Hey there all. Jin here....yep...hi.
Anyway, first off, before I even start talking about me...somebody tell me there's a modern city/inner building tileset out there. Please.
Okay, with that out of the way, I think I've alluded to my being an rpg maker, not just player. Yes, I am a teen, but I've been fiddling with the makers since the first playstation one consumed a good few months of my life. Going on eight years of rpg making goodness, with all of..two actually completed products...lots of half-done games, though. Too many stories in the head. I've only been asked to make one rpg, and that's one of the two completed, so I've got a good batting average for commissions. Yay me. I'm also a player of rpgs, with every Final Fantasy except 6 and 12 (including Tactics, Adventure, etc.) under my belt...and I'm working on both of those. Almost beat Dirge of Cerberus too...happy to help over AIM if anyone out there is stuck in any of them. Yes, at the same time. Point is, I love rpgs, making, and playing. So, now that I've ranted enough to make your ears bleed, I'll accept any questions about me that you might have.
One more thing...if you want an rpg made, and don't want rtp main characters, you have to provide the sprites. Got too much to do already to hunt down your characters for you.
Thank you for the move.
And while I'm at it, thank you for the welcome.