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Sacred Lands

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Rep: +0/-0Level 87
Spoiler for "Prolouge":

On a side of the world that is unreachable by man lies a place that is called the sacred lands. Due to being far from the corruption of man this land has been in peace for 2000 years, life in this land went on without worry as all worked perfectly. The people who kept the order were called the Maji Council, they saw that no crimes were committed and that life was equal for everyone but everyone knows that all light casts a shadow, even in this part of the world. A Maji had been planning in secret for ways to gain unlimited power, when he stumbled across a method in the Grand Library. Through the use of blood of a Puritan a gateway to other side of the world will open and he will be in the land that doesnâ??????t know of the existence magicks. This Majiâ??????s name was Aiden Blaine and his corrupted mind soon raised an army to storm the Foresca Kingdom, the residence of the last Puritan. Although he was just a child he went through extreme lengths to reach him, his hands were soon stained with the blood of many innocents, even the mother of the child. The child was taken to the cave to start the ritual, tied down and Aiden took out a book and begun chanting. He marked the child on multiple places and continued to chant. It was then that the commotion outside began he could here the shouts from his soldiers and knew that the Maji Council had finally arrived, thereâ??????s no need to worry though he thought, soon I will attain unlimited power. He sped up his chanting ignoring the cries from the child for his mother and the shouts of pain from the soldiers, I should have programmed them stronger was his last thought before there was a explosion from the outside of the door. There were multiple shouts from outside but Aiden ignored them all, he had come upon the last paragraph of ancient text and started shouting so they knew how close he was. There were a few gasps from outside then suddenly it went silent, Aiden read on and neared the end. The body of the child began to grow white as the words took effect. Just as he drew his knife there was a blast at the door and chips of rock showered over the pair, one blast removed the knife from his hand another the book. The danger had been averted and Aiden was caught.

A week later Aiden was beckoned from his prison, his sentence had been decided. As he stood before the council they stated that his sentence had been given because of the inconsideration of his actions and for showing no remorse, he was sentenced to a lifetime sentence in exile. He debated against them but to no avail, he was transported far from the Sacred Lands in a desolate area that was rarely traveled by any creature. The last Puritan was in shock at the death of his mother, as a child he was not able to cope with it. The Maji decided that he should be sent to the normal part of the world there he would be able to escape Aiden's clutches, hopefully...

All the soldiers that had served under Aiden and survived fled the land in search of their master, after this point nothing is heard from Aiden or the last Puritan now living a charade as a human.

But that is not the end of the story...

Background Story Written by RoaringSasuke AKA UzumakiYondaimeâ???¢

Spoiler for "Characters":
A solider in the US Army. His squad was killed when Aiden broke free from his prison. He now seeks out a way to get safely back to him home world.

Exiled for his crimes against the Puritans. He has broken free from his life of solitude to seek revenge for what has happened to him.

Half-man Half-wolf, Lupen has a mysterious past, that seems to have something to do with Aiden demise. He is also a mentor to Cecile, who has lived with him since she was a little girl.

With a tragic past, she has a short temper but very smart. When it comes into getting out of trouble she is your girl. With Lupen by her side she is invincible.

Spoiler for "Features":

A Faster Paces Turned Base battle system
Minkoff's Animated Battlers - DerVVulfman
Universal Message System - Ccoa

Battle system addons -Trickster
(Way to many to count)

Spoiler for "ScreenShots":

Spoiler for "Music":

Anything Labeled as Sacred Lands is 100% Original music for the game.

The Team

Neonyo - Game Design
Doppleganger - Graphics
RoaringSasuke - Small Story Clips
Padraig Devers - Music
Ammom - Writer

Spoiler for "We Need You":

Level Designer

Job Description:
To design maps, original and each unique.

Character Artist

Job Description:
To create sprites, that will help bring life into the game, NPC, cars, Items. Ect.

Tileset Artist

Job Description:
The Tileset Artist is quite simply to create the new tilesets required for the game.

RGSS Scripter

Job Description
Help enchance the game, with new looks, systems, minigames. Mostly very simple scripts.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2007, 11:06:53 PM by unrivaledneo »

Level 88
Looks good. I like the character's pictures. It shows more of what they are like. Did you make those?

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Zero to Hero2013 Biggest Drama WhoreParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
WOW, so refreshing to see none RTP. Most games I see now are just a pile of cliches and RTP, thrown in with a bunch of random scripts.

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
All graphics are 100% Original!

Pure Awesome.
Level 87
Narrowing Fabrications of an Elusive Mind
I'm unofficially on the team..maybe officially once I actually get some more work done :P

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
Lookin' pretty darn good. I will be looking forward to this

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
HOw do you make such detailed non RTP's? do you use a specific program or something?

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
HOw do you make such detailed non RTP's? do you use a specific program or something?
Paintshop, nothin to fancy. Tim make his own template and based it off that.