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The Figure Of Eight? (Need names)

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Level 88
This game has been worked on by me and only me for the past few weeks. Only 5 actual maps have been made... 8 if you include the ones with nothing in them and the cutscene... Heres some info:
Introduction: (Being worked on)
It is the year 2000,
The fiends and monsters from the past are back...
But it is destined that a boy shall save the world.

Alex is a 18 average year old who goes to college.
But today it is his birthday; Wednesday 14th July. But something is wrong...
Heroes: (This is still being added to but I am not showing cos it would make this post huge!!)

Race: Human/English
Class: Blader
Age: 19
Personality: Simple. Battle happy and average other things
Bio: Alex lives alone and is the main character. His grip is astonishing. He lives alone in the town of Marovane; mostly popular for its great college.

Race: Elf/Elf and Human
Class: Wizard
Age: 16
Personality: Easy to anger. Intelligent, weak without magic.
Bio: A adventurer in the town of Elk-Wood. She favours magic and she lives with her mother.

Race: ???/All Human Languages
Class: Quick-Fist
Age: 20
Personality: Evil. He may join your team but he acts like a villain.
Bio: He lives alone in the dark forgotten town of Amotro; the name of which was changed after the death of everyone in the town by rats.

Race: Human/English
Class: Swordsman
Age: 18
Personality: Mannered, nice and whatever a prince should be.
Bio: A prince. Nothing else to say.

Race: Human/Chinese and fractured English
Class: Magi-Fighter
Age: 22
Personality: Nice most of the time, can kill when angry.
Bio: This guy is a favoured warrior in the chinese army due to his birth in the year of the Dragon.

Race: Human/English
Class: Punk (Can't think of anything else)
Age: 17
Personality: Can take a beating, his back is covered in scars. He is a punk.
Bio: A nice boy for his first 7 years. After his mother and father died he was looked after by a elder theif. He taught him to rob and mug and everything until he died.
Credits:('?' means might be removed!)
('??' means I'm working on something with it!)

Fukuyama for Caterpillar
DerVVulfman for 8 Ways
Slipknot for Letter by Letter
Blizzard for Easy Party Switcher
Blizzard for Add On's
Blizzard for Lucius Battler
Snailer for Lucius Sprite Set
lrpgm.com for some Battlers and some Characters
lrpgm.com for the Gameover Screen
The demo/game will be posted in bits. 1st bit will basically just be the intro, school, learning of the basic quest and a mini-boss. The game is divided into parts.

Chapter 0, *NAME*
Part Download - *None yet*

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Yes, Easy Party Switcher is by me, you can remove the ??, lol!
BTW, with 18 going to college is a bit weird. Make him at least 19, that would be more real.
BTW, it sounds intriguing with "on his birthday something is wrong...". ^__^
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pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
screenshots of the maps?  :D
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
This is double posting I know but heres 1 screenshot of the first town!

The house at the top is the wep/item/inn place, the one on the left middle is the main characters house and on the right, the big house is the soon to be college!

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
pretty emty, but I see you had used my Mapping tutorial?

Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
I'm only working on the houses at the mo. Next screenshot should be of the main chars first room and a better version of the town ;)

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
ok, if you are leaving the town with the # of buildings you already have I suggest you move all the buildings up next to each other and cut the map size in HALF. leaving the town as open as it is can be boring and stuff.

If you did use my mapping tut, go back and read it once more. (if you didn't want a link? )It should help you re-make this map really good.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
I guess Ill attempt to remake the town... But itll waste precious time for making items, animations, weapons and armour :(

Level 88
The town has upgraded! WOOT!
The old town is gone! Heres the new version! At 42 by 34!

(Sorry about double posting)

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
You can use the Edit/Modify button. It will bumo your topic as well if the last post is edited.
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Level 88
Ok. Also, if you're wondering about that house at the corner blocked by trees and why the path stops is... Well... You'll need to check it out to find out what its for. (The demo won't be made cos barely anything has been done...

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
better, but can still use work.

red - you already know the problem
clue- looks weird two colors? http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,13553.0.html
pink - Empty.
green: line up street lights, and some more trees

also use more autotiles.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
*Collapses* I forgot about Street Lamps... DAT IS DAM STU-PID!

Red - That actually works. It just overlapped over the house cos I moved it there and I used the 2nd layer to fix the wall but in game it works perfectly.

Blue - Ok, I'll change it

Pink - Ideas anyone?

Green - Sure, shouldn't be too hard.

Level 102
2014 Biggest Narcissist Award2014 Biggest Forum Potato2014 Best Non-RM Creator2013 Best Game Creator (Non-RM)2013 Best IRC ChatterboxParticipant - GIAW 112012 Most Successful Troll2012 Funniest Member2012 Best Use Of Avatar and Signature space2012 Best IRC ChatterboxSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for November 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2010 Most Successful Troll2010 Biggest Forum Couch Potato2010 Best IRC Chatterbox
Remember that mapping isn't a waste of time. I honestly think it's the most important part of a game.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
I aksed you if you used my tut 10 times so if you havent here it is:

use that link

two different colors on the house loosk bad red botton blue top = bad.

also add a path on the side of the clock in teh center to the top path, it will look better with just that small thing.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
I used the tut  >:( If I hadnt would I have the top wall?? Also my previous post has new things.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
pink: another house...jsut a small place off to the right and then a path up to the other house and the new house.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
Heres a spoiler about that house:

Spoiler for:

If you read it, plz do not annoy me :el:. Also, I will add that extra house.

Level 88
Paradoxial failboats are cool.
Your mapping is decent. Your getting better at it, and it's way better than my maps, because i'm stuck with RM2K till I finish my current project. RM2K Only has two layers....  :(
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Level 90
Go away Hakumen...
Eh, I don't find the story very interesting or breakthrough. The main character is Alex? Sorry, just sounds too corny, but still has the potential to grow into something better.
"Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it." - Banksy

Level 88
...I just stole the name of a book :P. But I still need a ton of battlers, char sets and tilesets with full status. Also, if the name is corny, give me a idea...

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
Floyd, Grumio, Reece, Tiger, to name a few.

Level 88
Paradoxial failboats are cool.
Alex is an overused name. Try going with something creative and new.  ;8
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The message above is true.

Level 88
I mean a name for the 3 sets. School Uniform, Adventurer and Ninja (Very rare to get the clothes in my game ;) Hint Hint)