Lol at Demo
Yeah, it's something like that. It's for the Blackjack system I submitted to the Resource Add-ON. The way I had it set up was that it runs through the same loop for each draw. I want to represent each picture with a different label because I didn't want the event to look like this:
If First Draw,
If Suit = 1
If Value = 2
Show Picture (1, "2 of Clubs")
If Suit = 1
If Value = 3
Show Picture (1, "3 of Clubs")
If Suit = 4
If Value = 13
Show Picture (1, "King of Hearts")
If Suit = 4
If Value = 14
Show Picture (1, "Ace of Hearts").
If Second Draw,
If Suit = 1
If Value = 2
Show Picture (2, "2 of Clubs")
If Suit = 1
If Value = 3
Show Picture (2, "3 of Clubs")
If Suit = 4
If Value = 14
Show Picture (2, "King of Hearts")
If Suit = 4
If Value = 14
Show Picture (2, "Ace of Hearts").
Maybe I'm missing some easy way to resolve the problem, but I would much prefer if it could run through the same loop 10 times then run through something like that, which has like 500 additional lines. It'd be easy if you could set the label to be a variable
It doesn't make much of a difference in that case, since only 3 cards are missing, but it'd be nice. Also, it'd be easy to make a window that displays player score, but it'd take 3 additional pictures, and so it's be a 46 card deck.
You can look at the system if you like. I'm directing you to the original simply because the one I submitted has names like Temp Variable X, and it might be harder to trace.