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Legacy of Kain: Voidwalker

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Rep: +0/-0Level 87
Legacy of Kain: Voidwalker

I hope you know Legacy of Kain story by now, but if you don't click on the spoiler.

Spoiler for:
Long ago, before human race there were vampires. They were peaceful race, at least before hildens atacked them. In the war against hildens very principles of nature were destroyed, and vampires tried to repair damage by building Pillars of Nosgoth (Nosgoth is land were everything happens). Every Pillar held power over one principle of nature (Pillar of Death, Conflict, States, Energy, Time, Dimension, Nature, Mind and finaly Balance). Every Pillar had it's own Priest guarding it. Power of the Pillar was power of the Priest - they were linked. But destroying nature wasn't only thing that hildens did - they also casted curse over vampires, making them blood-addicts. Many of them died of their own hand - pain of that curse was unbearable... But some of vampires addapted, they became predators.

It was then when human race appeared - ideal source of food for remaining vampires. But as humans were smarter than animals another crusade had begun. Massive ammount of vampires were slaughtered.

Noone knows when or how but contol over Pillars came to the hands of the humans, and although defeated once hildens decided to use that. Some of hildens came to humans and humans believed them to be gods, they worshiped them. And here begins real story...

Kain was nobleman, traveling through forest. Soon he saw an inn and decided to drink something. He didn't even know what was waiting for him outside... As soon as he got out bandits atacked him, stabbing him. He died cursing and killing them.

Kain woke at some sort of Hell, land of the dead. First person he saw was necromancer that offered him a chance for revenge, and Kain accepted it... He accepted it a bit too hastly, as he was revived as vampire. But he didn't care, all he wanted is to kill his own killers... He killed them, but then he saw another problem - as vampire he wasn't welcome to human cities anymore, and as he was immortal he didn't know what to do with eternity he had.

While walking near Pillars he saw Ariel, spirit of last Guardian of Ballance Pillar... Ariel sent him on the quest - Kain was supposed to kill all Pillar Guardians because Guardian's madness (I don't want to explain even their madness 'cause I'm trying to shorten the story... Yeah, this is short version XD ) corrupted the Pillars which corrupted very life in Nosgoth. Kain slaughtered them all, except one - new Balance Guardian. Killing him would be simple... But there was one little problem. Kain found out that he himself was that guardian. So, there was choice - to sacrifice himself, or to refuse sacrifice and to claim power of Pillars for himself.

Ofcourse, Kain refused sacrifice... What happened next? Story is too long so simply... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legacy_of_Kain :P


Raziel - Former Sarafan soldier, he was turned to vampire by Kain and served him as one of his own lieutenants. One time he evolved sooner than Kain so Kain punished him - he has torn Raziel's wingd and casted him into Abyss. Although Raziel was supposed to die there he awakens as wraith, immortal and recreated by Elder god. It is then when he decides to have his revenge... But as time passes he comes to understand that Elder god is no better than rest of vampires, and he refuses to kill Kain for him. In one battle against Kain Raziel obtains spectral version of ultimate vampiric weapon - Soul Reaver.
In last battle against Elder god Raziel sacrifices his own life to save Kain, stabbing himself with Kain's material Soul Reaver. But as Raziel is infused with spectral Soul Reaver Raziel doesn't die - instead his soul is bein transported into Kain's weapon.

Kain - Former nobleman and Guardian of Pillar Balance, he's one of strongest vampires in whole Nosgoth. He's bearer of Soul Reaver - vampire's utimate weapon. Although he might seem to be bad guy he's not. Through centuries of his life he has grown from self-centered nobleman to wise and dangerous vampire. He has created his own army and led them in a war against Sarafans - human fanatics devoted to killing every last one vampire.

Moebius - Gaurdian of Pillar of Time and servant of Elder god, he has been trying to manipulate Kain and Raziel for achieving his own goals. He is leading Sarafans.

(To understand my story I must first tell you what happened in Soul Reaver the game: In a battle against Kain Raziel almost destroys Kain's weapon, and then Kain escapes from battle. Raziel leaves phisical and enters spectral realm to regain lost strenght, and then he notices strange light - spectral, ghastly version of Soul Reaver. When he touches it he infuses with it. It is the moment when Raziel becomes Soul Reaver)

As Raziel has stabbed himself on Kain's Soul Reaver only to save him his own soul is 'transferred' into that weapon. After few moments of darkness he awakens inside some weird place... Soon he realizes that he's not only inside the weapon - he's inside of himself! (Raziel IS Soul Reaver, remember?) Travelling through ghastly cities and his own past he will come to realize new facts about vampires-hildens war. He will even see the moment of Reaver's forging... While watching Janos crafting the sword he realizes that hildens created same thing themselves. When he reaches for the sword phisical Reaver's power will collide with spectral one he beares. As phisical Reaver can't accept spectral one it will "throw" Raziel out... Out into the real world.

In that moment he sees real Kain, and explains him what happened. He also tells him story about hilden's Reaver. And then final crusade against hildens will begin...


title image
Reaver's Heart
Meeting with Kain
« Last Edit: April 28, 2007, 07:42:29 AM by Okami »

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
You should post more pics, because most people wont play games unless there is a screen shot.

But nice title screen! I give you that.  ;)

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
well, there's a little problem with the screenshots - I can't make them xD
I mean, I posted topic in resources - I first need to get spriteset of Raziel and Kain... Only when I get my char I can start making game, 'till then everything will remain just an idea... And ofcourse, I mentioned CMS - I'd like to have interface that looks like one of Blood Omen (first Legacy of Kain game, created by Silicon Knights) so you could see what is game supposed to realy look like :P

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Hey, no body cares, it's just a concept screen!  ;)

Tons of people use the defaults as characters when they just start out it, then when they ifnd it, they use them. But take you time...

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
small update added ;8

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Hmmm....I have to say, nice job! Keep it up!  ;)