a dragon mage hundreds of years old he is the consort and mate to alextrasza apect of life
Known as Korialstrasz when he is in his draconic form
Ronin (main character)
A powerful and high ranking mage in the court of dalaran
Upon learning that his newly wed wife vereesa was pregnant he decided to settle down and try for a noraml life
Broxigar: or Brox a Powerful orc warrior haunted by the memories of the war he feels dishonored by the fact that he is the last survivor of his group and that he could have fought harder
Malfurion Stormrage:Is a night elf and a brother to Illidan Stormrage. a very powerful druid having been tought by the demigod Cenarius he is very skilled in the ways of druidism
Illidan Stormrage: Is a night elf and a brother to brother to Malfurion Stormrage. a powerful mage of the well of eternity. he is one of the few of his kind that can use powerful magics without the use of the well. looks up to ronin.
Tyrande: Skilled Preistess of Elune. Has been freinds with Illidan and Malfurion since childhood
Azshara: Queen of the night elves supposedly the most beautiful night elf to have ever existed
Xavuis: Consort of Azshara also the high mage of the highborne
Cenaruis: Demigod of the forest
Aspects: there are 5 of them
Nozdormu aspect of time
Alextrasza aspect of life
Ysera aspect of spirit
Malygos (the mad) aspect of magic
Neltharion (The Betrayer, The Destroyer, Deathwing) aspect of earth
Vereesa: Ronins wife currently 7 months pregnant this elven ex-ranger fought hard along side Ronin in the war, shortly after she and Ronin decided to settle down in a nice little house in Garuda forest
Captain (or lord) Raventcrest: Lord of Blackrook hold he is a high ranked officer among the night elves but not quite of the highborne status he is the leader of the resistance and inspires the troops to fight harder with just his mere presence
Hakkar (houndmaster) : low ranking commander of the burning legion is exellant with a whip and can summon felbeasts with a mere flick of his whip
Mannoroth: high ranking commander for the burning legion (pit lord) . A powerful warrior and skilled tactician
Archimonde: War Cheif for the burning legion, highest ranked commander of the burning legion was defeated at the battle of mount hyjal
Sargeras: A not so godly god more powerful than any known demigod but not as powerful as a god leader of the burning legion
: this character will be added later on
: this character will be added later on