Making a Castle Town.LETS START!
Start a new map:
42x34 , Use "Castle Town" defult tileset.
Step 1: Paint out the grass tile on first layer.
Step 2: Make the outline of the top wall. this wall can be used as an entry wall or an exit wall LAYER 1
Step 3:Now, Lay the top of walls using the auto tile shown, and make the sides, bottom of the town using closed into the walls. Remember to leave an opening at the bottom which can be used as an entry/exit to the town LAYER 1
Step 4:
STOP HERE IF YOU DON' KNOW HOW TO MAKE A HOUSE USING THE TILESET.Go here first:,13553.0.htmlIf you know how, or just learned continue to make the towns houses. This town will have some places major towns should have:
-Houses (Green)
-Shops (Red)
-INN (Purple)
- Important place, such as a Mayor's house. (Yellow)
Step 5: Now go and make the path way of the town. LAYER 1
Step 6: Using different tiles, add life to the town (Windows, objects). LAYER 2, Street lights LAYER 3
Step 7: Go and add grass shadow to well, the grass. LAYER 1
Step 8: Now as you did in step 6 add MORE stuff to the town as a final touch to it. (plants and such)
And now, your done. =D
Using events add doors, people, animals to make this map look realistic!
Hope you enjoyed this tut. Please leave feedback in this topic.