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Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
Okay first of all, I'm using RPG MAKER XP, second of all, I need an eventing tutorial.

Nothing precise, but i just wanna know how switches, conditional branches, local switches, all that spazz work, and give me an example of one. Thanks.

Level 87
Well, The most basic way of using a switch to me, is a conversation or a treasure box. I'll show a treasure box in this example.
First of all, I'll explain the switch. A Switch will basically activate or deactivate an event. In this case I'll be using a local switch. Local switches are just switches that can only be used in one event, Such as opening a treasure box.

In this first image, I have a basic message and graphic for an unopened treasure chest. For this example, The switch will be used so that the treasure chest can be opened once. I'm sure you know how to change money and create messages, so I'll move on. Activate the local switch operation, Shown below, and set it to A. You may use A,B,C or D if you plan on making an event that changes often.(Circled in red is the local switch operation)

Now create a new page on the current event. Change the image to an open box and add the message that comes when you've already taken the contents of the box. At the top left corner will be a group of precondtions. Activate the local switch condition to A. This means that when Switch A is activated, This page will show instead of the previous one.

That should be all you need to know for a basic switch.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
Ahh thank you very much for that basic switch tutorial. I think i get the hang of variables, and constants, they represent values, variable, i think are used as like a counter, for when you need to collect stuff, Well thanks!