Thanks! Hmm, well, I didn't use any specific layers: just a lot (and I mean a LOT) of seperate trees and bushes.
I've created a very basic map in VX: just the mountains, the water, the grass and the house, and then I went to Photoshop. Once there, I first burned the grass on a couple of places and I put a stone texture under the grass, after which I masked some of the grass so that the stone became visible as a path. The same for the sand.
And then it's just a matter of pasting a LOT of trees everywhere, bushes beneath and above them, putting 10 minutes in each piece of grass and just make the picture complete.
I just had to merge some of the layers after a while, because PS began to lag.
But thanks! It's for an intro of a little game for a game contest, by the way.