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help condition

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Level 87
i need help with condition
i want to make it so when a cetain condition activates when hp goes 15% or below

Level 97
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Use variables.

Make one variable = current HP
another variable = maxHP

Then multiply current HP by 100 and divide that number by max HP

Then set the condition so that that variable is less than 15

So, like this:

Control Variables: [XXX: HP %] = [Actor]'s HP
Control Variables: [YYY: maxHP] = [Actor]'s maxHP
Control Variables: [XXX: HP %] * (100)
Control Variables: [XXX: HP %] / Variable [YYY: maxHP]
Conditional Branch: [XXX: HP %] <= 15
    <Whatever you want to happen
Branch END

Level 87
im a noob so where do u go to do this

Level 97
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You place it in an event. Do you want your conditions to occur in battle, or outside battle is a question I should have asked first1. Also, by "where do u go to do this" do you mean in what type of event, or do you not know what an event is, or do you not know where to find variables and conditional branches?

1 I should have asked that first, because battle events have that condition as a default, and you set them up in the Troops Database. The solution I posted is for outside of battle
« Last Edit: May 06, 2007, 05:31:17 PM by modern algebra »

Level 87
Let me give u the details
character:Magis....he's the only charcter i want this condition happing to
condition:rage(titleworking progress)......a b c d e sucseeabillity 100%
refects skills and cannot change eqiupment  and evades attack

condition always abates after 7 turns

doubble attack defence agility inteligence
recover per turn 20%+8 hp and mp
presist after battle

Level 87
and im no t good at events
like i dnt no how to stop events
and im using rpg 2003
« Last Edit: May 06, 2007, 05:42:00 PM by ChaosSoldier92 »

Level 97
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I don't get it. So you want to inflict that state whenever your character is at less than 15% health?

I would advise against making such a state because it is totally imbalanced and makes him invincible, but whatever. You'd need to put that as an event in each battle event, and simply have it as condition: Actor: Magis less than 15% health and on Turn, then you'd just inflict that state.

Level 87
less then ten%....im gonna change it but i need help
and i took of defelct and evade