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RPG Maker 2000 problem with Call Shop

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Rep: +0/-0Level 87
Game Maker Shawn
I started making a game in RPG 2000 and everything is cool so far except when I tested the game for errors I found that the Call Shop event doesnt seem to work right.  You can buy something and it takes your gold yet when you sell something you dont get your gold for the sale?  Anybody ever have this problem or know a way to solve it?  Please help me I dont want to creat my own Shop  toooooo much programming LOL

Level 87
You might want to upgrade to RPG Maker 2003 or XP. You can get them from crankeye.com, *or if you want the legal XP, I can send you a keygen.*

I don't, and have never, used 2000, so I can't help you much. 2003, I have used, and it's pretty much just an upgrade from 2000, so I've heard.

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
Game Maker Shawn
Cool thanks!  I actually did already download XP and the keygen for that would be awesome dude!  But then my only question would be, can I use the game I was making in RPG 2000 in XP?  Only concerned about that because Ive spent days working on my present project and would hate to have to start again LOL  But again thanks alot for the quick help!

Level 87
No, you have to remake it. My email is pythonusr @ gmail.com, so email me for the keygen.

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
Well actually if you already spent days working on your game, then stay with 2k.

In your call Shop, does it have it set to Norm? Usually when you sell something, you get back half of what you payed.

Make sure the item you're selling has value (like more than 0 in the database).
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Rep: +0/-0Level 87
Game Maker Shawn
Thanks pythonusr I will email ya dude!  and yep with the call shop i gave the item an amount in the database, when buying something the shop takes your money no prob, but when selling it doesnt add anything to your gp!  And yep its normal, Ive actually tried sell only and purchase only aswell.  If its a problem in the exe file is there a way I could chance the programming in c++ or something LOL that sounds ridiculous!!  I should prob just program my own call shop using all kinds of variables!  But thanks for the help guys, I guess I've got 1 strange problem here huh!