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How can you honestly not believe in what the bible says?

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Level 102
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Most of you here aren't religious and don't believe in what the Holy Bible says. If you would actually read the bible you would know about all of the fulfilled prophecies.

10 being fulfilled today
10 fulfilled recently
10 fulfilled in 1948
10 fulfilled in 1900s
10 fulfilled before 1900
10 fulfilled by Jesus
10 more fulfilled by Jesus
10 fulfilled long ago
10 more fulfilled long ago

That's allot of events the bible has accurately predicted thousands of years ago. So is this not proof enough to believe in God and Jesus Christ? Are you willing to go with the scientific answer to life? Are you going to take a  chance and not believe in a religion which it's accurately predicted all of these fulfilled prosthesis? How do you explain it? If you still don't believe you should start fearing the end.


pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
I believe in god, I believe Jesus was a prophet of god just I'm muslim so I have different views on stuff.
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I was targeting toward atheists mainly.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2007, 10:31:53 PM by Irockman1 »

Level 89
What will that crazy ape do next?
and alot of what Nostradamus predicted came true as well.  the trick is to keep ur predictions vague and u cant be wrong. 

i was brought up religious but it was when i started to read the bible that i decided i would rather believe in   god not existing than a god that is as much of a dick as the Christian god.  I looked into a few other religions, but as i got older and started looking at religion logically i realized theres no way in hell a god could exist, it makes no sense.
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"But then I realized, why stop things from exploding, when in fact it is in exploding that things reach their perfect form. Of course, they only reach it for a few glorious seconds, but during that short time there is no object in the universe more beautiful." -Kite Rockswell, the Mad-Mad Bomber, from The Final War, my very own novel project.  PM me if you would like to read.

"Oh, sure, blaim the wizards..."

Level 102
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and alot of what Nostradamus predicted came true as well.  the trick is to keep ur predictions vague and u cant be wrong. 

i was brought up religious but it was when i started to read the bible that i decided i would rather believe in   god not existing than a god that is as much of a dick as the Christian god.  I looked into a few other religions, but as i got older and started looking at religion logically i realized theres no way in hell a god could exist, it makes no sense.
Does anything really make sense? Explain how anything was formed in the first place. Explain where time and space comes from. There are some thing that don't have a Scientific explanation.

Level 94
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The Hopi Indian prophecies for the end of the old world have come true, and things are pretty much the same as they were before.

Level 89
Does anything really make sense? Explain how anything was formed in the first place. Explain where time and space comes from. There are some thing that don't have a Scientific explanation.

"I don't understand it. God must have made it." I love the logic, it's simple

I think religious people like yourself are weak-minded cowards, if you want an honest opinion. You can't accept the world as it is, so you need to make up a God to hide behind

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
To be honest i believe in higher power and life after death i just don't believe in the Cristian views or others as most don't respect others views. Also i agree with darkelementwars if i said im 2 years theres gonna be a big explosion, in two years there might be but  that does not mean im a prophet

Level 102
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Does anything really make sense? Explain how anything was formed in the first place. Explain where time and space comes from. There are some thing that don't have a Scientific explanation.

"I don't understand it. God must have made it." I love the logic, it's simple

I think religious people like yourself are weak-minded cowards, if you want an honest opinion. You can't accept the world as it is, so you need to make up a God to hide behind
How does believing differently than you make me a coward? You can't except the fact that Christianity has allot more facts to back it up than the theory of evolution. And how do you go across calling billions of people "weak-minded cowards"?
Until evolution becomes a scientific law after passing the scientific method I am not going to believe in it. You can post here all you want but I advise you don't attempt to insult anyone. That's not why I made this thread. And also I don't "Hide behind God" I worship him for he created everything and cares for everyone.

Or I could just beleive we came up from some shit on the ground.

Level 89
What will that crazy ape do next?
i dont think its fair to call religious people cowards, i honestly respect religious people.  i'm just not one of them.  he won't an explanation of how we aethists can honestly not believe in the bible, and i gave a reason.
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"But then I realized, why stop things from exploding, when in fact it is in exploding that things reach their perfect form. Of course, they only reach it for a few glorious seconds, but during that short time there is no object in the universe more beautiful." -Kite Rockswell, the Mad-Mad Bomber, from The Final War, my very own novel project.  PM me if you would like to read.

"Oh, sure, blaim the wizards..."

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
If used correctly, religion would be a valuable tool. Unfortunately, there are people in the world that feel they have been created on some sort of higher plane than everyone else, and make people suffer for their beliefs. I'm not a religious person, but I like to think I am spiritual, and I also don't ignore hard evidence when I see it. If someone believes in the bible, fine. I don't push my theology and beliefs on others, and I expect them to reciprocate. I am, however, always interested in people's stories about religion and beliefs, because many of them hold valuable lessons. It is no coincidence that many religions have similar moral codes and parables. After all, it always comes back to human nature.

