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RMRK.net has nothing to do with Blockchains, Cryptocurrency or NFTs. We have been around since the early 2000s, but there is a new group using the RMRK name that deals with those things. We have nothing to do with them.
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The Attack Of The Self-Locking Mall [Read topic for further information]

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A Random Custom Title
Level 96
Black/red clothes. That descriptive enough? :P

Level 89
Simple enough, red shirt, black pants =)

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
To request a team for a project make a topic in this section of the forum:

Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 89
Sorry, forgot  :-X

Level 88
I added a bit of Detail into the story cos I was bored. (Red is the original and blue is the new one I did keeping the basic story)

Nick at the mall, trying to buy a new CD, Infinity On High, but when he tries to leave, the gates are over the door. The announcement speakers came on and said. "A virus has been detected in the mall's security system, we will try and delete the virus.", but Nick knows there is another way, he HAD to do something about it...but what?

At night, around 9:00 Nick set of for a CD, Infinity On High. He gets the CD but also, nearly as he was ment to, he found a $20 bill. He heads to the door happily, but then he finds the door is locked! Suddenly the speakers turn on saying 'A hacker has got into our security system! He has locked a Virus onto the system! Please remain calm! All doors have locked in case the hacker in in here. We will try to get the Virus gone, so you can...' The sounds cuts off. Now Nick has to get out. But, Nick knew he had to do something about it. He needs to find his way to something... but what?

A few things I added I just thought of :P
Id have posted this in a recruitment topic but I couldnt find one :P

Level 89
Ok guys, the game is now under progress, it may be a few hours (2+) before you get any screens