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[XP] The Icon Shop

0 Members and 3 Guests are viewing this topic.

Resource Maker
Level 91
I have had a go as well... (Done these today)

Here what do you think of these:-

Long Sword

Serated Sword

Blood Letting Sword

Chain Sword

Lance Sword

Ice Sword

Fire Sword

Skull Cracking Sword

Leather Whip - I am sure I saw a request for one in here some place ?

Now Doing these:-
need these:
Pocket Knife


Pocket Knife

Hook Sword
« Last Edit: April 26, 2007, 01:38:27 PM by landofshadows »

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pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
lol thouse are sweet! nice job.  :o
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Resource Maker
Level 91
Ta Matey !!

I Hope grafikal007's and CO let me join their Shop...

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Resource Maker
Level 91
Sorry to double post...

Just made some more (So treat double post as BUMP)

Anti Fire Armour

Anti Strom Armour

Bronze Armour

Chain & Plate Armour

Golden Armour

Platinum / Silver Armour

Spiked Armour

All these in ONE DAY !!!

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Resource Maker
Level 91
Just right click em and select save picture as matey !!!

Just done some more...

Storm Shield

Fire Shield

Platinium Shield

Gold Shield

Earth Shield

Bronze Shield

Dragon Shield

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
I had an this rush of sprites!

Golden Sword Glove

Yeah, could I join and help you guys too?

A Random Custom Title
Level 96

I meant that. The link is dead :(
Noone has been downloading for a while. This pinned topic has been inactive for a while. XD I kind of quit icon making because it consumed all my time and grafikal went away. o0 I might come back. Try PMing grafikal007 for an update pack. If not, we're kind of screwed for that.

@Mexneto: Sure, you can join. That's a nice icon, btw.

Resource Maker
Level 91
OK Done some more... Can I join to Please !!!

Storm Helm

Spiked Helm

Platinum / Silver Helm

Horned Helm

Hell / Fire Helm

Golden Helm

Dragon Helm

Dark Helm

Bronze Helm

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
Sure, but for furthur references: ANYONE CAN JOIN. You guys kind of have to work together sometimes and have to do all the work. XD

Resource Maker
Level 91
Wicked I am a shop Artist !!!

I have done some more:-

Bronze Boots

Common Boots / Winkle Pickers / Spiked Shoes

Fire Boots

Golden Boots

Icarus Boots / Winged Boots

Leather Boots

Storm Boots


My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Wow...huh, I'll start making more, and LoS and I can pm each other for making the updtaed files?

Black Shadow:

Hmm...I just made those because I liked you guys for helping me out, but I'll be happy t be full time...?  :wiir:

Resource Maker
Level 91
Sounds cool, and nice new icon... Wicked !!

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
EDIT: I added the ones I had in the attached one, plus I re did the dark one.

Heh, got more where that came from! (SO are we like some of the last spriters of RMRK? We should unite!)

Dark (spear or staff? Could be either, that goes for all)




Electric: (best is second)

Wind (looks bad, the left wing)


Death Pick

Butcher Knife (heh, there's a white out line, it makes it look better on white background, but Ill remove it.)

Rusted Sword

Whip Snake Sword
« Last Edit: May 04, 2007, 04:53:37 AM by Mexneto »

Resource Maker
Level 91
Those Spears are kick arse Mate... Love the whip snake sword !!!

This Topic is alive again !!! Wicked...

I am working on glove sets today, Bows, a few swords etc... (If I get some free time)

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Resource Maker
Level 91
I have made the Gloves:-

Platinum / Silver Boots

Bronze Gloves

Dragon Gloves

Fire Gloves

Golden Gloves

Leather and Chain Mail Glove

Platinium / Silver Gloves

Rusty / Old Gloves

Spiked Gloves

Storm Gloves

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Resource Maker
Level 91
And I have made all of these:-

Dragon Blade

Metal Tongue item

Water Staff

Fire Staff

Earth Staff

Dark Staff

Storm Bow

Spiked Bow

Silver Bow

Mixed Metal Bow

Cupid Bow

Golden Bow

Fire Bow

Bronze Bow


My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Holy crap! You have to teach me how to make gloves, I never tried, but I don't think I'm any good. Same as boots! Those rock!

Anyway, I think in the next few days, we'll have to make an update icon shop folder. I'll be working on a line of daggers and short swords for the time being.

Resource Maker
Level 91
The Gloves, I drew a hand on one layer set it see through, and used it as a template...

The Boots start with the Curve of the toe's to give the 3D look.

I might make some potion's, Mushroom's and herbs...

Mine and your icon's look pretty much the same style... They make a good SET !!!

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Wait, Grafiakl left? So it's just me and LoS????

So, ok, here are a few new ones:

Black Shadow 1.1

Black Shadow 1.1 x2

Holy Whip

Extremely Bad Red Lather Boots (But at least it's a start)

Unknown Bottle (one of my favorite!  :mex: )

Ok, I've been tired all day. That's all for now. Bye, I'll do more tommorrow
« Last Edit: April 28, 2007, 04:18:28 PM by Mexneto »

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
WOOT WOOT! 800th post!

I just made more bottles:

Squid Ink

Anti Venom

Mana Potion

Dragon Tear (one tear)

Unicorn Tears

Phoenix Tears

Red Wine

White Wine

I like the wine, well, I'll make more later, once again tired....  :flash:


Dragon Eye
« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 12:36:12 AM by Mexneto »

Resource Maker
Level 91
Made a couple... Of requests for Chaos Forum... Posted them here too.

Killer Bow

Blood Sword

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Resource Maker
Level 91
Potions and Herbs Done today

Red Potion

Purple Potion

Pink Potion

Green Potion

Blue Potion

Red Mushroom

Green Mushroom

Gold Mushroom

Brown Mushroom

Aqua Mushroom

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
I think the updates are gonna go fast....

Anyway, I have a few done from yesterday, but ImageShack doesn't seem to be working well....

I'll have to post them later.