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Tales Of The Abyss

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Art Master
Level 90
Hello everyone. I was just wondering if anyone out there has this game/ has saw this game and would like to give their opinion on it. I'm getting it for easter and I just want to know what you think of it.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2007, 12:04:36 PM by Lavata »

Ancient Mummy
Level 90
I have the game :D
Haven't played to much though only thing I have played is the begining and 1 advice..
If you think its cruel to toss around furry little creatures..

Level 97
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Yeah, I liked it, even though the main char looks a lot like Zelos from ToS, who is a huge douchebag (totally does not rule, nor is he so cool). Anyway, it was fun.

pokeball JAPOfflineFemale
I used to know nothing
Level 89
Do you mean Luke? He has a very bad personality that annoys you everyday, warn you.
But this game is good for those who love YAOI, LOL, you see... Luke and Guy's relationship is very... Well... And you'll know why I said that when you play the game.
Spoiler for:
Moreover, Guy has Gynophobia.

Anyways... It was a fun game... Too bad the US version only had the instrumental version of the Theme Song (KARMA by Bump of Chicken).

Art Master
Level 90
I see, I see. Interesting...

Thanks for the insight.

Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
Never played ToA, but if it's anything like ToS and ToP, it should be great. The soundtrack was also kick ass, I loved Karma and the instrumental version which played when Luke fought the other red haired dude.

Art Master
Level 90
I finally got it, and I have one thing to say about it: It is amazing so far. I love the battle system. The story is a tad confusing..but I'll figure most it out by the end. I'm glad you don't always have to stay in a straight line in battle, like TOS or TOP.

The voices are also great.

*Goes back to playing it*

Level 89
I loved TotA. And my friend who I lent it too, also liked it a lot. The story is pretty entertaining too; not complex but a fun ride overall.

I stopped midway on my second run through the game, though I forsee I will return to playing it in the near future.  :)

Never played ToA, but if it's anything like ToS and ToP, it should be great. The soundtrack was also kick ass, I loved Karma and the instrumental version which played when Luke fought the other red haired dude.
Yea! Kickass theme song~
My rpg (in-making) : http://junkart.wikidot.com/

Art Master
Level 90
I wish I could figure out how to change the character I run around as on the field, though. For some reason it will not let me change.

Meh. I don't care, really. I just use Luke all the time, anyway =P

Level 89
It's been a while, but I remembered that you need an item to allow the change of on-screen character. It's in cheagle woods or something.
My rpg (in-making) : http://junkart.wikidot.com/

Art Master
Level 90
Ah..that must be the "flag that makes you happy" sor something along those lines. I missed it, though. Couldn't find it. Meh. Not a big deal.

Level 89
Ah..that must be the "flag that makes you happy" sor something along those lines. I missed it, though. Couldn't find it. Meh. Not a big deal.

Yep! That reminds me, I got that cheagle's hint too but still completely missed that item on my first visit. Really wanted to swap my character to e.g. Anise. Thus I returned asap when I could to get that flag.  :tpg:
My rpg (in-making) : http://junkart.wikidot.com/

Art Master
Level 90
I don't use Anise  :tpg:
I use Tear, Guy, Luke and Jade.

 just beat the God-General that uses animals. Almost died there =\

Level 88
Yeah, when I played it I always used Luke, Jade, Tear, and Guy. But when I could, I would use
Spoiler for:
or however you spell his name... Haven't played it in a while...