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Screenshot Thread

Started by :), March 09, 2007, 03:49:58 AM

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It looks very nice! I do recall XP cliff tiles having some issues with priorities when you used them with trees, looks like there isn't a problem here though!


Quote from: Dizturb3d on January 23, 2013, 09:35:40 AM
That looks truly amazing! It's really noticable that you have spent a great deal of time working on the details on that map! Like I have said before, people on RMRK will never stop to amaze me when it comes to mapping.. I have a long road ahead before I can make something like this  ;D

By the way, is this a project you are working on? Seems really interesting, so I hope you are!
As for any lag issues, there should be some animation anti-lag, and event anti-lag scripts out there. I'm using the once made by moghunter, and they work very well.

Thank you!

It actually didnt take that much time!

When I screw around doing mapping, I spend a lot of time doing visual and playability experiments.  So when I do tileset editing, 95% of any photoshop work is done at that time, not when Im building a full map.  When I finally do decide to make a game worthy map, it goes very very quickly as I've already got it in my head what I want and know how to accomplish it quickly.  Things like just using layer 2 for the cliff tops for example are things that come from experience.  But doing other stuff like allowing the player to walk under the cliff top requires using a Z index adjusted event tile for the cliff edge.  Then to decorate the cliff edge needs yet another event, so thats where the obscene event count comes from. 

You might notice that the tileset for that map isnt standard.  Its a merger of like every outdoor tileset there is, and with edits, its over 15,000 pixels tall!  The tileset itself should be relatively easy to find.  The pain in the pooper is setting it all up in the database, passability, priority, 4 way directions, etc.  But once you've got yourself a good pallette, and just use it enough to know where certain tiles are at, mapping goes very very quickly.  Really, it would be like finding out that the Mona Lisa was painted in a few days, but developing the style is what took the longest, followed by collection of materials.  I'm sure that skills like that took years to develop.

I think our job is easier.  Most of the artwork is already done.  We just need to organize the stuff in a way that looks visually interesting.  Our hard part has always been and will always be learning how to use the current tilesets, and setting up custom tilesets in the database.


Project:  I'm mulling it over in my head whether or not I want to do it or not.  If I do, I'm going balls to the wall and intend on doing it right.  Minimum of 20 hours of gameplay, and I'll be aiming for nothing short of EPIC.  However, I'd intend to do it solo.  Most of the scripts I've written have demos attached.  But a lot of those demos use stuff that I'll most likely be using in the game, scripts obviously, but some of the major maps as well.  If I decide to turn it into a game, you'll probably have seen some of the material already.  Like Lightgeist Mountain.  Just google it if you're interested...
Heretic's Vehicles XP (Boat and Magic Carpet)

Heretic's Collection XP Ver 2.3 - Updated to include Dynamic Lighting, Moving Platforms, Vehicles, and much much more!


Don't despair Dizturb3d. The road is long, but you can get to mapping like that in no time, I'm sure.

Good job Heretic, paying attention to details pays off. Especially cliffwork, it adds dimension. I don't know if you saw my screenshots a couple pages before yours, but our styles are somewhat similar.

As for Millenin and Ryosis, yeah, it's a night map. Thanks for the observation, yes, it happens to be blue. ;)

Here is my first time doing some custom shading for a map, some of the tilework is bizarre, but it is meant to be a kind of ramshackle shop entrance.

Wait till I finish the rest. :D

How does it look?


Its way too open, try to condense some stuff Mostly the main floor that seems a little too open.

The shading looks very nice however, nice and bright :D


Way too open? I respectfully disagree. In fact, there's not a whole lot of room to walk at all.

Edit" of course I'm running a relatively brisk move speed.

Thanks for the comment about the shading.

Edit, again: Here's the map that seemed unbearably blue before. Now greenish. Uses a dynamic lighting script, as well as shadow script, and custom shading. This is just a snapshot of the entire map. There is a panorama that is maybe difficult to see, as such, we are up in the sky here.


It's getting there, but for my tastes it's still just too blue. :P Usually, I set the screen tone to -85/-85/-68/102; nice and dark, with the slightest tinge of blue and desaturated.

Maybe try using those values? I'm not telling you or anything, but I'm curious to see how that would look.

Blueness aside, I like your map, but the lighting is a little overbearing, and some of the tiles have this strange, off-colored box around them, particularly in the top left corner and to a lesser extent in the middle, on the lower land bridge.

On the subject of bridges, the rope bridge looks a little wonky to me since it connects so far up. Might I suggest shortening it and having it connect to the of the cliffs?

EDIT: Completely missed your indoor map. Sorry about that. :P

I really like that one. Shading has always been one of my weak points. I do agree with Forte, though. The main floor seems a little empty. Maybe throw a rug down there? It's just something to fill the void.
Eddard Stark art by Teiiku


@Ryosis, is this the post you're referring to?

I think this looks totally awesome!  And yeah, it seems that we do have very similar styles.

