I dont know if i can post this her but,what the hay
Iv taken alot of swings at making a layout and the results have been horifying so....
If anyone is willing to do this,(for free)id like you to make me a zelda website layout.
Preferably a blue or green color scheme.
The banner may be kind of...well,strange,but i want it to say "Zelda Fan Game Network"
Ya,i know"that been used" and all but im remaking the site since it died.
Id like it to only have one nav bar,because id like the content box to be quite big,and iff possible id like the content box to strech if i put it alot of text(not like side ways <------>, but horizontaly (up and down)
So if you need anymore information just post
(which ever mod moved this...thanks,i forgot all about the poster board :^^: )