So for a simple example, let's define the base xp for next level, 1 to 2, to be 10 xp. So the XP required to go from 2 to 3 would be 10 + 40(1) + 10 = 60. The first 10 you gave me as a constant, the 40 is another constant, the 1 is character level - 1, and the last 10 is the amount of XP that the last level required. So level 3 to 4 would be 10 + 40(2) + 60 = 140. Am I understanding this correctly? This shouldn't be too hard to implement. Basically you'll need to define the base case for XP required for level 2. The rest, you can script the calculation to fill in the blanks. Until I'm sure that I'm right about your formula, though, I don't want to go into any RGSS.