I saw some other screenshots you posted after this one thats quoted, and think this is where our styles vary just slightly.  The cliff stacking is definitely there, but I think the edges around that rather large map (with panorama) need to look a bit less "safe".  Like they need insets of cracks instead of just defining the outer edges.  Bottm left cliff corner of the last grassy stacked cliff I put up.  I think it just makes the terrain feel a bit more eroded.  Just a suggestion...

Quote from: Ryosis on December 12, 2012, 02:52:50 AM
Did a little experimenting with the cliffs on the map I posted earlier. I think the new cliffs are an improvement, but I wanted to get some opinions from y'all.


So, what do you guys think? Stick with the old cliffs, or go with the new cliffs?
Heretic's Vehicles XP (Boat and Magic Carpet)

Heretic's Collection XP Ver 2.3 - Updated to include Dynamic Lighting, Moving Platforms, Vehicles, and much much more!


Not sure which one you are pointing to. They are all quite big...
do you mean the ones that aren't quite detailed yet?

Your cliff does have a 'sheer' feeling to it. That's something I'll experiment with. Also I like yours. Once again compliments to your attention to detail, textures, etc.

My only opinion is that the highest dead tree could be better placed. The way the branches cover the cliff to the right looks flat and incorrect.

Otherwise cool.   :blizj:

@ryosis A rug is a pretty good idea. Should help balance the details. Otherwise,I like giving the player some breathing room. I'm running a pixel script at 4.7, so that's a pretty decent speed.

Yup, there's some map glitches, but I suppose the lighting is a matter of taste.


@Razma, I think the lighting in your nighttime map is a little too cloudy. You might want to make the lit areas a bit clearer, like this:

Giving a bit of an orange tint to it might not be a bad idea either.


Why not fill up that empty space with a cutscene? It doesn't have to be a story one, it can be for a sidequest.


Well it is a bit foggy and rainy. ;) Nevertheless, three people can't be wrong. I'll try to make it more visible.

As for the maps in general. It's more for practice, fun, concept art. I'm working on some original tilesets, that I hope to use instead. It's absurdly time consuming. But worth it I think.

Edit: Wiimeiser, that is why I won't do a cutscene there. It would look nice with some people floating around though, wouldn't it? :)

Here is another experiment with lighting, shading, and primarily..just textures.


I like that. It has something of a whimsical feel.
Eddard Stark art by Teiiku


Testing out some overhead ceiling effects. If I did use them, it would be sparingly, not in every map. Maybe even just this one. Anyway I need some opinions, which looks better:

Small beams

Large beams

No beams

modern algebra

No beams > small beams > large beams in my opinion.


I agree with Modern, the beams get in the way


Yeah, the beams aren't really necessary.
Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb!!


They might work as shadows? Or perhaps a bit more dim. I like them, except that there is too many and they stand out.

However! This guy pulls it off really well:

They don't stand out as much, and really fit with the lighting of the map. They also look better in actual play then just a screenshot.


I'd say leave the beams out. They create too much visual noise.

Those maps are incredible though, Razma. Whoever made them has some real talent. I have a new standard to beat now at least.
Eddard Stark art by Teiiku


Quote from: Razma on January 28, 2013, 01:24:49 AM
They might work as shadows? Or perhaps a bit more dim. I like them, except that there is too many and they stand out.

I'd say they work for a basement or something, but not for regular houses.
Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb!!


Yeah Ryosis, find a link to his deviant art from that video. The guy is an incredible pixel artist too. This doesn't even compare to some of his newest work. Here I'll just link it for you... Here's one tileset he did. You can also download the tileset you see in these images and video, from his deviantart gallery. :D

Agreed, Millenin. However, I think in the video they work quite well. Mostly because there is a lot else going on color wise, and they don't stick out like a sore thumb. Still, preferably they would be still even less noticeable. Maybe like tiny little diagonal beams to top off a corner in the room somewhere...

EDIT: I got the mapper mixed up with someone else. Here's the guy I meant:


Some of that stuff is pretty damn intresting, Gives us something to aspire to :D

Tuomo L


I hope the next line is "That's an Alien Anal Probe?  It'll never fit!"
Heretic's Vehicles XP (Boat and Magic Carpet)

Heretic's Collection XP Ver 2.3 - Updated to include Dynamic Lighting, Moving Platforms, Vehicles, and much much more!

Tuomo L

Quote from: Heretic86 on February 01, 2013, 05:21:55 AM
I hope the next line is "That's an Alien Anal Probe?  It'll never fit!"

That's not alien, it's actually manmade rocket.  :blizj:


Quote from: Drbigt on February 01, 2013, 02:26:03 PM
Quote from: Heretic86 on February 01, 2013, 05:21:55 AM
I hope the next line is "That's an Alien Anal Probe?  It'll never fit!"

That's not alien, it's actually manmade rocket.  :blizj:

Still won't fit.  :-[
Actually that guys facial expression just got about 20x funnier.