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Or is he?

15 (21.4%)
6 (8.6%)
18 (25.7%)
Attention Whore
17 (24.3%)
14 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 29

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Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
Spoiler for:
10:01      Started talking with Hurrrrrr on Monday 03/19/2007 10:01:08 AM
   Hurrrrrr   Hey bitch
   Hurrrrrr   Bitch
   Hurrrrrr   Hello bitch?
   Hurrrrrr   You in there, bitch?
   Hurrrrrr   Hey, Biiitch?
   Hurrrrrr   Bitch, you there bitch?
10:02   Hurrrrrr   Too scared to talk, bitch?
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Hurrrrrr   Can't talk to me face to face, bitch?
   Rufias_Doofius   Herpes
   Hurrrrrr   yeah, too bad you have them.
   Hurrrrrr   So, bitch.
   Rufias_Doofius   Genital Warts
   Hurrrrrr   How's everything?
   Rufias_Doofius   Hepatitus C
10:03   Hurrrrrr   Bioooch
10:03   Rufias_Doofius   HIV
   Hurrrrrr   Irockman1 joins the b&
   Hurrrrrr   lol pun
   Hurrrrrr   heh heh
   Hurrrrrr   You're so smart aren't you. Bitch?
      #Crankeye Cannot join channel (+b)
      #Crankeye Cannot join channel (+b)
      #Crankeye Cannot join channel (+b)
10:04   Hurrrrrr   Did those images hur your poor little feelings?
   Rufias_Doofius   AIDS AIDS AIDS
   Hurrrrrr   Are you so sad you had to get me banned from the forums and irc?
   Hurrrrrr   Huh?
   Hurrrrrr   huh, bitch?
   Rufias_Doofius   Jock Itch
10:05   Hurrrrrr   Are you going to cry to Halo that I'm sending you mean and nastey pms?
   Hurrrrrr   Huh, bitch?
   Hurrrrrr   Fuckin red neck?
   Hurrrrrr   Bitch?
   Rufias_Doofius   Menstual Discharge
   Hurrrrrr   You fuckin there?
   Hurrrrrr   Sword?
   Hurrrrrr   You there bitch?
10:06   Hurrrrrr   Huh?
   Hurrrrrr   Huh bitch?
   Hurrrrrr   Looking on wiki for fucked up cock disorders?
   Rufias_Doofius   Cock
   Hurrrrrr   Or are you browsing the catagories at a gay porn site?
10:07   Hurrrrrr   I want to fucking hurt you, man.
   Hurrrrrr   Too bad you fucking live in Texas.
   Rufias_Doofius   Dick
   Rufias_Doofius   Slut
   Rufias_Doofius   Whore
   Rufias_Doofius   Hooker
   Rufias_Doofius   Prostitute
   Rufias_Doofius   Pussy
   Rufias_Doofius   Vagina
   Rufias_Doofius   Anus
   Rufias_Doofius   Bum
   Rufias_Doofius   Naughty Hole
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
10:09   Hurrrrrr   Bitch
   Hurrrrrr   Bitch
   Hurrrrrr   Bitch
   Hurrrrrr   Bitch
   Hurrrrrr   Bitch
   Hurrrrrr   Bitch
   Hurrrrrr   Too bad you fucking live in Texas.
   Hurrrrrr   Too bad you fucking live in Texas.
   Hurrrrrr   Bitch!
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Rufias_Doofius   8===========D
10:10   Hurrrrrr   You are so mature.
   Rufias_Doofius   I am arent I?
   Hurrrrrr   No wonder you have -53 rep.
   Rufias_Doofius   Yes
   Hurrrrrr   I thought people just abused that system.
   Rufias_Doofius   People dont like me do they
10:11   Hurrrrrr   Nope.
   Hurrrrrr   Why?
   Rufias_Doofius   Aids
   Hurrrrrr   because you're a bitch.
   Hurrrrrr   I don't like bitches too well.
