ABS Can also be done with events.
I think you can, if you use an abs or cbs, it can be done much easier. However if you use regular battles it can be done as well.
This works if your final battle is only a single enemy.
On the trigger, make the monster's HP be below 5% or something of that kind, test it around to find a good one. Set it to auto-start. Make a message showing, enemy has been weakened, choose someone to finish the strike. Then have show choices show the heros in that party. Disallow Cancel.
In each choice, use Conditional Branch, and set it to check if the hero is inflicted with the death condition. If yes, make it say this character is unable to attack. Since it is an Auto-Start event, it should auto-run each time you make a mistake. MAKE SURE TO MAKE AN ELSE CHOICE.
In the else choice, set a switch on. Name it End 1, or something. [Do this for all your heros, of course changing the name for each]. Show an animation, then use the change monster HP to 0, while making sure the HP Reduction can kill target is checked.
At the end of the battle, (in the event with the battle), have it make a condition branch. Check if the End 1 switch is on, Else Check Switch 2, and so forth. Have it teleport to different scenes and you can make a different ending for each.
I know this is a bit much, if someone could help me out with some screens at the moment, it would be nice.