biohazard - Most animals/creatures thrive... reproducing more so than those become deceased... For every one Human that dies another 4 are born (or soe thing like that)... There to me gives the bigest indication as to why we are here. To Reproduce... WHY ?
We all contain energy (A Soul) Energy never dies it changes form, once you are brain dead, I like to think that your energy/soul either changes or gets released... So in theory life continues, to what end I am not sure of.
Again I would like to think that we join an energy flow that creates new worlds or some thing, there for we are God, or will be part of God at some stage.
Another alternative is we are then bottom of the food chain for large energy based creatures.
I think Saying once you die, that's it nothing happens, can't be true, life is too perfect for that to be true.
Nothing in life goes to waste, one creatures by-product is anothers food or home, one creatures car-kus is anothers banquet, and if not the ground reclaims the remains.
I just don't buy the whole son of God Bull-shite the Bible is scrawled in.