okay so here's my custom battle system:
your going to need the switches
Your Turn
Enemy Turn
Enemy Death
Your Death
monster1(you can name this one anything but your going to need it for all the monsters you plan to us)
also you'll need the variables
Enemy Health
Enemy Mana
Random #
(the second picture is for rm2k3)
now start a new map and make 11 event it doesn't matter where you put them but your going to need them
1.so to begin one the first event name it Your Turn and in event conditions have where it says switch the "your turn" switch on
2.Do this to all the events(also make them Same Level as Hero and Parallel Process) just naming it the corresponding switches (there will be three(don't use the monster1 switch) you dont do it to these will be explained later)
3.once you've done all that go into the Your turn event(Make sure you have it a Parallel Process and Same Level as Hero) and put in this code:
<>Messg:\v[x]Health(change the x to number you put the "Health" variable at)
: :\v[x]Mana(Change the x to the number you put the "Mana" variable at)
<>LABEL: 1No
<>Show Choice: Attack/Defend/Spell/More
:[Attack] Case
<>Change Switch:[XXX:Your Turn]-OFF Set
<>Change Switch:[XXX:Attack]-ON Set
:[Defend] Case
<>Change Switch:[XXX:Your Turn]-OFF Set
<>Change Switch:[XXX:Defend]-ON Set
:[Spell] Case
<>Change Switch:[XXX:Your Turn]-OFF Set
<>Change Switch:[XXX:Spell]-ON Set
:[More] Case
<>Show Choice: Run/Item/Back
:[Run] Case
<>Change Switch:[XXX:Your Turn]-OFF Set
<>Change Switch:[XXX:Run]-ON Set
:[Item] Case
<>Change Switch:[XXX:Your Turn]-OFF Set
<>Change Switch:[XXX:Item]-ON Set
:[Back] Case
<>GOTOLable: 1No
End Case
End Case
(the xxx means the number of the switch it doesn't really matter as long you have the name)
4.Now go to your Attack Event and put this in:
<>Messg:You attack!
<>Move Event...: Hero .Right... (make him move towards the monster)
<>Wait: 2.0s.
<>Show Battle Anim.:Punch, Monster(the monster event)(W)
<>Variable Ch:[xxxx:[Random #]]Set,Random[1*10](you can change this to what ever)
<>Move Event...: Hero ,(move back to previous position)
<>Change Switch:[xxxx:Attack]-OFF Set
<>Change Switch:[xxxx:Enemy Turn]-ON Set
5.Now for the enemy part goto the enemy turn(have the switch monster1 also in this event) event and put this in:
<>Messg:Enemy Attacks!
<>Variable Ch:[xxxx:[Random #]]Set,Random[1*3]
<>FORK optn:Varb[xxxx:[Random #]]-1
<>Move Event...: Enemy(the enemy event)...(move to hero)
<>Messg:Enemy uses punch!
<>Show Battle Anim.:Punch, Hero (W)
<>Variable Ch:[xxxx:[Random #]]Set,Random[1*5]
<>Messg:You lose \v[(Random #'s variable)] health!
<>Variable Ch:[xxxx:[Your Health]-, Var.[(random #)]val
<>Move Event...: Enemy(the enemy event)...(move to to previous position)
<>Change Switch:[xxxx:Enemy Turn]-OFF Set
<>Change Switch:[xxxx:Your Turn]-ON Set
do the same as above but instead as a punch make a fire blast or just play around with it then make a third one and thats it.
6.For the Defend Event Just add this simple code:
<>Messg:You defend!
<>Messg:Enemy Attacks!
<>Messg:Attack does nothing!
<>Change Switch:[xxxx:Your Turn]-ON Set
<>Change Switch:[xxxx:Defend]-OFF Set
7.Now for the item event add this code:
<>Call System Menu
<>Change Switch:[xxxx:Item]-OFF Set
<>Change Switch:[xxxx:Your Turn]-ON Set
8.goto the spells event and do this:
Step 1:
okay this is a long code but im going to condense it and you can modify it how you want and ill post suggestions on how:
<>LABLE: 1No
<>Show Choice: Fire
<>Show Battle Anim:Fire1,EV(monster)(W)
<>Variable Ch:[xxxx:Random #]set, random[Any numbers]
<>Messg:You did \v[(radom # variable number]damage!
<>Variable Ch:[xxxx:Enemy Health]-,Var[V[Random #]]val
<>Variable Ch:[xxxx:Your Mana]-(any number)
<>Messg:Your mana is \v[your mana number]
<>Change Switch:[xxxx:Spell]-OFF Set
<>Change Switch:[xxxx:Enemy Turn]-ON Set
okay this is the
basicversion here's some suggestions:
Make a limit system just add 1 to a variable called limit and make a new page that activates only when variable limit = 5 or something
have a level system where Fork option that hero level what ever and if not just have lables jumping to the beginning one
thats the kind of thing you can do
Step 2:
For step 2 make a new page and do this:
Im going to skip the spells for now(hehe) and instead of doing the coding ill just post a screen shot for running:
oh yeah before you get into the battle you want to have the positions memorized like this:
<>Memory Place: [(make a new variable it doesn't matter)],[(do the same here]]
make sure these are the same used in the running away thing or it doesn't work i know i've don it on accident
10.Make another event named lose and do this to it
11.Do the same but like this
12.Now i thought i should have added this at the beginning of the tut but i forgot so here it is: you must set all the variable for the event ill show you
i believe thats it and