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I need help with maps

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Level 87
Okay this is my second topic now erm, i need help on big maps i can put stuff on little maps fine but when i come to do big mpas like 40 by 50 i cant seem to do anything with it like put tents and plants on it because i find doing big maps difficalt can anyone help me or make a suggestion on how to handel big maps (sorry for bad spelling)
Woot currently trying to make a game like Final Fantasy and kingdom hearts

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
not too much space, BUT don't clup everything in one part of the map:


many tuts in there

here are huge maps I have made:

this is 90x60

70 x 30:

Autotiles, use them ALOT
Objects, use obkects but dont clump them like rocks on one side, trees on other put them in a mix.
Paths can help your map look better
mountains: dont make them all one size.

there is a topic on this section that is at the top:
"rules of mapping"
has some good tips.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 87
Woot currently trying to make a game like Final Fantasy and kingdom hearts

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
yep, no problem.  ;)
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun