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Bible believers or Supernatural believers

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Level 87
look, im a christan and i must say their completely different.
if you believe in god and dont sin and all that stuff then you go to heaven, but if you believe in supernatural stuff, you most likly going to the oppisite :chocobo:
Laugh untill we cry,
Dance untill we die.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
I don't think you should be here.

Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
look, im a christan and i must say their completely different.
if you believe in god and dont sin and all that stuff then you go to heaven, but if you believe in supernatural stuff, you most likly going to the oppisite :chocobo:

See, that's such a bias statement. You only say/believe that because that is what you are part of. I myself have been bought up Catholic/Christian but I still question it. How do you know for certain that he is real? To me, God doesnt sound logical but to you guys he is something that "No one can meet till your dead"... then how in the hell do you expect us to believe in him and spread the word.

To me, religions in general are just some hoax that has been around for a long time.
Sig by MacGravel

Level 87
look, im a christan and i must say their completely different.
if you believe in god and dont sin and all that stuff then you go to heaven, but if you believe in supernatural stuff, you most likly going to the oppisite :chocobo:

See, that's such a bias statement. You only say/believe that because that is what you are part of. I myself have been bought up Catholic/Christian but I still question it. How do you know for certain that he is real? To me, God doesnt sound logical but to you guys he is something that "No one can meet till your dead"... then how in the hell do you expect us to believe in him and spread the word.

To me, religions in general are just some hoax that has been around for a long time.

you may be right but if there is no god then how are we here? and what happens when we die  :chocobo:
Laugh untill we cry,
Dance untill we die.

Level 88
1. Sinu, stop using the chocobos in Intelligent Debate.

2. How do I know? Its a matter of faith. Honestly, there is almost no proof. And I know this. I questioned it once, but I came back because it felt like the right thing to do. People do what they feel is right. So that is why.

Level 87
1. Sinu, stop using the chocobos in Intelligent Debate.

2. How do I know? Its a matter of faith. Honestly, there is almost no proof. And I know this. I questioned it once, but I came back because it felt like the right thing to do. People do what they feel is right. So that is why.
1. fine
2. ya i guess i kinda have to agree...
Laugh untill we cry,
Dance untill we die.

Resource Maker
Level 91
if you believe in god and dont sin and all that stuff then you go to heaven, but if you believe in supernatural stuff, you most likly going to the oppisite

God  = Deity & Holy Spirit = Supernatural = Myth & Legend, the unexplained and the Paranormal = Not real/Not Proven

There you go just disproved the exsistance of God (For now) in one Simple Equation...

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Level 87
you havnt disproved it, youve just said theres no evidence.
Laugh untill we cry,
Dance untill we die.

Resource Maker
Level 91
you havnt disproved it, youve just said theres no evidence.

So if the Bible is not Evidence enough, then I guess there is no bassis for your argueement... So what makes you so sure God does exsist ?

And all I am doing in reltivity to this thread is showing that following the idea of God in actual fact is admitting to following the idea of the supernatural... Or would you say God is not a supernatural enterty ?

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Level 91
Los is right you moron. Grow a brain or get out of Id.

For something to be considered natural, it would be observable and obey the laws of nature, the apparent description of your god goes against this. Your god exists outside of nature, it is classified a supernatural being. This whole debate is moronic, if you believe in a personal god of today, you believe in the supernatural.


Resource Maker
Level 91
Los is right - I am getting that framed. LOL

I find it funny how Christian's and other religious followers don't see their faith as having faith in the Supernatural...

I don't get how they can follow the scripture in the Bible, that a Man could walk on Water or cure the blind by a simple touch, yet they can't also follow the Supernatural of today... I mean the Church used to do exsorsiums all the time, the purging of Demons and evil ghosts... Ghosts and Demons are both Supernatural creatures... as too are Angels and Gods...

But yet this topic continues... And the divid between having faith in the Supernatural means you have no faith in God is one of the biggest contridictions I have seen on these forums... But that in its self shows the contridictions displayed in the preachings and dribble forced in to these fragile little minds.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2007, 01:52:14 PM by landofshadows »

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Level 87
im not saying god isnt supernatural im just saying that he exists.

land of shadows, if he dosnt exist then why are we here and how did we even get here, also then what happens when we die?
Laugh untill we cry,
Dance untill we die.

Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
Evolution is the most excepted theory by people who arent as bias as you and many other religious people.

Again, another theory, reincarnation with the same reasoning as above.
Sig by MacGravel

Resource Maker
Level 91
land of shadows, if he dosnt exist then why are we here and how did we even get here, also then what happens when we die?

Just as Plausable as God Putting us here, it could have been an Alien race that placed us here... Or it could be evoulution... Chaos Theory is life finds awway... I don't know how we came to be in the start of every thing, or what caused the start of every thing... But on the same argueement I can say so what created God ?...

What heppens when we die... That's a question us as a race should invest more in finding out... Nobody knows... I know what I would like to think, but it's just an opinion... and thats energy never die's just changes form... So I think our soul is released and used for better things...

But going on life finds away, I would imagine our energy would be food for an energy based creature / creatures... May be planet makers...LOL

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Level 91
im not saying god isnt supernatural im just saying that he exists.

land of shadows, if he dosnt exist then why are we here and how did we even get here, also then what happens when we die?

Lol, don't ya just love Christians and their reasonings? tbb

Resource Maker
Level 91
Lol, don't ya just love Christians and their reasonings?

Christinaity should be renamed to Narrowmindedisium or some thing along them lines... It pains me to have to reason with religius types... They only have one answer... "God made it so !!!"

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Level 87
Ontamarama FTW! :D
The whole idea of christianity sounds a bit far fetched because it was discovered one day when a person found a book on the floor about god and how god created earth in 7 days but how does any one know that god exists because when people die then if god is real then they'll see him but they cant tell any one because they're dead and also if we are all related to adam and eve then won't we be breaking  one of the seven comandments of thou shou not have incest?, because if were realated to adam and eve then won't we all be related to each other?, but that's just my thought.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 10:59:51 AM by rpgalltheway123 »

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
The whole idea of christianity sounds a bit far fetched because it was discovered one day when a person found a book on the floor about god and how god created earth in 7 days but how does any one know that god exists because when people die then if god is real then they'll see him but they cant tell any one because they're dead and also if we are all related to adam and eve then won't we be breaking  one of the seven comandments of thou shou not have incest?, because if were realated to adam and eve then won't we all be related to each other?, but that's just my thought.

That's not how Christianity started. Christianity started with Christ.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Some elements of the Bible are actually BC Before Christ... Around 582bc I think some area's have been gathered from.

Modern developments
The critical analysis of authorship now encompasses every book of the bible. Every book in turn has been hypothesized to bear traces of multiple authorship, even the book of Obadiah, which is only a single page. In some cases the traditional view on authorship has been overturned; in others, additional support, at least in part has been found.

The development of the hypothesis has not stopped with Wellhausen. Wellhausen's hypothesis, for example, proposed that the four documents were composed in the order J-E-D-P, with P, containing the bulk of the Jewish law, dating from the post-Exilic Second Temple period (i.e., after 515 BC);[21] but the contemporary view is that P is earlier than D, and that all four books date from the First Temple period (i.e., prior to 587 BC).[22]

The documentary hypothesis has come into question in recent decades, at least in the four-document version advanced by Wellhausen and refined by later scholars such as Martin Noth (who in 1943 provided evidence that Deuteronomy plus the following six books make a unified history from the hand of a single editor), Harold Bloom, Frank Moore Cross and Richard Elliot Friedman. The direction of this criticism is to question the existence of separate, identifiable documents, positing instead that the biblical text is made up of almost innumerable strands so interwoven as to be hardly untangleable — the J document, in particular, has been subjected to such intense dissection that it seems in danger of disappearing.

Although Biblical archeology has confirmed the existence of many people, places, and events mentioned in the Bible[2], many critical scholars have argued that the Bible be read not as an accurate historical document, but rather as a work of literature and theology that often draws on historical events — and often draws on non-Hebrew mythology — as primary source material. For these critics the Bible reveals much about the lives and times of its authors. Whether the ideas of these authors have any relevance to contemporary society is left to clerics and adherents of contemporary religions to decide.

Many of the dates and places, and celebrations we have based on these pages have been taken and adapted from other religions, the Bible was not as big as it is from day one... new Gospels have been found and adapted to suite.

It's like Christmas... Christmas was before Christ:- http://www.gnmagazine.org/issues/gn31/christmas.htm

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Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
if he dosnt exist then why are we here and how did we even get here, also then what happens when we die?
It's called the big bang theory, and over millions of years we evolved from other animals into "superior" beings.  When you die, you cease to exist.  No heaven, no afterlife, you lose all sense, and can never do anything.

Resource Maker
Level 91
biohazard - Most animals/creatures thrive... reproducing more so than those become deceased... For every one Human that dies another 4 are born (or soe thing like that)... There to me gives the bigest indication as to why we are here. To Reproduce... WHY ?


We all contain energy (A Soul) Energy never dies it changes form, once you are brain dead, I like to think that your energy/soul either changes or gets released... So in theory life continues, to what end I am not sure of.

Again I would like to think that we join an energy flow that creates new worlds or some thing, there for we are God, or will be part of God at some stage.

Another alternative is we are then bottom of the food chain for large energy based creatures.

I think Saying once you die, that's it nothing happens, can't be true, life is too perfect for that to be true.

Nothing in life goes to waste, one creatures by-product is anothers food or home, one creatures car-kus is anothers banquet, and if not the ground reclaims the remains.

I just don't buy the whole son of God Bull-shite the Bible is scrawled in.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 11:07:10 PM by landofshadows »

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Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Nihilism, it's by far the best religion.  Death=infinite nothingness, time and space cease to matter, and so after time, nothing matters in the living world anyway.  We are all dead, to quote an amazing movie: "On a long enough timeline, everyones survival rate drops to zero".

Level 87
1.   the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism. Compare brain death.
2.   an instance of this: a death in the family; letters published after his death.
3.   the state of being dead: to lie still in death.
4.   extinction; destruction: It will mean the death of our hopes.
5.   manner of dying: a hero's death.
6.   (usually initial capital letter) the agent of death personified, usually represented as a man or a skeleton carrying a scythe. Compare Grim Reaper.
7.   Also called spiritual death. loss or absence of spiritual life.

To say that death is not absolute is to abandon the meaning of life. Therefore afterlife = pointless. stepping down from the i'm right your wrong points taken by christians and athiests, logically, life would have no meaning if death were contradicted by a god. perhaps human beings have only invented god to save themselves from that great inevitable.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
self quote "Religion is for the weak, and the scared, that can't accept the inevitability of death."