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LoS: The Lost Chapters: Radient Garden

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A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
Radient Garden

Title Screen Made By Jap0911

Author's Note: This Game is a RE-Make of An Old Project Named "Soul-Raves: The Dark Gospels" I don't know if anyone from Here got to see at least the Screenshot (The Game was Never Posted...Because of Megaupload and Savefiles been completely Big *BEEEEEEEEEEEP*)

Ok, The Story:

The Legend of Shanara is a Vast Universe, so there is Too Many Things that I can't add in the Main One, So I called this Small Stories as "The Lost Chapters" Since these were The 1st Game/Projects I did in 2006 I think in the Summer...Only One was posted ;__; Before I lost my Account and my Thread.



The Story is about a Tomogara Trying to Stop The What would be in "Shattered Blades" As the Servant Necromancer Summoned By Scion himself.

Anyways, As She Fails to Stop Necromancer and the "Sinners" (A Rebellious Group of Tomogaras who Wants to Escape from the Dark World and Find their "Freedom").

Nagura...a World where becomes a Fort of Refugee thanks to The "1st Holy War" A Young Princess Looses Everything...and Summons what you would be Expecting...the Young Tomogara to her World.

The Chaos Gate has Began to Connect Nagura With Aether...And Aether, (The Dark Realm or "Hell") Would Consume All and Become One With the Dark World is Something These Two won't allow. Their Fight will bring many Hardships, and Furthermore, a Friendship that would develop even deeper....Soon bith Familiar and Master would be like Sisters. As They Fight To Reach the "Radient Garden" A rumored Artifact able to Call...The Astral Lines of Guze, The Very Thing the "Sinners" Desire Most.

Key Words:

Tomogara: A Tomogara is Nothing more but a Spirit/Entity of the "Dark Realm" They Usually are Hidious Monsters that Hide In "Human Shells", They Hide their True form and Disguises themselves as Humans, The Reason of this Is Unknown, mostly they are all....Females, This might be a reference to the Bible in terms that they took this Form for it was "Eva" Who Took and Bite the Fruits.

Tomogaras Comes in Three Classes: "Fiends" (The Lowest Class, Their Intelligence is Small, and Pointless, They Come in Different Shapes And Sizes, they are always Revealing their True Demonic Form as "Monsters", They mostly Obey the Higher Classes...The Bigger they are, the More Intelligent they Are), "Runemasters" (These are the Giant Beast Forms, they Are Bigger and Usually They Command the Fiends, These Class Tends to Posses Humans As their Vassels, since They Don't have the knowledge to Actually Shifting their Bodies) And The "Aeons"
(The Human Form, Strongest amongs all Two Branches, They Come as "Lancer", "Archer", "SpellCaster", Berserker", "Grappler", "Saber", And "Necromancer", The Ones With the Body of a Male Human, are Rare, and Are The "Strongest" Considered as "Black Crusaders" or "Legions")

Judicers (Judges): The Disguised Male Tomogaras Are Called Judicers, Often they More prefer to hide as Nobles or Advisors to kings, etc, they're Very Noticible By they're Power and they're lack of Emotions and Inhumanity.

The One that Appears would be the Rival of Our Two Heroines...and the One To Actually Be...Connected.


Name: Releena
Age: 17
Bio: After Loosing Everything She had...She goes under Heavy Training to Learn and finally Summon the Best Familiar, up she obtains a Familiar who is Inexperienced. Her Pride is Her Greatest Weakness.

Name: Mai
Age: 16
Bio: Familiar Who is Summoned By Releena, She pushes herself a lot since Her Master is Dissapointed on what she gained, mostly Mai ends up Overdoing herself. Inexperienced, she is Opposite to her Master, in terms she is Quiet and Shy.

There are More Characters, but these ones are the Main ones

The "Sinners"

Spoiler for:
Spoiler for:
Name: Berserker; Nanoha
Age: 16
Bio: Follower of The "Necromancer", Nanoha isn't interested in the "Radient Garden" But more Interesting in Finding a Her Own Freedom. She follows her Leader to repay a "Debt" she owns her long ago.

Spoiler for:
Name: Archers; Setsuna
Age: 16
Bio: Having lost her Voice, Setsuna simply Follows her Leader Necromancer. It can be Notice she seeks the Radient Garden to Obtain Something Besides the Astral Lines. Quiet indeed, she is an Archer Class, and quite a Fast Runner, Setsuna will not back down from a Fight,a nd her silence doesn't stop her from Casting Magic At all.

It is unknown if she really is an Enemy or an Ally, since she Sometimes helps Releena and Mai in certain Situations.

Spoiler for:
Name: Saber; Serge
Age: 25
Bio: Oldest Member amongs the Sinners. Serge is a Saber that Uses Earth Spells and is Relentless and Determine to Obtain Radient Garden to Summon the Astral Lines. Her Reasons for Obtaining them, she is Mostly Responsible for Taking Everything away from Releena.

