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blizzard and saucy

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Dupe account made by Blizzard =(
Level 87

saucy cant bear that blizzard just doesnt care. its hard for her to accept that he doesnt want anything to do with her, but its even harder to accept that he doesnt even care
if he was even little bit angry at her he would at least talk to her and if he talked to her she could try to "patch it up" maybe. but blizzard doesnt want to talk. he just tried to ignore her, but he has a hard time with this because she doesnt let him
saucy somehow has to get into a conversation with him. thats what she always tries. as soon as blizzard mentions her or says something to her she has to respond so she can get him talk somehow
maybe she does it under-consciuosly (sp?) or maybe on purpose. shes the only who knows
every time blizzard does something saucy tries to see the reason that he did it because of her. she tries to hide this but not very succesfully. now where she is a mod she can do it even easier. she just says blizzard made a mistake and she had to do it (like deleting a "spam" post). if she was "deleting spam" she should delete the half topic.
another example:
she locked the topic where blizzard asked what did he wrong just to keep him posting. she knows blizzard wont take this just like that and if he posts a new topic this would make saucy think that he cares but everything just gets worse because blizzard posted out of another reason: saucy treats (sp?) him unfair

but here is the real problem:
saucy is too proud to admit that she was being so low to keep on insulting blizzard
i went through older posts and i never found posts so much intense by her. yes i read the topic where they argued (and wasted much time...) but i see blizzards point and i agree. i imagined how i would react and to be honest i would have stopped somewhere at page 2 and would have been even more angry. i guess blizzard was hoping she would stop
even now she is too proud to admit she was insulting him. she never even tried to apologize because she obviously thinks that she is right, but as there is no right or wrong here... she was very offensive to blizzard and blizzard took it personal
blizzard told me that he wouldnt have taken it so personal if he didnt have a chat with saucy to stop being personal. but they did talk about it and they agreed to stop being personal. blizzard stopped (whoever has read it except me, it is that "life has shit on you" part - its a german "saying" (sp?) i should know ;) ) but saucy didnt stop
saucy says that blizzard blocked her on msn but thats not true. she blocked blizzard. he says to me that he cant see her on when we are both on when i say to him that i can see that shes on. he doesnt even care enough to block her :-\ thats sad. they were so good friends (from what i can tell from older posts) well actually he said he never blocks ppl...
im not saying that she didnt attack his religion. but she was insulting him, too because he has a religion and thats why blizzard kept defending: to justify (sp?) his belief
soon he realized its pointless. saucy would just keep insulting so he stopped it

3 years of psychology in gymnasium payed out :)

in the end saucy is the only one who can fix this because blizzard doesnt care. lol, he doesnt have to. i wouldnt care, too. if somebody who i called a friend starts insulting me so much i would say him "fuck off and leave me alone" i might forgive him if he said he was sorry, but thats another story (lol, rhymes)
i am only wondering if its still not too late. in every human there is a border how much he can take before the "point of no return" is reached. :-\

i was first very surprised how he could stay so cold (lol, blizzard!) even if they were good friends, but after i read the topic i understood how he was able to stay so cold...

and sorry for my engrish ;9 i really need to learn good punctation (sp?) and spelling (and i guess good use of time in sentences, too... and good capitalization... (sp?)) ;9

oh one more thing:
saucy starts to overreact because it just doesnt work out how she wanted. shes going extreme now because she has the power. its slowly turning into "if i cant have him, nobody can!" :(

its funny, this would end with just one "im sorry"

omg! i dont have even 10 posts and i made a big post like this! :o
what!? ur not supposed to see this!

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Nex, that was really unecessary. Just leave it, ok? It's nice that you're trying to help (whichever side or whatever...), but just leave it.
I'm just going to leave rmrk and the problem is solved. I don't need a mod in my back, just waiting for me to make a harmless mistake and sue me for it for whatever reason just to justify/satisfy her own ego.


Hey wait! I went through your post again... Did you say you were German?! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY EARLIER?!

Mann, du musst das nicht machen. Lass es einfach sein, halt dich einfach raus. Ich weiss es zu schätzen, dass du nur versuchst mir und ihr zu helfen, aber das bringt nichts. Du solltest lieber dein Leben geniessen und Spass haben auf dem Forum anstatt mit solchen lächerlichen Internet Tragödien und Farsen deine Zeit zu verschwenden. Ich geh einfach und das Problem ist gelöst. Ich hab keine Lust mich mit ihr zu streiten, was aber schwer kommt, weil sie es immer darauf ankommen lässt. =/ Das klügste, was ich tun kann, ist einfach zu gehen. Der klügere gibt nach, nicht? ;)
Ach ja:
in the end saucy is the only one who can fix this
Du hattest unrecht. Das Problem kann auch anders gelöst werden, wie du siehst. ;) Mir liegt viel an rmrk und ich will nicht, dass die Leute hier diesen Scheiss miterleben müssen. Vielleicht kommt sie irgendwann darüber hinweg, dann komm ich vielleicht wieder. Bis jetzt seh ich ja, dass es ihr viel wichtiger ist "stark zu bleiben", ihre "Religion zu verteidigen" und "Recht zu haben" was es auch kosten mag als einen Freund nur um Vergebung zu bitten. Sie hätte mich nicht auf MSN geblockt wenn es anders wäre. Sieht doch ein Blinder.
Ist schon witzig... Sie ist beleidigt, weil sie mich verletzt hat. Man muss echt ein Rad ab haben um sich so zu benehmen. Oder echt schwere Komplexe... Zieh doch jemanden mal eine mit einer Eisenstange über und sei sauer auf ihn, weil es ihm wehtut and weil er blutet. Total bescheuert sag ich dir... Ich wäre der einzige hier, der das Recht hätte einen Aufruh zu machen. Ein Glück, dass es mir scheiss egal ist. Sie quält sich ja bloss selbst und nicht mich. Ja, ich muss manchmal darunter leiden und andere auch, aber das löse ich ja dadurch, dass ich einfach gehe. Sie ist es ECHT NICHT MEHR WERT, so wie sie langsam anfängt ihre "neuen Möglichkeiten" auszunutzen nur um mir auf den Sack zu gehen... Ich hab diesen Scheiss echt nicht nötig.

