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Politics - What's Bad or Good about it in your part of the world ?

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Resource Maker
Level 91
Things that are bad about England:-


-Average Wage is reported to be £32,000 But that's not true outside of London it's £22,000
-Average House Price is £180,000 and out side London £140,000

So Working on you can get given a Mortgage based on 4 times your wage you can't afford the Average house even though your on the Average wage... Unless you have a partner...

I am lucky and do have an average Job as too does my Girl friend... (Got a Average House in a Shite area)


Their not Bad... It's the strain on public services caused by the influx that is... I mean you make an appointment to see a doctor, you wont get to see one for about a week, and when you do you get a 2nd rate service as they are in a rush to get to the next person... The NHS was stretched before the influx, now I am almost scared to go to doctors and hospitals, there rubbish.

Trying to find a job now if your a student that pays fairly well is VERY hard... Before you could work in a Bar or Factory and earn double the minium wage (around £7 per hour) but now we have people coming into the country doing the job for £4.20 per hour, that's all you can hope to get... (£4.20 an hour is the price of a packet of 20 fags, or 4.5 litres of Petrol) A student has Rent, food, and travel costs to pay for, while learning, it's hard to get an education and not get into a stupid amount of debt.


They have no idea about the above situations, they are more concerned about putting solar pannels on goverement building roof's to win votes...

If they want to win votes why not launch a scheeme so common people like my self can get Solar pannels... If we turned every roof in England into a solar roof, we would be at the fore-front of Global change...

Common Sense is the most uncommon thing in the house of Parliment... Their too busy fighting for brownie points and not doing their jobs.

Good In England:-

Not Much...LOL

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Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Hmmmm...Someone wanna make one of these about Canada?

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
Working my way down.


Since the last election, the right wing parties are now in power, and since they haven't been in power for 20 years, they have no clue what the hell they're doing.

The prime minister is hiring old prime ministers to work with foreign affairs and he himself commands absolutely no respect.
They are cutting taxes from everything and leaving those who are lower-middle class and below with nothing, cutting back on welfare, removing benefits and not delivering on any of thier campaign promises. (big surprise -_-)

Culture takes a blow, and they are considering limiting where people immigrating are allowed to live based on where the government needs work force.

This however is also a problem because there is a very low number of jobs availible.

The People

Cowards basically, even though most people are upset and unhappy with the current sate of the country they are to lazy to get off their asses and do something about it, most seem to have a "I'm just one person, what can I do?" victim mentality.


There is ALOT of racism right now, both from immigrants and the people born here.
The "Nazi" party is getting very much support and in some southeren municipalities they even won administrative positions in the municipal councils.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Level 89
I is my hero!
Hmmmm...Someone wanna make one of these about Canada?

Canada Scares me Just kidding it is kewl

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Bad and good things about America are plentiful, but that's just the way it is. Everyone is not going to be happy all the time. If I cared enough about something to want to make a difference, I would do my part. Bitching about it is not my part though, so I just live my life. Sometimes that's all you can do.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Elegy - What part of the world are you from...?

Sounds Crap mate !!!

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Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
Well I'm a pessimistic person at heart, but at least the government here doesn't spy on me. (yet)

And holk, humour me, name one good thing about america.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female Member^_________________^f*ck u >:(LO !!
Capitalism and democracy.
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
A country with a two party system and the death penalty, isn't a democracy.
It borders more on dictatorship actually.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female Member^_________________^f*ck u >:(LO !!
How is America not a democracy? Please. Tell me. I'd love to know.
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.

I'm not obliged to convince you of anything.
You asked the question so the burden of proof falls on you.

I already stated two very valid points, both recognized internationally as being non-democratic.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel

And holk, humour me, name one good thing about america.

You aren't in it.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Elegy - What part of the world are you from...?
Elegy - What part of the world are you from...?
Elegy - What part of the world are you from...?
Elegy - What part of the world are you from...?

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
The part that is right next to the water. ;)
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Level 88
Elegy is an American, probably from some Midwestern state and lives along the Mississippi River.

