So follow your Ideas up with the bible and not just what you believe with but whether is is more than one hell or not or heaven or not
That's just plain Christian thinking right there... What you think has nothing to do with if there REALLY is a Heaven or Hell unless you use the bible to show that...LOL
Well if the Bible is the only source of refference we are aloud to draw from, then YES there is a heaven and a hell...
Darn I feel brainwashed !!!
But common sense tells me, the bible is a book of lie's.
I am really sorry
cobragamer... Look at it this way, around the time the bible was written they still burned witches at the stake... They typed Crocdiles as dragons, squids as monsters, and the world was flat... Things change, but the bible has not... it's a relic, a relic that people can interp as they see fit... Rather than reading it with an open heart, read it with an open mind.
Common sense should kick in at say Chapter two... and kick in hard !!!...
If it doesn't then Heaven help you...LOL
We have infinate dmenssions with infinate possiblities... Heaven or hell or what we may invisage as either could be one of those dimensions... and who knows what our soul does once we die... But on a biblical level, I don't think we see pearly gates, God or Hell's fires and a half goat like Satan... But then again, I guess there could be, with the infinate dimenssions as pre-mentioned...
I have an open mind.
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Christianity for me and in my eye's failed long ago, and those that cling to it have nothing or very little... All church does in my eyes is gives preist the chance to mess about with kids...
And when you mention heaven and hell in a Christian scheeme of things, the reason's for going to either seem a little wishy washy... for example, being Gay, you go to Hell and burn, yet preist now join people who are Gay in marriage... Errrr... So does the priest Burn...?
And if the priest is wrong and he does God's work, is the Church and God wrong... and the Bible... The Bible states being Gay is wrong, but if it's now deemed right, is the Bible wrong... and if the Bible is wrong then does that mean there is no Hell or Heaven...?
In a Biblical sense I am past caring... And I think many modern day people are too.