Her Personality can Fool Anyone, she may act like a Airhead but she is quite tenacious and her abilities are to be feared.

Spoiler for:
Name: Caster; Shion
Age: 34
Bio: Another of the Oldest Members in the Group, Shion was Mai's Former Teacher, and forced Mai to Join the Organization.
But an Unfortunate Event lead by a "Judicer" by the name of "Rozen" Foiled their Plans and save an Injured Mai.

Having lost to this, Shion tries to Convince both Releena and Mai to join them. Been persusive and Ambitious yet Kind, Shion acts as a Leader in the Group, and is Necromancer's Right Hand.

Spoiler for:

Name: Necromancer; Evangel
Age: 16
Bio: Having lost her Master at this War....Evangel, The Necromancer, joins the "Sinners" and rapidly becomes their Leader, proving been worty, Evangel desires one Thing...Radient Garden, Which can Summon the Astral Lines.

Evangel acts more like a Kind, and Noble Person, She doesn't look like a "Necromancer" At all. She is a Powerful Caster and Swordswoman, and is the same age as Both Nanoha, Setsuna and Mai. Although she is Kind, her Purpose she takes makes her seem more of a Cold Person...she hated to Hear the Name "Rozen" That was mentioned when Shion Failed to Convince Mai to Join them.

Spoilers Plot and Ending Regarding both Radient Garden and Shattered Blades
Spoiler for:

Evangel, is the Main Villain in Shattered Blades Been the Servant of the Man Named Scion, She holds a Grudge against Garai Griffinheart's Familiar Named "Tsukasa". Reasons of this is Unknown...but Seems she Mentions Rozen a few times in Radient Garden.


Spoiler for:


None at the Moment

Systems Using at the moment:
Stat Distribution System By Blizzard
Tons of Add-Ons by Blizzard
Stormtronics CMS By Blizzard
Easy LvlUp Notifier by Blizzard
Easy Party Switcher by Blizzard
Advanced Analyze System by Blizzard

Resources From
LRPGmaker by Pickle.
Map Above By Nouman
Demi-Human Sprites (Artirst Unknown)
Sprites from Sithjeister (Minor Characters)
« Last Edit: April 09, 2007, 02:23:05 AM by Dark Angel Sion »

pokeball JAPOfflineFemale
I used to know nothing
Level 89
Ooow.... Is this a sequel?

A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
Ooow.... Is this a sequel?

Not really...It's more like an "Extended Prologue" It just explain some of the References and Events that Had Ocurred in The "Volume 1", It could be said that this is more like Volume One and Shattered Blades is Suppose to be Volume 2.

 :=: I'll get the updates when I return from School.

A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008

Added Screenshots of the 1st Dungeon...Barroc Prison.

And Realize there's a "Misspell" In Releena's Name in the Game.  :-X

Updated a bit the storyline and The Two Heroines.

pokeball JAPOfflineFemale
I used to know nothing
Level 89

Level 88
Legend of Mana Fan
Well it looks good to me! Good luck!
Game I'm Working on:
Story: 96%
Maps: 4%
Characters: 70%

Level 89
Did you draw the characters yourself? Sweet!

I haven't played your other game yet, and maybe this one will be the first for me in the LoS series. So is it going to be a parody of various anime too? I noticed minor bits of idea-stuff from Fate/stay night put into the story  ;)
My rpg (in-making) : http://junkart.wikidot.com/

pokeball JAPOfflineFemale
I used to know nothing
Level 89
Resources From
LRPGmaker by Pickle.[/color]
That explains all.

Level 89
Resources From
LRPGmaker by Pickle.[/color]
That explains all.

So it isn't? I noticed that too, but I didn't know what LRPGmaker does, so I was hoping the characters was self-drawn. Still looking sweet anyhow.
Hahaa, I am always impressed and fond of rpg-creators who draw/have their own game-art.  :D
My rpg (in-making) : http://junkart.wikidot.com/

pokeball JAPOfflineFemale
I used to know nothing
Level 89
I think only Memento Vivere... which has a very good art.

A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
Well, the reason why I use Pickle's Artwork is because of Nanoha's Character and Garai's faces and Battlers for the games =/ and instead ended up finding even for everyone. (Thou Limited) I can easily edit those.



Two New Screenshots added, Nouman's Forest Village =D and added the Sinners that Appears in the Game (The Main Ones)

I Hope I can get a Demo up soon.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
is this still going on?  ;D
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
Yeah, this looks neat. Any new progress? Such as a demo? *wink**wink*

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
is this still going on?  ;D

I want to know if you are still using the maps I had made.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
Evil will Perish In a Flash of Crimson...
Very nice project i like the sound of this keep up the good work hun x