Level 89
How does believing differently than you make me a coward? You can't except the fact that Christianity has allot more facts to back it up than the theory of evolution. And how do you go across calling billions of people "weak-minded cowards"?
Until evolution becomes a scientific law after passing the scientific method I am not going to believe in it. You can post here all you want but I advise you don't attempt to insult anyone. That's not why I made this thread. And also I don't "Hide behind God" I worship him for he created everything and cares for everyone.

Or I could just beleive we came up from some shit on the ground.
I never said believing differently than me made you a coward, I said being religious did, don't try to misquote me. Religion doesn't have any facts about it, that's why you "believe" in God, it's a belief. And try reading a newspaper sometime, your God very apparently doesn't care for everyone, or, in fact, much of anyone.

Indeed, you can believe we "came up from shit on the ground." Does it change what you are today? I'm sorry that your ancestors embarrass you.

Level 102
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How does believing differently than you make me a coward? You can't except the fact that Christianity has allot more facts to back it up than the theory of evolution. And how do you go across calling billions of people "weak-minded cowards"?
Until evolution becomes a scientific law after passing the scientific method I am not going to believe in it. You can post here all you want but I advise you don't attempt to insult anyone. That's not why I made this thread. And also I don't "Hide behind God" I worship him for he created everything and cares for everyone.

Or I could just beleive we came up from some shit on the ground.
I never said believing differently than me made you a coward, I said being religious did, don't try to misquote me. Religion doesn't have any facts about it, that's why you "believe" in God, it's a belief. And try reading a newspaper sometime, your God very apparently doesn't care for everyone, or, in fact, much of anyone.

Indeed, you can believe we "came up from shit on the ground." Does it change what you are today? I'm sorry that your ancestors embarrass you.
So believing in a creator makes me a coward? What do I have to fear? What am I hiding from? If you answer "the truth," I'm not afraid of something I don't believe in.

EDIT: And also the facts behind it are the hundreds of events the bible has predicted. Most are 100% accurate.
And it says in the bible that everything happens for a reason.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2007, 11:27:31 PM by Irockman1 »

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
I agree with Irockman1 and I'm acually surprised at the way he's dealt with all the critisism that's being thrown at him. He's not flaming thw way he would've in the past. ::) I'm actually beginning to respect him now.

But the way some of the other people in here are acting, calling other people names for believing something different then they do, isn't that going a bit too far? o.O

Level 89
So believing in a creator makes me a coward? What do I have to fear? What am I hiding from? If you answer "the truth," I'm not afraid of something I don't believe in.
Whenever something bad happens, there's always a Christian on hand to say "It's God's will".

You don't believe in "the truth"? I got this definition from dictionary.com: "truth [trooth]: a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle". So your big selling point is "I don't believe in what's real?" Well, if you believe in God, it's not exactly a great mental feat to put those two thoughts together

Level 89
What will that crazy ape do next?
wow i've already lost 3 rep just stating my opinion here...lesson learned, never state ur opinion...

this topic seems to be getting very off topic, the topic being he wanted reasons why you wouldn't believe in the bible, not another debate on religion.  i already gave my reasons...
My Project: Dark Empire
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"But then I realized, why stop things from exploding, when in fact it is in exploding that things reach their perfect form. Of course, they only reach it for a few glorious seconds, but during that short time there is no object in the universe more beautiful." -Kite Rockswell, the Mad-Mad Bomber, from The Final War, my very own novel project.  PM me if you would like to read.

"Oh, sure, blaim the wizards..."

Level 102
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So believing in a creator makes me a coward? What do I have to fear? What am I hiding from? If you answer "the truth," I'm not afraid of something I don't believe in.
Whenever something bad happens, there's always a Christian on hand to say "It's God's will".

You don't believe in "the truth"? I got this definition from dictionary.com: "truth [trooth]: a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle". So your big selling point is "I don't believe in what's real?" Well, if you believe in God, it's not exactly a great mental feat to put those two thoughts together
Because everything is God's will. Everything that happens is God's will. If my mother died today it's still God's will, but the fact that it is doesn't make me feel any better. So you have no point.

And if you were to say "the truth" you would probably be referring to your belief which is the atheist view of the world.

wow i've already lost 3 rep just stating my opinion here...lesson learned, never state ur opinion...

this topic seems to be getting very off topic, the topic being he wanted reasons why you wouldn't believe in the bible, not another debate on religion.  i already gave my reasons...
Sorry you've lost rep in here. O_o
I'll +rep you because you just stated your point and didn't call anyone names.

Level 89
Ah, I have to admit, I did kinda run away with the religion debate instead of the bible, that's my bad.

