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Nemus Lumis UPDATE: demo

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Level 88
wrath of winter
"Tree of Light" in Latin. 

Imagine youself, one of the Four Element Tribes (Ice, Fire, Wind, and Earth), living in peace and harmony in a perfect Circle of mountains.  The land within is naturally divided into four equal sections: Glacies (Ice Mountain Ranges) in the north, Pyra (Magma Plateau) in the east, Ventus (Wind Forest) in the west, and Terra (Earth Caverns) in the south.  In the center of the land is the tallest mountain around, and at its summit is the ancient Nemus Lumis, the Tree of Light that illuminates the entire land, where the tribes gather every year for the annual Vita Secui, Celebration of Life, at which the Tribus Lumis(Tribe of Light; angels) come and celebrate with the tribes.  But outside the protective Circle of mountains lies the Umbrain, Shadow Vale, inhabited by the Atrumnu, the Dark Race, who cannot stand the light of Nemus Lumis and stay where they cannot see it.  Within the Umbrain dwell various outcrops of the Four Tribes, and there are many ancient dwellings long forgotten, with grand temples and shrines to the Triune, the One-in-Three God celebrated by the Four; these cities, however,have been overridden and desecrated by the Atumnu, unknown to many within the Circle.

One year, a group from one of the surviving outcrops comes with news: the Atumnu are beginning to gain strength and cannot be quelled easily.  They also mention a vision of you defeating great evils.  The Elders of the Circle ask you to fulfill the prophecy, and you wander up near Nemus Lumis, contemplating the request.  You see a shadowy object lurking around behind the ceremoniously decorated boulders in the corners of your eyes, and suddenly with a great flash, the light of Nemus Lumis is extinguished, leaving the tree diminished to a smouldering ember-like glow.

Your mission: Slay the land's Master Evils, hunt down the Artifacts of Life in the various Forgotten Cities in Umbrain, and use them to save the Tree of Light and banish the evil flowing into the land now that the light is not there to stop it.

*whew*  That was a mouthful.  Right now I'm in the Graphics stage of the thing, and I'm designing the basic OVERWORLD/UMBRAIN/UNDERWORLD maps.  Which brings up the question:  how can I make facesets?  Do i need a certain program or do I need to be able to draw and scan sketches?

Also if anyone wants to help with stuff, PM me.  Not exactly a team request, just if anyone wants to give advice or input (or if they want to help design stuff too), you can.

EDIT (4/15/07)
--New storyline
I had to include the whole file...I tested it on another forum and the game didn't work.  Sorry.  It's in a zip folder so you'll hafta unzip the whole thing...and the Gamedisk function didn't work either.  Think my computer's gone a bit wiry.

Anyway, there's the demo.  Have fun.  It may be a bit buggy still.  Tell me of any bugs you find.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2007, 11:15:00 PM by iceflame1019 »

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Level 88
Wow, that was a long story. It was good, though. I like the Latin stuff.

And as for facesets... You can use Facemaker... I think you may be able to Google it. Its what I use.

pokeball JAPOfflineFemale
I used to know nothing
Level 89
Nice story!! And Latin rockz.

Btw, I will give you more comments if you have screenshots.
Btw, in what RM is this?

Level 88
wrath of winter
Wow, that was a long story. It was good, though. I like the Latin stuff.

And as for facesets... You can use Facemaker... I think you may be able to Google it. Its what I use.

Thanks.  I used to take Latin...it's always fascinated me for some reason. 
Facemaker, eh?  I'll look into it.  Thanks for the tip.
EDIT: All I get are girly fashion-things, mostly in Flash.  Where'd you get your program?

Nice story!! And Latin rockz.

Btw, I will give you more comments if you have screenshots.
Btw, in what RM is this?

Thanks again.  Latin does rock!  When stuck and you need a good name, turn to Latin.  Usually gives good ideas.
Working on screenshots right now...I'm still designing enemy sprites and the basic overworld map.  i'll have a battle screen up soon...actually i might even be able to post a short battle vid if I still have FRAPS.
BTW, what's RM?

