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Vampire Plagiarius: Surpassing Life[Canceled]

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Crew Slut
Level 93
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For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Spoiler for Edits:

Things you should know added.
A few battlers added(too many to add in one night)
Title screen added
Screen shots added
Updated with elements info
Also, my cousin, is going to be helping me with some Latin text in the game. He's much better at it than me. (I don't know if I want him helping me though.
CV(Bael) is helping me with the story.

The game is being canceled due to the fact that I can't do all of the things I would of liked to do, and I don't have enough resources either, and they would be too hard to make. I give special thanks to: Mastermoo, (CV)Bael. I might start it up again. But I don't think so.

Things you should know:
Spoiler for Please Read:

Things you should understand:

Malum Humanus means Evil Human in Latin
Umbra means Shadow in Latin
Viscus Epulum means Flesh Eater in Latin
Terra means Earth in Latin
Decessus means Deceased in Latin
Vita means Vitality in Latin
Plagiarius means Planet in Latin
Deus means God in Latin
Apollo is the God of the Sky and Sun.
Jupiter is the God of Gods (Is Zeus in Greek Mythology)
Saturn is the God of Harvest and the father of Most Gods
Mars is the God of War
Venus is the Goddess of Love and Beauty
Neptune is the God of the Ocean
Juno is the Goddess of Goddesses
Pluto is the God of the Underworld
Diana is the Goddess of the Virgin Hunt

My Latin need some brush ups, but that should be ok, and you should Wikipedia the Latin Gods, for further information.

Elements (or what is being used as elements)"

Spoiler for Elements:

The Elements are being based off the Gods, and the Planets. (even though uranus is not a god, I'm making him one.)

Sun mainly is a balanced element, there are very very few players who have this element.

Moon is all out Stat Boosting, and Recovery element, you would see spell in it that would cure you of poison. I don't know, maybe you wouldn't...

Neptune is mainly focused on shielding, yet has very very strong offensive attacks.

Venus is about curing and helping, almost all spells are curing and aiding spells.

Saturn has a well balanced use of all spells, but mainly spells that do damage over time, not all at once. (Focus Spells)

Jupiter is all about hard hitting, although not as hard hitting as some, because it is mixed well with state spells.

Mars has the most powerful spells of all of the elements, although, some will use it better than others...

Earth has a well mixed bunch of all spells, and mainly are very smart people who have this sign.

Pluto has many spells, the majority of them are state changing spells, it has one spell that will kill anything in one hit. (Can only be used once) And also a mix of spells that will kill your enemy very fast, and keep them dead throughout the whole battle.

It is mainly state changing spells, but has a few extremely use full skills.

Balt can dish out the most powerful of all spells*, it is very rare that you'll get to play as a character with the Balt sign.
*Tied with Sun


It's complicated and still in development, but here's what I have.
(Read back soon!)

(The Time is Now Ancient Rome)

A great gladiator after a victorious defeat against a strange man from the far east, this Gladiator, Marcus won the item known as: SF from this strange man...after a decade of wins, Marcus began to weaken, and after two more decades had lost to the man he won the SF from.
The SF being a large horn from some unknown beast.
Marcus was forced to leave, because every time he fought, never thinking he would loose, he would always wager his lifetime service. He had lost...
The strange man gave Marcus his powers back and was forced to over run the roman village in the hills of Romania.
After a year of service, the man from the east revealed him self to be Balthonure, after a while Marcus started to grow in pain, and deeper pain, after a few weeks of non-stop pain, Balthonure told him he could cure Marcus of this pain if he traveled alone to the top of a mountain and held up the SF on the last day of the year, when the planets were going to align.
Marcus did as he was told, as he traveled, his pain got worse, but the travel wasn't long.
At the first hour of the new year, as Balthonure for told, the planets aligned and Marcus held the SF up high into the sky atop the summit of Plagiarius. The Earth began to shack and a light was emitting far beyond any known planet. The light got brighter and brighter and it seemed to be racing down towards the summit, Marcus, realizing that the beam would kill him tried to flee from the site of impact, and ran with the SF back to the camp, Balthonure raped him across the chest with his sword and told Marcus to leave the camp and return the the summit as fast as he could, or else he would die.
He returned as fast as he could just in time as the light was touching the ground, the snow that had covered the summit top was blowing away and creating a snow storm, the light touched Marcus's forehead. The summit had revealed to a spot of great spirituality, the natives had prayed to their Gods, and later the romans forced them to pray to their Gods.
Marcus know had known what he had done, the ancient myths form the natives about an evil item called the Horn of Balt, which he now held over his head, would make a gateway and open up the souls of everyone and align them to their respected planet.
Balt was a planet said to be destroyed by Saturn when the God of Balt rebelled against Apollo, Saturn, later every piece of debris from the site except the Horn of Balt.
Marcus was now opening a portal to Balt, as he though to himself for exactly the tree seconds he had to think, he though this: What have I done...
A mighty Earthquake shuck the earth and Marcus passed out atop the summit.
Balthonure hiked up to the top of the mountain and found a new man laying on the summit.
Marcus awoke with two horns on top of his head, as the myth said, all Balthons had two horns. 