10:12   Rufias_Doofius   20$
   Hurrrrrr   45$
10:14   Rufias_Doofius   35$
10:19      Rufias_Doofius sexes Hurrrrrr
10:31   Hurrrrrr   I wish you a good life kid.
10:32   Hurrrrrr   I'm eaither going to be dead or in a bad state.
   Hurrrrrr   either*
   Rufias_Doofius   are you leaving the world?
   Rufias_Doofius   ;_;
   Rufias_Doofius   I NEEEEED YOUUU!!!
   Hurrrrrr   Suicide.
   Rufias_Doofius   why
10:33   Rufias_Doofius   because you were banned for 3 days
   Rufias_Doofius   from an rpgmaker forum
   Hurrrrrr   All of this made me realize life isn't fair.
   Rufias_Doofius   (lol)
   Hurrrrrr   You insult me all the time and nothing ahppens to you.
   Rufias_Doofius   how are you going to suicide
   Hurrrrrr   So life isn't fair.
   Hurrrrrr   Knife to the temple
10:34   Rufias_Doofius   Dont hang yourself, a girl at my school did that and she died slow
   Rufias_Doofius   Knife to the temple?
   Rufias_Doofius   Not enough brain power
   Rufias_Doofius   LOL
   Hurrrrrr   You know. The side part of your head with the nerves.
   Rufias_Doofius   I know
   Rufias_Doofius   See the lame ass joke
10:35   Rufias_Doofius   So
   Rufias_Doofius   What kind of knife?
   Rufias_Doofius   Butter? steak?
   Hurrrrrr   A rather large steak knife
10:36   Rufias_Doofius   that might not go through
   Hurrrrrr   Well, if it doesn't.
   Hurrrrrr   Oh well.
   Hurrrrrr   I have to get it done before my mother comes home.
   Hurrrrrr   Wellp, bye.
10:37   Rufias_Doofius   hey wait
   Rufias_Doofius   Wait till after the chat
   Hurrrrrr   What chat?
   Rufias_Doofius   I dont want the po po at my door
   Rufias_Doofius   Record it on your webcam
   Rufias_Doofius   lol
10:38   Hurrrrrr   I don't own one.
   Hurrrrrr   Anyways. Goodbye
   Rufias_Doofius   Can I have your Wii?
   Hurrrrrr   Nope
   Rufias_Doofius   why not?
10:39   Hurrrrrr   You're part of what helped me realise life isn't fair.
   Rufias_Doofius   Im sending you to heaven
   Rufias_Doofius   So give me a present
10:41   Rufias_Doofius   are you dead yet?
   Hurrrrrr   No.
   Rufias_Doofius   oh
   Hurrrrrr   Djang won't shut up.
   Rufias_Doofius   So kill yourself
10:42   Hurrrrrr   Okay.
   Rufias_Doofius   WAIT
   Rufias_Doofius   Not because I said so right?
   Rufias_Doofius   Because that wouldnt be good for me
10:42      #Crankeye Cannot join channel (+b)
      #Crankeye Cannot join channel (+b)
      #Crankeye Cannot join channel (+b)
      #Crankeye Cannot join channel (+b)
10:43   Rufias_Doofius   Type im dead and try to land on the enter key
   Hurrrrrr   Bye
   Hurrrrrr   Okay?
   Rufias_Doofius   Aim for it
10:44   Rufias_Doofius   Oh jesus he missed
   Rufias_Doofius   WAY TO PULL A TONY ROMO
   Hurrrrrr   I haven't done it yet.
10:45   Hurrrrrr   I'm starting to think of how everyone will feel.
   Rufias_Doofius   no youre not
   Rufias_Doofius   Youre thinking about how jesus will give you cookies
   Hurrrrrr   That kind of attitude makes me want to do it.
   Hurrrrrr   It's over.
   Hurrrrrr   Bye
10:46   Rufias_Doofius   bye
10:50   Rufias_Doofius   seriously
   Rufias_Doofius   dead?


