mwahahahaha!
MOT: Whatever, dude *throws crumpled piece of paper at Death and runs away*

pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour
Look, I never dis anyones music.

Level 97
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Quote from: Master_of_Time
Quote from: HaloOfTheSun
I would listen to those death metal bands anyday over the likes of crap bands (Metallica, Linkin Park, etc.)

lol I listen to linkin park. XD I feel like an idiot now.

Don't feel like an idiot, everyone can like whatever they want to. I still stand by my statement that they're crap, but I meant that in the meaning of talent, because as a musician, I have to say they're fairly untalented. But you can like whatever you want to, nothing is stopping you. That's your opinion, and this is mine.  :wink:

Level 89
Mystically Majestic
Yeah, I wasn't saying that North American Metal or Music sucks, just most of it sounds very much alike. No music is crap, its just if it fits your taste or not.

Also Known As:
Nec - Tactics Arena Online / MysticNec - Maple Story / [opiate] Mystic - Counter-Strike

Training Wheels
Level 89
I hate metal, I listen to Gomez and Oasis, and a apparently a Finnish band called TikTak
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Level 96
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I like Metallica, but I don't get to hear them very much, that could be the reason I like them.

I also like techno, (SOME, not all) and classical. I prefer music without words. I hate lyrics.

Training Wheels
Level 89
Singing is fun, how can you hate lyrics?
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Level 96
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They just get on my nerves. Opera is all right everynow and then though.

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
Yes, your Metallica comment insulted me, because you can't lump Metallica in ANYWHERE because they've changed their overall sound more than twice over the course of their musical career. That alone immediately rules them out of being grouped along with a band like Linkin Park, which really does suck.


some rap is decent. Like Bone Thugs N' Harmony. Because they actually have a chord progression in their songs, with some melodies and maybe even a verse -> chorus arrangement. The rap that sucks is what's commonly on the radio today, where there's really nothing melodic about it. It's just a repetitive drum beat and some guy talking in one of those "YO! I'm so TOUGH! UH!" voices.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2006, 01:49:24 AM by arlenreyb »


Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
I like some rap songs too. Usually there funny. I think there was one by this guy called, "The Bus Driver." I can't remember the name of the song, it had a flute in the background through out.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
ewwwwwww, rap.

Any ways... I've found that music in the country did a nose dive quality wise around I'd say 1996. This why I'm stuck in the 80's music wise.

I'm gonna go listen to some MANOWAR.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Yay, he's smart. I totally agree with Fu.

Training Wheels
Level 89
sometimes i just hear a random rap and it makes me think-what did i do to deserve this torture? I think rapping is just reading out a poem. one with lots of.. gotta go.
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Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
lol wasn't this thread bigger a few months ago?


Level 97
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Actually, this topic was dead until velton revived it.  ::)

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
I know, but I could have sworn this topic was longer, like I guess it got cut off when the boards reset back to august or whatever it was. I was just wondering...


Level 97
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Actually, I vaguely remember that now.

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
Yeah, I think I remember some Mental pwning action going on regarding Dream Theater and how he kept saying he had every album or something like that.


Level 97
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OH YEAH LOL Those were the good ol' days...

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
Maybe it's just me, but I find about 90-95% of the music I hear sounds good. Even people like Ludacris and Fall Out Boy, I find myself listening to. Perhaps I'm just easily pleased. But I know it's stupid to be an elitist about the music you like. I'll start with rebuttal of Halo's statement about rap. Rap is certainly music, and not just by the dictionary definition. Sure, rap songs don't have strong melodies, sometimes no melody at all. But there's plenty of elements to it that make it music. Not to mention rap is poetry, no matter what way you look at it. Sure, you may not like it, but it's music, and there's no way around that.

Now to Fu. You appear to love 80's music. However, does that give you a right to degrade more modern music? There are plenty of people, including myself, that would say music these days is just as good as music back then, or music will ever be. Name a band you think sucks, and explain why you think so. I can guarantee I can respond with plenty of rebuttal to your claims.

I know this makes me sound even more of an elitist than you guys. But really, it's just a plead for acceptance and maturity. I don't care if you hate rap, Halo. I don't care if you detest modern music, Fu. What I care about is you guys throwing around your insults to these categories of music as if they were fact. Music can be very enjoyable to plenty of people. If you don't like them, fine. But there are plenty of people who do, and your abrasive comments only serve to insult those who like bands of that nature.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
It's the internet, ou can't expect people to take all of that into account. Especially the fact that you are basically in a lawless zone of the world, and there is no real penalty for doing so. I'm sure we all try, but the simple truth is that it doesn't hurt people to say things like that here, and it is our right to say things this way. (though it may not be CORRECT to do so)

So if no one is here to STOP people, then why wouldn't they? I freely admit I have been this way before, and I also admit I acted poorly. Howeer, that doesn't make it right.

That aside, I'll watch myself in the future Zypher, I respect your opinion.

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
Meh, sorry about that. I was pretty pissed because a friend of mine started going music-elitist that day, saying anyone who didn't like Slipknot was going to get kicked in the balls. He actually was doing it, too.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
That's pretty fucked up.