Well he kind of set it up totally wrong for a sequence of events to play properly. Generally each frame for the animation to properly be controlled has to be vertical. He has the sequence moving left to right from the top row, then left to right on the 2nd row and so on. It should be set up, so that you can control it with movement events and change graphic events. So, basically it would have been set up so that it moves top left corner then down, then 2nd graphic in on the top then down, then so on top to bottom, so that you can start the graphic in the top left then wait 2 or so frames then face right, then wait, then face left, then wait, then face up, then wait, then change graphic to the 2nd frame in on top, then repeat the faces and the change graphics again until it's done.
So, basically... The lumberjack is wrong. I think you could probably still do it with some good timing. Perhaps try setting an event with the upper left corner graphic of it, then turn on walking animation and wait maybe 4 frames? then face that character graphic left and with walking animation on and wait the same number of frames and do it to the next row and so on. The reason why this isn't very good is because the frame rate could be off on some computers and what not so if you go to use the wait command for however many frames, it may wait too long and therefore you catch a frame that you shouldn't have seen and then the animation is all jumpy, or the wait is too short and you don't catch a frame you needed to see to make the animation fluent. So it's totally guess work here.