Spoiler for:
Djangonator   <Irockman1> I might just go kill myselfe now.
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> Dude
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> I believe in everyone being treated equaly.
   Rufias_Doofius   LOL
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> And standing up for what's right.
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> if you're going to do it over smething as stupid as this
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> I encourage you to
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> Kay, bye.
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> I'll put you in my suicide note.

Major LOL

I love Firerain
Level 97
Just cause he got banned, he's making a big friggin deal of it. It was his mistake, and we can't help him if he's short tempered. And then again, he's stupid, he thought by acting to kill himself, we'd unban him, but no, in our forums, we declare those idiots as EMO'S.

So he's actually an attention seeking emo, until he's unbanned.

And not to forget short tempered.
Arlen is hot.

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
He will be missed, and by "he" I mean his wii.

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
Djang convo

Spoiler for:
Djangonator   <Irockman1> It's all the same thing.
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> Not making excuses
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> I told you from th beginning
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> because of pix
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> A pic or massive amounts of flameing?
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> Which is worse?
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> Pix
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> Massive amount of flameing.
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> Pix = direct attack on a person
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> You just dislike me, that's all.
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> This is all about hate.
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> I know that if he posted an image of me that insulted me then he would still be there.
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> That's the truth.
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> Nope
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> he would have been banned for being a whiny bitch, too
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> This is 100% unfair, and retarded.
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> This makes no sence what so ever.
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> You're actually the one being an annoying bitch.
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> Ohh well.
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> Ohh well?
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> That's what I said, isn't it?
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> I know I'm a whiny bitch
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> at least I'll admit it
10:58   Djangonator   <Irockman1> I'll admit I'm a bitch when someone treats me unfairly.
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> and most of the other times
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> No, not really.
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> Meh
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> When everyone else is cool, I'm cool.
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> like I said, you were also banned in the forums
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> But if someone's being a bitch I'm a bitch.
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> buts HOTS, I think
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> *by
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> Yep.
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> A light ban.
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> For flameing
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> But you banned me of a stupid picture.
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> k
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> Yeah
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> IRC chat is an extension of RMRK
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> LOL
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> redundancy
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> anyway
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> I could keep your ban on until it's up at the forums
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> No one knows when that will be.
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> Halo said 2 or 3 days.
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> 3 days, I think
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> Nothing since it's going to be raining -.-
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> Then I guess it's time you found a new hobby.
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> :twitch:
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> Tell sword I offer him friendship...err something
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> Is he on the irc?
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> HELLOOOOO?
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> Yes
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> <Irockman1> Tell sword I offer him friendship...err something
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> I did
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> And then tell him I think he's a little bitch for saying "Irockman1 joins the b&
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> lol pun
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> He replied rudely and you'd cry
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> What did he say?
   Djangonator   <Djangonator> you'd cry
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> I would cry?
10:59   Djangonator   <Irockman1> <Rufias_Doofius> Dick
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> <Rufias_Doofius> Slut
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> <Rufias_Doofius> Whore
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> <Rufias_Doofius> Hooker
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> <Rufias_Doofius> Prostitute
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> <Rufias_Doofius> Pussy
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> <Rufias_Doofius> Vagina
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> <Rufias_Doofius> Anus
   Nightwolf   I love you rufias
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> <Rufias_Doofius> Bum
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> <Rufias_Doofius> Naughty Hole
   Nightwolf   and i love you dj.
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> <Rufias_Doofius> Aids
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> <Rufias_Doofius> Aids
   Nightwolf   but i love halo more.
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> <Rufias_Doofius> Aids
   Djangonator   <Irockman1> <Rufias_Doofius> Aids

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female Member^_________________^f*ck u >:(LO !!
This is so immature of us.

I don't feel bad in the slightest, though.
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
Im quite amused

I love Firerain
Level 97
You Shouldn't feel bad dj, its his fault @_@
Arlen is hot.

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
I dont feel bad at all

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
I missed it all. =[ So i feel nothing.  :tpg:
someone pick if I'm sad or IDC.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
He had a bad day :(

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
FAILse Alarm

Hurrrrrr   I am not dead...
« Last Edit: March 20, 2007, 05:40:14 AM by Rufius_Doofius »

Level 91
Lol, he got banned for IRC, or RMRK?

I love Firerain
Level 97
Both, but then Djang unbanned him on IRC, then he was like IM SORRY IM SORRY, and he also said-

Nightwolf, should i make a sorry video, write it in txt or hallmark card.
I WAS like hallmark card

So i spose when he comes back he'll make a big sorry topic with a card @_@

hallmark @_@
Arlen is hot.

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 Funniest Member2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Best Musician2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]Most entertaining member on the IRC2011 Funniest Member2011 Best Musician2010 Most Missed Member
I've never seen anyone be so emo about a little 3 day partial ban.

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
I cut myself when I was banned... those were the worst 5 seconds in my life.  ;9

When the dawn breaks...
Level 88
...tonight will be just another memory.
the sad thing is he joined after me and has over 3x my post count xD

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
I cut myself when I was banned... those were the worst 5 seconds in my life.  ;9

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I love Firerain
Level 97
Yeah so he suffered four seconds after his ban
Arlen is hot.

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
I cut myself when I was banned... those were the worst 5 seconds in my life.  ;9


What do you think, pain like that is not easy to get over.  ;9

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
Hes unbanned as of tommorow

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
I cut myself when I was banned... those were the worst 5 seconds in my life.  ;9
Then I had to cast cure light wounds on you, making me use my last level one spell. Then I was like dammit when I needed to cast magic missle ten minutes later. Then I almost failed a reflex asaving throw, then I landed a critical hit. After that I succeded a bluff check, because I tried to like convince some orc that I wasn't the guy who kille their leader even though I really was. Then my DM gave me like 1000000 Expericnce points and I leveled up, then I decided to get Improved Critical as my feat for that level.

If nyone read all that and understood it, I'll give you a cookie.

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Then I had to cast cure light wounds on you, making me use my last level one spell. Then I was like dammit when I needed to cast magic missle ten minutes later. Then I almost failed a reflex asaving throw, then I landed a critical hit. After that I succeded a bluff check, because I tried to like convince some orc that I wasn't the guy who kille their leader even though I really was. Then my DM gave me like 1000000 Expericnce points and I leveled up, then I decided to get Improved Critical as my feat for that level.

If nyone read all that and understood it, I'll give you a cookie.

I don't play D&D, but I got that. :)
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Visit our website.
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I love Firerain
Level 97
Delete this topic, if he replies to this, especially angrily then forum fight
Arlen is hot.