Okay, to the bible: Regardless if God is real or not, the Bible was written by humans. It's not even that hard to find older copies of the bible that lack the stories modern ones do, and you can find ones with the more-or-less "foot notes" of stories that were added. It runs contrary to the bible being "God's word"

Level 102
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Ah, I have to admit, I did kinda run away with the religion debate instead of the bible, that's my bad.

Okay, to the bible: Regardless if God is real or not, the Bible was written by humans. It's not even that hard to find older copies of the bible that lack the stories modern ones do, and you can find ones with the more-or-less "foot notes" of stories that were added. It runs contrary to the bible being "God's word"
Because they had received the information to write the bible from God through visions.

Level 89
Because they had received the information to write the bible from God through visions.
But you're not taking God's word for that, you're taking the word of whoever wrote it. Are you to say that priests don't lie?

By the way, I'm leaving now, so if you'd be so kind as to just argue with yourself for awhile, it'd be much appreciated

Level 102
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Because they had received the information to write the bible from God through visions.
But you're not taking God's word for that, you're taking the word of whoever wrote it. Are you to say that priests don't lie?

By the way, I'm leaving now, so if you'd be so kind as to just argue with yourself for awhile, it'd be much appreciated
But the chances of them accurately predicting hundreds of prophecies which are more accurate than any other religion are very very slim. Not even people who are completely more intelligent than them, with the facts we know today could predict events like that.
And, this isn't an argument. This is a debate.

Level 89
What will that crazy ape do next?
Ah, I have to admit, I did kinda run away with the religion debate instead of the bible, that's my bad.

Okay, to the bible: Regardless if God is real or not, the Bible was written by humans. It's not even that hard to find older copies of the bible that lack the stories modern ones do, and you can find ones with the more-or-less "foot notes" of stories that were added. It runs contrary to the bible being "God's word"
Because they had received the information to write the bible from God through visions.

and whats to stop me from just writing the first thing that comes to my mind and claiming i wrote it through visions.  ur taking alot just on the words of these "prophets"

and the bible used today isnt even the original.  this is a bible rewritten under the orders of king james (hence the king james version) and incorporated some of his biased views on things like homosexuality.
My Project: Dark Empire
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Process: Getting back to work.

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"But then I realized, why stop things from exploding, when in fact it is in exploding that things reach their perfect form. Of course, they only reach it for a few glorious seconds, but during that short time there is no object in the universe more beautiful." -Kite Rockswell, the Mad-Mad Bomber, from The Final War, my very own novel project.  PM me if you would like to read.

"Oh, sure, blaim the wizards..."

Level 102
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Ah, I have to admit, I did kinda run away with the religion debate instead of the bible, that's my bad.

Okay, to the bible: Regardless if God is real or not, the Bible was written by humans. It's not even that hard to find older copies of the bible that lack the stories modern ones do, and you can find ones with the more-or-less "foot notes" of stories that were added. It runs contrary to the bible being "God's word"
Because they had received the information to write the bible from God through visions.

and whats to stop me from just writing the first thing that comes to my mind and claiming i wrote it through visions.  ur taking alot just on the words of these "prophets"

and the bible used today isnt even the original.  this is a bible rewritten under the orders of king james (hence the king james version) and incorporated some of his biased views on things like homosexuality.
Yet the prophecies have never been edited or changed.

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
and the bible used today isnt even the original.  this is a bible rewritten

Then go learn greek and hebrew so you can read the original. :hurr:

Level 89
What will that crazy ape do next?
Ah, I have to admit, I did kinda run away with the religion debate instead of the bible, that's my bad.

Okay, to the bible: Regardless if God is real or not, the Bible was written by humans. It's not even that hard to find older copies of the bible that lack the stories modern ones do, and you can find ones with the more-or-less "foot notes" of stories that were added. It runs contrary to the bible being "God's word"
Because they had received the information to write the bible from God through visions.

and whats to stop me from just writing the first thing that comes to my mind and claiming i wrote it through visions.  ur taking alot just on the words of these "prophets"

and the bible used today isnt even the original.  this is a bible rewritten under the orders of king james (hence the king james version) and incorporated some of his biased views on things like homosexuality.
Yet the prophecies have never been edited or changed.

unless u can read hebrew, can find and have read the original bible u cant say that with certainty.  even the bible king james rewrote wasn't the original.  its nearly impossible to tell for sure if the prophecies were changed.
My Project: Dark Empire
Official Site: http://darkempirerpg.tripod.com
Process: Getting back to work.

Always looking for sprites, if your interested, PM.

"But then I realized, why stop things from exploding, when in fact it is in exploding that things reach their perfect form. Of course, they only reach it for a few glorious seconds, but during that short time there is no object in the universe more beautiful." -Kite Rockswell, the Mad-Mad Bomber, from The Final War, my very own novel project.  PM me if you would like to read.

"Oh, sure, blaim the wizards..."