I would lock this topic now if I still could.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 09:48:29 AM by Blizzard »
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Level 91
Alright, I'm sorry.

Edit: Looks like you deleted that, I was responding to "its funny, this would end with just one "im sorry"

I've done all I can to make this better. But I can't do much more, if you want to leave then fine, but it's from your own accord. I'm not modding you every second, and have only done so once, when you insulted me. If you just simply want to stop talking to me then fine, but you don't.

I've apologised, I've tried talking to you and I've also tried ignoring you. All of these acts where rejected by you in one way or another.

What else can I do?

Dupe account made by Blizzard =(
Level 87
Tut mir Leid, Blizzard. ;9 Ich wollte bloss helfen.
what!? ur not supposed to see this!

Level 91
Tut mir Leid, Blizzard. ;9 Ich wollte bloss helfen.
Blizzard didn't say anything wrong to you, your stepping into an argument where you don't belong, or are fully informed.

I know enough German to understand it written.

I love Firerain
Level 97
You both are mad, short tempered, and pointlessly fighting.
End of topic, /thread
Arlen is hot.

( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
2014 Avast Ye Merry Pirate!2013 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award2012 Avast Ye Merry Pirate AwardFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Avast Ye Merry Pirate2011 Most Unsung Member2010 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award
kiss & make up orgy imo
bringing sexy back

I love Firerain
Level 97
Or do what i said in msn

Arlen is hot.

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
This topic is just plain insulting and I agree with Saucy. There was no reason why this thread should have been created, and I'd like to ask a mod to get rid of it.

When you get some actual Psychology experience, come back and try again, but that's just plain wrong.

I'll get someone who actually has 32 years experience in Social Psychology to take a look.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 12:43:32 PM by Ravenshade »
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Dupe account made by Blizzard =(
Level 87
he just doesnt want to come back!
somebody help me! (except ataraxy and nightwolf who r already)
hey wait, i thought you were bloopy_bloopy ???
what!? ur not supposed to see this!

I love Firerain
Level 97
okay, this whole relegion thing is a big problem on our forums.
Caused a fight with me and blizzard too.

Okay, once take a deep breath, and read this


Different people have different opinions, you can't change opinions, but you can put them down.
Watch the 14th episode of season 6 in scrubs,(<3 silver), It shows what i said, DS you cannot convert Blizzard, because he believes in relegion, let him. You can still have sex cant you.
I mean be friends

And As for Blizzard, you just ran away man, i didn't expect this from you, i seriously thought you, being in crankeye from so long would atleast know what's going to happen. You are crankaholic, you can't leave because of Ds, ignore her if so. Even if she provokes you, Dwarra provoked me to flame back, i didn't, and it all got settled, and look at me now (when im wearing clothes), i spose i'm as good as anyone else, AND BETTER THAN A FEW AHEM AHEM AHEM COUGH COUGH YUO AND BIO AND COUGH COUGH SOME MORE COUGH COUGH. but cmon dont be a pussy, fight off like a man, man.

And as for the rest of you, who made various pointless topics on them, just to make Blizzard and Saucy get more angry, and eventualyl make Blizzard leave, lock/del this topic.
Let them calm down themselves, and if i see one more topic, that pisses off either one of them

Arlen is hot.

Level 88
Topic says: Delete me.

Oh for fuck sake Nexridia you are getting on my nerves - Blizzard leaves tomorrow end of story, add him on MSN - talk to him there. He doesn't have to come back. And you are being rude interfering where as I am not considering to my surprise I was right with knowing what exactly happened. :o Although this has gone on long enough and shall end for chrissakes (please).

By no means did I help you Nexridia - I simply asked Blizz to come back - he said no. That's all I can do that's all I will do.

If you have any logical (unless your's is twisted too, because apparently mine is - which is why you should ignore everything I say =/) thinking you'd lock/delete this topic Saucy.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 12:53:01 PM by ataraxy2 »

I love Firerain
Level 97
Arlen is hot.

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
I don't mind asking him to come back, in fact, I think he should, he's contributed a hell of a lot to the forums, far more than most. The amount of scripts he's put up to help people is incredible.

I agree with Ataraxy2 n_n
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Dupe account made by Blizzard =(
Level 87
u should read their argument topic ravenshade and think about it again.
i was first with saucy too until i read it and understood what really happened
what!? ur not supposed to see this!

Level 88
Nex... Nex... Nex... I am going even more insane than I already am. There is no side to pick. Accept their decisions, let it be and move on. Saucy lock this thread now. Please... There is no need or point of letting it continue.

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
No, she had a good point, on every single argument that she made. It is her role as a scientist to criticize, it was Blizzards role to provide evidence, which he couldn't do on countless occassions.

It's something I have to support her on, because I'd fight the argument in the same manner.

If Blizzard didn't keep going back and altering his posts, he might have had some argument to stand on, but he crumbled, DS has become a lot stronger she doesn't need him, she just wanted her point to be recognized as valid as she was doing with Blizzard. Blizzard refused.

If Blizzard cannot debate properly, then he cannot debate this was not DS's fault. As I say again, your Psychology is wrong and flawed.
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 91
Fine, I'm locking this but only because of the requests by members to do so. I'm speaking with Blizzard on MSN now.