Okay, perhaps you don't really need it but I want to contribute something for RMRK and I want to help.
JAP's STORYLINE TUTORIALPart One: Naming Your GameA Tutorial for Giving TitlesFirst thing first...
What is a TITLE?
According to my Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 7th Edition, Title is:
1. the name of a book, poem, painting, piece of music, etc.
2. a particular book or magazine.
3. a word in front of a person's name to show their rank or profession.
4. a name that describes a job.
5. the position of being the winner of a competition, especially sports competition.
6. the legal right to own something, especially land or property; the document that shows you have this right.
LOL, that's a lot of definitions!
Now, which do you think fits with our subject?
Everyone knows it's number 1. XD
So, let's go straight to our subject.
First Topic: WHY?C'mon, will you make a good game but UNTITLED? That's freakin' foolish, except you really want UNTITLED as your TITLE.
Besides, if people like your game and they want to tell others, they'll be confused. What are they going to say? "Play this UNTITLED game, it's AWESOME." and their friends will be freaked out (in some cases maybe not).
It does bad at advertising too. Who wants to try UNTITLED game? Rare does.
Second Topic: HOW?Think. Imagine. Write.
Yeah, write. Writing can let all your ideas flow out like a stream. It will help a lot.
Make sure it connects with your game, example: my game Dawndusk, is titled Dawndusk because the story centers in the chronicles of Dawndusk.
So, basically, think of your story first before your game, at least characters and settings, or the background (I'll write a tutorial about it too later).
Third Topic: YES-YESA good title should be:
1. short
2. easy to memorize
3. unique
4. connected with the game (don't have to be revealed soon)
Fourth Topic: NO-NOA good title should NOT be:
1. very long (i.e: Adventures and Journeys of A Hero Named Hero)
2. difficult to memorize
3. not connected with the game (i.e: you make a FF game but you name it Zelda)
Fifth Topic: HMM...Titles CAN:
1. have a subtitle
2. be complicated (difficult words that rare people know)
I think that's all for now.
Comments and CRITIQUES are appreciated!!
Hope it helps.