I didn't mean to add to the drama... Sorry :'(
Look forward to your return, I like debating with you in Intelligent debate...
And I like the Drama to be fair, it made the Spam section a place for me to post for a Day or so... makes the day pass quicker... and it's better than Eastenders...LOL
Take it easy...
Again sorry...
You can read things however you like... my text can be read with passion or anger at the forefront of your mind... I meant nothing... apart from to aid those that had the minority in backing... I don't like seeing any one go... especially at the moment, there's not much activity, and the activity we do have doesn't seem to be possitive...
Hope your break is not along one... And what ever is going on with Blizzard stops... And I wish Blizzard would re-consider and become a MOD again.