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somehelp would be nice....

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Level 88
is there anyway to open the game data for Knight Blade? It's the sample game.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
I don't really know what Knight Blade is... But, I can probably help with this. If you don't use RPG Maker XP, then just ignore the rest of this. If you do, read the next part. If there is a weird thing called an "Encoded Archive" then don't try because I don't think you can open it up. If there's the game folder and music/etc. and the game can't be opened up, then just make a new project and move all the folders into that new project.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
yea, probally encrypted so I guess not...
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
make a new project close that project

copy the "graphic" "aduio" "data" files from the game you want to open INTO the project that you just made

open up the new project and vala...this is a form of "hacking" though its really just fooling the security... you can thank me later -_-
New project. The other dimention DND
RPG makers challenge http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,13503.0.html