IWD is way to slow for me. I can't get over my Monk, Wizard, and I can't remember the last class. (in nwn)
How can you say that IWD is better the NWN? NWN rocks way more, and the leveling system was also way cooler. My brother beat both IWD but I was never into them. I stayed my ground with nwn. Do you play Guild Wars? I like it because I'm cheap and it's like your on private world where people can't steal monsters or bosses.
Try Diablo II LOD? I have a level 78 Necromancer and beat the whole game, and every difficulty setting. You can't beat me! Diablo (my characters name) rules! He is unstoppable, he has only been killed by hackers, because I always play house. Never BattleNet.
I love Warcraft II, I never played WCI but I wanted to, WCIII sucked so badly! I mean, it as ok, but very easy and not very fun...I to this day can beat WCIII but not WCII.
If you have Unreal Tournament 2k3 I'll play you. But I haven't played in over a year...I think. UT2K3 rules, best is invasion! Oh, and capture the flag, I'm pretty much unbeatable in CTF, I got 5 straight scores for CTF without dying. And this was a pretty hard game, but my team won!
Play any of the above? Although I don't have UT2K3 or Diablo LOD, WCII WCIII NWN or Guildwars on my pc. But I can install something later...
Ouuuh! Do you have Gunz The Duel? I love that game!