(The time is now 1250, Romania)

Salvatore, a local scholar in the town of Lupeni, he has worked there, was born there, and as he says, he will also die there...
He has been searching for ancient artifacts as a hobby, and lives in his basement, of his three story house, oddly enough.
He is also a Vampire. He came along a an ancient item a while back, (two months before the main story takes place) and kept it in his room to study, as he does with every artifact he finds, yet this one was different, it was a stone with an unknown ore mixed into it and gave off a little light.
As he studied this artifact, he became more and more into it and he eventually had to lock it up for some time because he lived around it. His wife even went as so far to leave him and move to Switzerland.

He also likes to read, and came across a book telling of an ancient site but a few miles from his house to the north-east.

(The time is now 1251, Japan)

Liza, born to a Polish/German mother and a Chinese father, she was born on these islands, her parents where escaping from a great tsunami on the other isles, they landed on this isle, they had built a house and lived there for some time in peace when her father was brutally killed by a mysterious beast. Her mother was killed when she was but 17 years of age, by the same beast, she was trained to by her father who was in the art of Xingyiquan, she eventually hunted down the beast that killed her parents and found out that she had killed something more than a beast.

She studied it's body, but found no relevant animal to match it. She had found a necklace with some unknown stone that she had kept to remember the beats, that had also been part man.

(The time is now 1257, Japan)

A half man half beast, Akira, was scrapping the streets of little villages of coast towns for scum that may have had to do with his fathers death, he and Lisa teamed up to hunt the mysteries of our world, not much is known about Akira though...

(The time is now 1264, a village between France and Italy)

On the fourteenth birthday of two twin brothers, Rudolph and Randolph, their mother mysteriously dies. These two boys are extremely smart and have a gift with the unknown.
They were brought in by their uncle and were soon kicked out, because Rudolph didn't like the food and complained, although it was their aunt who kicked them out. (Blood relations to their uncle.)
Soon where housed in their own house, bought by their uncle for them and had a maid come and cook for them.
Their house was built on an ancient grave site and was soon burned down because of the local priest didn't want the boys living in there, and forced the aunt to let them live with them again. (naturally he didn't complain again)
On their sixteenth birthday, they decided to research what might have killed their mother and link it to other deaths, of course, they had little but, none the less, good luck on fining things out about the mysterious monsters lurking about in the night, Vampires.

(The time is now 1268)

Liza and Akira find another half-ling and question him about these deaths, he notices Liza necklaces and goes into a long explanation, before twilight. They find out enough of what they need about not only these newly dubbed: werewolves, but also about the stone on Liza's necklace. They soon venture into the outer world, aside from their home isles, the man told them to visit the a great summit somewhere to the west...
Salvatore has found out more than enough about these mysterious stone and is leaving his town on a quest to find out more about it.
Rudolph and Randolph find out more about these gothic monsters and link killings to at least ten family members, including their father. They are told that they can find the heart of these creatures at the plaggiarius, a statue in Rome.


The gameplay is set between a bunch of different characters, so it switches a lot.
You start out as the main character: Salvatore, and are soon switched to Liza and Akira.
Aside from the characters above, there are at least four more playable characters.

I have yet to decided if it's going to be in an ABS system or a battle system.

(there's way too many characters to upload right now, so I wont be able to upload any images, but i'll get to it soon)
NOTE: Only look at there classes if you want some of the spoilers. the classes are down.


Main character and basically the main story teller.
Age: 50
Sign: Sun

Age: 28
Sign: Mercury

Age: 27
Sign: Mars

Age: 16
Sign: Sun

Age: 16
Sign: Earth

Age: 21
Sign: Saturn

Age: 19
Sign: Neptune

Age: 15
Sign: Pluto

Age: 35
Sign: Uranus

Age: 35
Sign: Venus

Age: 35
Sign: Moon

Age: 35
Sign Mercury

Age: 24
Sign: Earth

Age: 28
Sign: Neptune

Age: 27
Sign: Jupiter

Age: 32
Sign: Mars

Age: 40
Sign: Pluto

Age: 34
Sign: Mercury

Age: 43
Sign: Moon

Age: 25
Sign: Earth

Age: 29
Sign: Neptune

Age: 32
Sign: Saturn

Age: 30
Sign: Venus

Age: 34
Sign: Moon

Age: ?
Sign: Venus

Age: ?
Sign: Mars

Age: 15
Sign: Earth

Age: 20
Sign: Mercury

Spoiler for Twist and Stuff:

Class: Vampire
Twist: Is father to Randolph and Rudolph

Class: Huntress
Twist: None as of yet

Class: Werewolf
Twist: Liza did not kill his grandfather

Class: (can't tell you)

Class: (can't tell you)
Twist: Dies in the end...?

Spoiler for Screen Shots:

A lot of these images look very dull, because I'm not too good at mapping.

The hint system is made up of a bunch of books or other objects throughout the game.

« Last Edit: April 16, 2007, 06:27:29 PM by Mexneto »

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
there are lots of characters....no really there are lots.  :o
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Trust me, I know that, I had a hard time doing it all, but they fit in and most of them die.

Level 89
I know it isn't so, but it would have been crazy, yet awesome at the same time if that whole lot of characters listed above are playable at some point of the game or another.  :D
My rpg (in-making) : http://junkart.wikidot.com/

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Well, yes, they will be, most of them. Even the bad guys.
(Which I won't list who is who.)

I also have about five more characters that are secret until you play the game.
But yeah, most of them die. (wont tell ya who)