Hello Folks, as you may know, i've stopped rm kinda, but i can try HALPING you people.
Well, i'm not much of a good mapper, but i can say my maps are 7/10, not like Blizzard or Dwarra, who are absolutely wonderful in their mapping.
Okay, lets start.
Setting Your Map-Well yes, this includes the lenght, width, type, monsters included , etc.
Well, i'm doing the smallest map, with no monsters, so set it up like ziz-
1. You can give your map a name, to make things easier.
2.The tileset used, such as interior, exterior, dungeon, castle ETC.
3.Dimensions-Lenght, Breadth
4. Monster groups which will attack you while you walk in the map. So obviously none, as you are in your house. Exept that monster who lives under ur bed lol.
These are the 4 basic stuff.
Fencing-Many people think, that in rm2k3, there is no fencing, and the maps turn out, you can say, bad. But there are, infact, there are many fences, they are depended on the type of the house.I am depicting a normal house, in which its peaceful, not to rich, not to poor. So the fencing will be somewhat like this(i know its not such a good coloured fence ;-;)-
If you see, i have closed the fence i used under a red box, well, in the line of fences, there are many. You can see a white one, just next to it, and then some others.
So there's your fence.
Arr matey ur fences electric arr.
Flooring-Everyone doesnt have the power to walk on nothing, thats why a guy wasted his time inventing cemented floors. Well we do it easily by clicking buttons.
There are various kinds of floors, and the one i am using, does not actually MATCH the fence, looks weird, but this is just explanatory.
The red box is depecting the types of flooring, i have used the bottom left of the four.
VOLLEY-Volley, is the tennis term for hitting the ball straight back in speed, when ur jumpin' in the air lol.
Well, what i am concentrating on, is more likely to be said WALLY, as now, we concentrate on WALLZ.
Okay, there are three kinds of walls, again i have not used the proper one, just a basic one.
The black box indicates the left sided wall, placd only at the left, the maroon box indicated the main wall, from the farthest left to the right, and the one selected in the rm2k3 green box depicts the rightest one.
So if r is right m is mid and l is left it should be like
so it looks gooooood.
Placing things and finishin' ur mapzzzWith great makers , cumz great responsibility.
Think of yourself as a furnisher guy, and then place items here and there, so the room does not look empty, leave a space in the fencing so that it looks like a dooor.
I have added a side fence, yaay, the side fence also needs to have a wall, or else it looks pretty stupid, i added some cupboards, a bed, a piano, windows, some paintings, a dressin table, and ofcourse the idiot box of the world, the television.
Looks more like an alien radar lol. And that white thing is supposed to be a sofa.
Well, you can place your things more accurately, but you got the main point.
Thank your for reading.
Now get lost.