Also, this thread's destined to become an 'AMERICA SUXX0RZ' thread and I have the feeling that was the whole reason LoS posted it in the first place.
Here, let's list the bad things about some other country for once. Let's start with France.
1 - It's people are pussies, they just sit around eating cheese and drinking variety wine all day, and when more powerful neighbours invade they're like 'Oh shit! Get those guns out of our faces, we surrender!'
2 - It's fucked up.
3 - Too many racial problems.
4 - Too many problems.
5 - Everyone is gay, which isn't that bad except it hampers reproduction efforts. Before long France will be dominated by its neighbours due to the low numbers of Frenchmen.
6 - It's overly harsh on minority languages, either considering them crude dialects or foreign tongues unfit for use in a united country such as France (such as Alsatian, Breton, Provençal, etc.).
7 - They're traitors.

Please, feel free to carry on.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
Typical american, knows nothing about anything.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Also, this thread's destined to become an 'AMERICA SUXX0RZ' thread and I have the feeling that was the whole reason LoS posted it in the first place.

THAT'S not the reason... I didn't even know Elegy was from the USA...

The "Nazi" party is getting very much support and in some southeren municipalities they even won administrative positions in the municipal councils.

I mean that doesn't sound like America to me... From what Elegy wrote, it sounds like you have it bad...

The Title of the TOPIC is Waht's Good or Bad...

I have only listed Bad stuff about England...

The point of this thread is so I can see what Country's Goverenment actually cares for it's people... I don't think any country does... I am hoping to be proven wrong !!! That's the point of this thread...

So Gono, get of you high horse, your one of the guys that are complaining about ID going to shite... Don't brand me with the same stick you brand others... I don't hate America, I wouldn't want to live there, I would gladdly visit...LOL

Let's start with France.
1 - It's people are pussies, they just sit around eating cheese and drinking variety wine all day, and when more powerful neighbours invade they're like 'Oh shit! Get those guns out of our faces, we surrender!'
2 - It's fucked up.
3 - Too many racial problems.
4 - Too many problems.
5 - Everyone is gay, which isn't that bad except it hampers reproduction efforts. Before long France will be dominated by its neighbours due to the low numbers of Frenchmen.
6 - It's overly harsh on minority languages, either considering them crude dialects or foreign tongues unfit for use in a united country such as France (such as Alsatian, Breton, Provençal, etc.).
7 - They're traitors.

That's the people not the Government... this aint a thread for predijuice or racisum...!!!

It's about countries leaders / Government working for their own interest or fot their people's...


(Oh, and if every time Elegy posts if people are just going to attack, what's the point in being in here, this is ID, Ignore him/ prove him wrong if you have to, responding only fuels things if your going to be waging a slag fest, go join a premenstral Forum or some thing).
« Last Edit: April 26, 2007, 09:27:45 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 91
Cleaned it fer you Los~ On topic.

Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
A country with a two party system and the death penalty, isn't a democracy.
It borders more on dictatorship actually.

A two party system is much better than a fucked up three or more party system! If you have a president which only 34% of the population voted for you have a huge problem. I'd rather have a president who 50%+ of the people support than one with 34%. Take the election of 1860 for example, the votes for Breckinridge and Bell were nearly 100,000 more than Lincoln's votes.

Besides, death penalty is a great thing, I believe that some people just don't deserve to live.

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
While America isn't a direct democracy, it is a representive democracy.
If it was a direct democracy we'd just use the popular vote instead of a electoral (sp) college.
However, Its absolutely nothing like a dictatorship as the goverment leaders don't take power with military action. Plus if it was a dictatorship, don't you think Bush would have thrown every democrat out of office?

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
Quote from: Falcon
Besides, death penalty is a great thing, I believe that some people just don't deserve to live.

And thus, all the credibility you'd ever be able to obtain dissapears just like that.

The US is a republic, not a democracy.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Level 91
The US is a republic, not a democracy.


Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Death penalty is a great thing. I think more people should be executed.

Level 88
The death penalty is not a great thing. What defines deserving to live? People don't deserve to live they just do.

Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
Well, you only see the hardened criminals getting executed, you don't see guys committing one murder going to jail for life. They have plenty of appeal time anyways.

Besides, take the Mongol empire, they had extremely harsh punishments, and the laws got followed. If people think they're going to die for a crime, they're going to be more hesitant about it.