EDIT: added a few screenshots.  Graphics are still in progress.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2007, 01:35:12 AM by iceflame1019 »

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pokeball JAPOfflineFemale
I used to know nothing
Level 89
RM = RPG Maker.

Level 88
wrath of winter
Okay.  Thanks.  The version I'm using is RPG2003.

I have a few questions though...
I'm trying to do cutscenes for the intro of the game, but the character's movement is very choppy, and messages that are supposed to be shown right after the movement appear as soon as the movement sequence starts...and then the movement sequence is cut in half.  Is there a way to smooth the character movements?  I use "Move event".

Also, where can I find a manual to coding?  Like coloring text in messages and such?  I have it set up so that the player can name their characters, but I have no clue how to put the new name into a message box...

yep, I'm a noob.  The cutscene character movements are killing me right now but the other cutscenes are fairly decent.  I'm trying to clean it up so I can post what I have.  I'm at the cutscene described above, the character is around the tree and the tree flashes.  I need to get the character up to the tree, but he keeps stepping forward instead of a clean animation. 

(if it helps, I'm attempting to use the "Part 1" game included in the RPG2003 d-load for these movements...the movements are smooth in that game but not in mine and I'm not seeing the problem...probably right under my nose as usual...)

Once I get this stuff squared away I'll post what I have so far.  If needed I'll post what I have at the moment and let you people see what the problem is.

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Level 88
wrath of winter
okay, disregard the cutscene stuff...think I figured it out...but where do I find the codes needed to do stuff like recolor text in a message box?

Where do I find Facemaker?  if anyone knows it'd be a big help...all I find are girly fashion-related Flash things that won't load half the time and kill me with pop-ups that override the firewall...

Demo should be coming soon...still tying up a few glitchy ends.  I'm predicting either tomorrow or the day after will be when I can get a basic demo online.  That is, assuming no more computer troubles assail me...
« Last Edit: April 13, 2007, 12:21:22 AM by iceflame1019 »

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Level 88
wrath of winter
Well, for anyone that cares, the demo is in the first post.

I'll try to update the screenshots...

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Art Master
Level 90
For a few of your questions:

How to color text: \c[ x ]Message goes here/c[ o ]
The "x" represents the color. If you are toopen the Database and click the "System" tab and go to the bottom left you would see the System Graphic (the color of your windows, etc.)

You will see inside here a list of 20 colors, These colors correspond to the # placed in the messgae. for example:
\c[ 1 ]Message goes here/c[ o ] would change the color of the text within the box to the first color. Placing "2" there would set the text to the second color, etc. The "0" is in the last bracket so that the text will not be colored out side of that. Just place the first part of it there ( \c[ x ] ) if you want the entire thing to be colored. Place the second one (\c[ x ]  /c[ o ] ) if you only want a certain ammount of text colored.

Also, to make it so that the character does not talk or anything untill they are done walking place the "Proceed with movement" event right after the movement event. The Proceed With Movement option can be found just around the "wait" command in the event list.

Do not have this spaced: \c[ x ]
I did it because it makes some odd symbol if it's not spaced.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2007, 05:28:25 PM by Lavata »

Level 88
wrath of winter
tysm for the tips!

This helps a lot!

I kinda figured out the "Proceed with Movement" on my own, but thanks for giving me the specifics.  Clears up a lot of problems.

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Level 88
wrath of winter
okay new question.  I've been testing a lot of "boss battles" for my game...is there any way to make the battles purely "turn" based instead of "character-speed" based?  I ask because the bosses get hammered by the characters and in return only deal a small bit of damage in their single turn.  I kinda want boss battles to be Golden Sun style where both pro- and antagonists plot out their battle moves and then attack each other, "taking turns".  Is this possible or do I have to tone down the characters and the many items I have already set?

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Level 88
wrath of winter
uuuuhhh...is anyone out there?

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Level 88
wrath of winter
this project fell to the side...most of my ideas aren't doable in 2k3 and adapting them is losing their touch...so the project's done for.  I'll be continuing it (when I can) in GM.

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