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What kind of RPG character you want to be?

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Level 87
Sô desu ne!
So quetion is: "what kind of RPG character you want to be?" Is your favourite giant swordman or curious mage? Or something other?
I want to be a great samurai with "Aikido" skills. (my hobby is aikido, so I learn them "automaticality") He is sometimes quiet and sometimes social.

So what is your character?

PS. My character's name is Onji.
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pokeball JAPOfflineFemale
I used to know nothing
Level 89
Don't you think this is like 'making an RP character' thread? :P Me <3 RP.

I have 3 choices of RPG characters:
1. Enigmatic swordswoman who is an anti-social.
2. Enigmatic girl who never talks, but posses unlimited power.
3. A magician who is wise, but also gentle and somehow enigmatic.

I guess I love enigmatic type :P

For names, I usually use: Rozen, Crimsonia, Rose, Rosemaria, Aobara, Setsuna, Azure, Azula, or Kreuz.

A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
Types I like:

1) The Cool Villain who has a Kick-*ss Weapon and knopws his/her style of fighting and has a More Reasonable Plot other than the old "Destroy the World" Thing.
2) Hero who isn't an Emo or most likely he is NOT like this "Chosen One to Banish Evil" thing... He is just normal except doesn't realize his true potential =P
3) The girl who says "I Don't Need a Man to Protect Me" style. That is quiet, enigmatic and she has great Powers, and at the Bitter end, sacrifices herself to save the Hero from Something big.
4) A Cool Wizard who always gives Advice and is Kind and Noble, Kinda like "Gandalf" from LotR.
5) The Hero's Friend with a Cool and Funny Actitude (Not Annoying) And ends up sacrificing himself too at the End to save his Friend.
6) The Strong, Quiet, Handsome Swordsman who has an Enigmatic past.
7) The Character who Drinks a lot and gets into Trouble and has an Obsession with "Treasure".
8) The Baddiest who just doesn't quit no matter how many times they fail but you enjoy them because they're darn Funny xD
9) A Heroine who seem Innocent but has a "Rough Personality" of hitting the Hero's Best Friend @_e (Think Kagura of Fruit Basket(Thou I don't think anyone has seen it >_<))
10) The Character with "I Am Gonna Kick Yer *$$" Phrase and always beats up a huge Army, and considers himself as the "Strongest".
11) Etc...etc...etc...

Names: Any of the Names I like would be in the Legend of Shanara

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
A dragoon...how kick ass would that be?
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

pokeball JAPOfflineFemale
I used to know nothing
Level 89
Of course that kick ass.
Dragoons are cool.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2007, 11:43:07 PM by jap0911 »

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
Dragons and Dragoons are different.

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pokeball JAPOfflineFemale
I used to know nothing
Level 89
Sorry, mis-spelled. :P I mean Dragoons... Like Rose... OMG she's do darn cool...

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
I dont know what those are but I will pick Dragoon =)

Level 89
RPG character, you say? So I guess it isn't limited to playable-character types only eh.

Then, I would like a go at being the harmless and frail-looking trader/merchant who pops around from time to time at the weirdest & hellish places, just to sell his ware to the main adventurers. Or leak hints unintentionally... like what most actual npcs in games do.

Of course, being the multi-purpose merchant grant me access to a lot of kickass items.  ;D
My rpg (in-making) : http://junkart.wikidot.com/

Art Master
Level 90
A cliched, evil villain who has silver hair and has power beyond all imagination. He would also want to conquer the world, destory things, etc. Normal villain stuff. Cliche..but better than the average cliche is what I would aim for.

Level 88
Okay. My character would be the guy in my avatar box. His name is Vince. He carries the two greatswords of darkness. He also has control over darkness. He isn't evil though. Oh yeah, he is also very antisocial and lives in the forest most of the time. And he has a pet wolf. Just thought I would throw that in there.

pokeball AiROffline
Level 87
I would say someone kind, gentle and protective of those he or she loves.
"The Optimist believes that we live in the best possible world. The Pesimist fears this to be true."

pokeball ZanOfflineMale
Level 87
"Jesus saves! And takes half damage!"
The badass secondary character who shows up occasionally and makes the main character look like crap.
I'm a pacifist...
And things get very peaceful when all of your enemies are dead.

Level 87
I wanna be a swordsman or assasin with a dark past, quiet, but a good heart. Stands next to the main hero as some sort of mentor.

A blessing
Level 91
<3 Back.
3. A magician who is wise, but also gentle and somehow enigmatic.

:o A basic but accurate description of Arwym Starlight! <3

Just include the "sometimes expressionless, tries to act indifferently and hide her feelings" part.

Level 90
1. I wanna be an Assassin who can kill someone without any regret  ;8

2. Or a wondering Alchemist would be nice as well

3. I wouldn't mind being the great great great great great great great great grand daughter of the legacy of a monster that tried to destroy the world 9343 years ago and I get to use that monsters power (muahahahahahahaha)

4. I would normally end it at 3 but anyway my 4th choice would be a half elf, quarter human and quarter god person..thing
